Willow Wood Community Primary School
At Willow Wood Community Primary School, we have an aspirational culture, where high
expectations and self-motivation enable every individual to attain persona success, manage their
health and well-being and take pride in their achievements.
We want our children to discover that learning is challenging, memorable, relevant and experiential.
We will support them to develop a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty and mystery of the world
and embrace opportunities to steer the direction of their own learning.
We want an exciting, skills-based curriculum which demonstrates the importance of enquiry, critical
thinking and innovation, which equips our children for the future as resourceful, resilient, confident
and responsible citizens in an every changing world.
Children are supported to develop their own moral code, respecting the beliefs and the culture of
others, preparing them for citizenship in multi-cultural, modern Britain. We recognise the vital role of
the family in the development of the whole child and know that children thrive when they feel safe,
cherished and valued. We strive to create a strong, supportive relationship, in which school and
family work hand in hand.
This brochure is designed to answer many of the questions that are asked by parents of children
new to the school. Starting at a new school is an important event. It is hoped that this booklet, by
explaining the policies, practices and procedures of the school, will help make the transition
between home and school or between schools, easier for the child and family. The brochure is
concerned with the policy of the school and its rules and regulations, and is designed to help
parents/carers of all children admitted to the school.
The information in this brochure refers to the 2022 2023 school year. It is possible that changes
could affect the things described within the document. Advance notification is given of any changes
affecting children or parents.
Should further information be required about the school it will be willingly supplied by either the
Headteacher, office staff or other staff members.
Thank you for taking an interest in our school. We hope you will find the following information useful.
Welcome to Willow Wood Community Primary School
On behalf of the governors, staff and children of Willow Wood Primary, we welcome you to
our school and thank you for taking the time to look at what we offer for our children and our
At Willow Wood Primary we are dedicated to providing our children with an enriching education
which motivates and enthuses each and every child to achieve their absolute very best. At the heart
of everything we do is our desire to make sure that our children are happy, safe and caring young
people who are able to develop life-long learning skills that will enable them to achieve their full
potential. It is very important to us that we do this through working closely with our families.
Supporting and listening to the needs of our families’ means that we can work together as a team to
support everyone involved in each child’s journey. Our children know that they matter and that we
care about them and in turn they care for each other.
Our teaching and learning is focused on developing engaged and active learners. The children are
supported both in their learning behaviours, but also their pastoral needs. Children are encouraged
to take responsibility for their own learning, with support from our staff team, to ensure that each and
every child succeeds. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum and offer many opportunities to
learn outside of the classroom.
Throughout our school day, including lunchtime and after school, children have available to them a
range of music, drama, sporting and computing opportunities. Children are encouraged to become
young leaders through their involvement in the school council and PE leader’s initiatives. We
encourage all children to be aware of their rights but also their responsibilities and we have a focus
on our children understanding the fundamental British Values that make them effective citizens in
school, in the community but also within the wider world.
Behaviour amongst our pupils is good and we expect the very best of our children at all times.
Children are supported to make the right choices and their own emotional and social needs are met
through regular PSHE lessons and through the offer of sessions with a school counsellor. Children
are supportive of one another and help their friends to make positive decisions and choices. All staff
work together and support one another to ensure that all pupil’s individual needs are effectively met.
We are proud of our school and our children. I consider myself to be blessed to be head teacher of
our school community and I look forward to being a part of the lives of our children and our
community as we continue to move forward. Our mission to ensure that our children inspire, believe,
challenge and achieve means that our children are independent and resilient learners who are
ready to engage with the next steps in their learning.
We hope you enjoy exploring this website and finding out about our school. If you would like a tour,
please contact the office and arrange an appointment. I am always happy to show visitors the work
undertaken in our school. We hope that you will always feel welcome in our school. If you have any
queries or concerns you may wish to discuss, then please do not hesitate to contact myself or a
member of our staff team.
Mrs Lindsay Robertson
School address:
Willow Wood Community Primary School
Redcar Road
Tyne and Wear
Telephone Number: 0191 549 1509
Email address: office@wwprimary.org.uk
Website address: www.willowwoodcommunityprimary.org.uk
Pupils on roll: 206
Headteacher: Mrs Lindsay Robertson
Chair of Governors: Cllr Paul Stewart
Vice Chair of Governors: Mr Iain Kay
School Hours: 8.50am to 3:35pm
School office hours: 8.30am to 4.30pm
Education Authority Address:
Together for Children
Civic Centre
Telephone: 0191 520 5560 (general enquiries)
At Willow Wood Community Primary School, we take safeguarding very seriously and hope to
ensure our pupils flourish and develop both socially and academically in a safe and secure
environment. Through being clear and consistent in our teaching and ensuring the school
environment is safe and conducive to learning, we can encourage all pupils to realise their potential
with confidence and enthusiasm. School will take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of its
pupils. In cases where the school has reason to be concerned that a pupil may be subject to
significant harm, ill-treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse, staff follow SSCP (Sunderland
Safeguarding Children Partnership), Child Protection procedures and will inform Together for
Children Social Care of their concern.
We have 2 designated safeguarding personnel in school. They are-
Designated Person
Mrs Lindsay Robertson
Deputy Designated Person
Mrs Elizabeth Henderson
Governor for Child Protection
Cllr Paul Stewart
About Our School
Willow Wood Community Primary School is situated on the northern outskirts of Sunderland
overlooking rural countryside. It is a co-educational community primary day school for children of all
abilities from 3 11 years of age. The school is not affiliated to any particular religious’
denomination. Willow Wood Primary is a new-build school and opened in September 2021.
The school holds the following accreditations:
Ican Early Talk
Woodland Trust Gold award
Apple Teacher
Stonewall School Champion
Sunderland Anti-bullying Charter (Silver)
Active Sunderland Gold
National Healthy School Status,
Investors in People (Gold),
Gold Smoke Free School Award,
Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS)
Primary Science Quality Mark
Healthy School Award
Basic Skills Quality Mark
Raising Aspirations Positive Footprints Network
Sunderland Mental Health Chartermark
School Games Gold
Mental Health First Aider
Eco Schools
Staffing and Responsibilities
Staff Member
L Robertson
Senior Leadership Team
Teaching and Learning
Finance & Pupil premium
W Dawson Year 6
Senior Leadership Team
Deputy Headteacher
KS2 phase leader
Maths & Maths Hub
Support staff appraisal
Equality and Diversity inc
S Mullen Year 2
Senior Leadership Team
D Wright - Year 2
KS1 Phase leader
Phonics & English Hub
Early reading
Science & STEM
ECT Mentor / trainee
ECO schools
Design Technology
E Mason Reception
Senior Leadership Team
G Dodsworth (ECT year 2) -
Reception & Nursery
Trainee SENDco
EYFS leader
KS1 Maths Hub
H Nixon Year 5
C Pickering Year 4
N Bexley &
H Bowman (ECT Year 1) -Year
A Kirkland - Teacher
S Beavis Nursery
E Henderson
Senior Leadership Team
Well-being and Family Support worker
Deputy Designated Person
Mental Health lead
Staff well-being leader
Team Teach Leader
Nurture leader
Lunchtime supervisors
M Phillips
Business manager
Health and safety inc EVC
Paediatric first aid
C Barker
Office Administrator
V Graham
Site supervisor
L Noble
Lunchtime supervisors
K Atkinson
J Letson
K Clennell
M Sampson
S Mitchell
M Stark
School Cook
P Scott
Kitchen Assistants
J Renney
R Harding chargehand
R Ewart
K Atkinson
The school was purpose built in 2021. The current facility is a brick built single storey building
comprising of twelve classrooms, a creativity room, library and a multi-functional hall which doubles
as a dining hall at lunchtime. There is also a dance studio which can used for a toddler group, a
dance group and family learning activities. The children access portable computing devices such as
laptops and iPads to support their learning. There is a large tarmac playground, grassed playing
field, safe surfaced trim trail, raised gardening beds, meadow area and a large outdoor area. We
have a purpose built EYFS outdoor area which the children access every day.
The main entrance to the school comprises of a large reception area. All visitors must report to this
area prior to admittance to the school. Visitors must sign in, wear a visitor’s badge and be escorted
to the person they are visiting. Visitors will be asked to provide identification to verify their identity.
The doors have a magnetic security locking system and all gates are secured during lesson time to
ensure the safety of the pupil’s and staff. School premises are covered by 24-hour CCTV
If the children have appointments during school hours, then an adult must report to the school office
and sign the child out.
Two members of staff are on duty at playtimes and the movement of pupils away from school in the
evenings is monitored by the class teacher
The safety of your children is of the utmost importance to both you and to ourselves. All children in
Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 (Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3) must be
collected by a named adult. Children in Years 4, Year 5 and Year 6 can be collected by a named
adult or walk home on their own but consent must be completed and held in school (children in Year
4 can walk home on their own from the Summer term only). Children will not be allowed to go home
with anyone under the age of 16.
Contact Details
It is very important that the school has up to date contact numbers as we operate a ‘first day call’
procedure if your child is absent and we also need to be able to contact you if your child is unwell at
school. We also text important information regularly. Please ensure that the most up to date contact
numbers are made available to school.
Visiting the School and Admissions
If after having read this prospectus you would like to know more, please contact the headteacher to
make an appointment to visit the school on 5491509.
Our published admission numbers each year is 30.
To choose a school:
If you are choosing a primary school, we are always happy to meet possible new parents and
children and provide a tour of the premises.
Names for the Nursery children are accepted from the child’s second birthday. Children can join the
nursery at the beginning of the school year in which they will be three. Places cannot be
guaranteed, so early entry onto the school list is advised. There will also be intakes of nursery
children in the spring and summer terms.
Children can join the reception class at the beginning of the school year in which they will be five.
Full details about school and nursery admissions are in the booklet ‘Information for Parents’,
available free from the Children’s Services, PO Box 101, Civic Centre, Sunderland, SR2 7DN. A
reference copy is available at the school and at your local branch library.
Existing Parents:
If you are concerned about any aspect of your child’s schooling, the first step is to speak to the class
teacher. If it is a confidential or complex matter, please arrange an appointment with the
appropriate member of staff. Most matters can be dealt with by your child’s class teacher but some
things may have to be referred to the Headteacher or other senior staff.
School Term Dates
Under the 1986 Education Act, children are required to be in school for 190 days each academic
year. These are divided into three terms:
Autumn Term September to Christmas
Spring Term January to Easter
Summer Term April to July
Term Dates 2022 2023 these can be found on the school website or a copy provided by the
school office. They are also published on the council website.
The school day for pupils is slightly different for different age groups. Full details are given below:
Nursery 9:00am to 12:00pm Morning Nursery
12.30pm to 3.30pm Afternoon Nursery
If Nursery children stay for lunch they go home at 3.30pm
Reception 8:50am to 11:50am Morning
1:00pm to 3:20pm Afternoon
Key Stages 1 and 2 (5-11 years) 9:10am to 10.45am then break
11.00am to 12.10pm then lunch
1.00pm to 3.35pm
Jewellery is unnecessary and earrings, bracelets or necklaces should not be worn to school. A small
watch may be worn but this does not include the wearing of ‘smart’ watches. Please refer to our
Jewellery Policy for more detail.
School Uniform
We do have a school uniform and it is recommended that children take a pride in wearing it. This
has many advantages including that it invariably costs less than other garments. Uniform can be
ordered online or via the school office.
In winter children should wear either grey skirts or trousers, white polo shirts and a green sweatshirt
with the school logo.
In summer girls can wear any light gingham (green) dress and boys should wear grey
shorts/trousers and a white polo shirt.
Physical Education is a statutory part of the curriculum and all children are expected to have the
correct kit for P.E. lessons. Children need plimsolls or training shoes, black shorts and a white t-
shirt. PE kit needs to remain in school all week in case it is required outside of lesson times.
Children should not come to school wearing unsuitable shoes - heels/flip-flops etc. are unsafe.
Shoes should be sturdy and be suitable for all weathers.
The Headteacher has the right to prohibit the wearing of certain types of clothing or particular items
which are deemed, on safety or other grounds, to be unsuitable for wear in school.
Bullying and Discriminatory Incidents
We take firm measures to ensure that all our pupils, staff and visitors to school can be sure that the
school is safe and secure. The staff and governors have developed a wide range of procedures for
reporting and dealing with bullying in all its forms. Information about our approach to bullying is
available on request and the policy can be downloaded from the school website. A copy of our child-
friendly anti-bullying policy is available from the office as well as our website. We expect the
support of all parents in keeping the school safe and secure. Parents and children are expected to
sign a Home-School Agreement at the beginning of each year. We are proud to be holders of the
Sunderland Anti-bullying Charter Mark and are a Stonewall Champion school and will do all we can
to eradicate bullying and discrimination in school.
Pastoral Care and Discipline
The school is keen to develop liaison with parents and we hope that pastoral care in school will be
the result of mutual support between parents and staff. The ultimate responsibility for pastoral care
rests with the Headteacher but all members of staff work together to promote caring, respectful
relationships with children throughout the school.
Parents evenings are arranged throughout the year so that parents can discuss the Childs progress
with class teachers. Reports are also provided to parents at the end of each term a summary
report in December and April and a longer, more detailed report in July. Staff are available at the
beginning and end of each day in the yards for informal discussions with parents and appointments
can be made for additional meetings / telephone calls via the office. Parents of children with
additional (SEND) needs will be invited to review meetings each academic year.
Parents are asked to participate actively in their child’s learning program. This may take the form of
participating in the daily home reading expectation and with the completion of homework tasks
which are set weekly.
Disciplinary sanctions require the cooperation of parents and it is expected that full support will be
given when misbehaviour is reported to parents. This aspect of support is highlighted within the
Home-School Agreement. School rules are few but children are expected to operate within a
framework of discipline, which takes account of mutual respect, consideration for others, good
manners, acceptable speech and gradual achievement of self-discipline governed by common
sense. School operates a gradual approach to behaviour. School has a full time Well-being and
Family support worker and she is available to support families with any behaviour support, questions
or advice.
School Attendance
Regular attendance is crucial to each child’s educational development and at Willow Wood
Community Primary School we recognise our part in assisting parents to meet their legal obligations
in this respect. We work closely with A Star Attendance and Support to provide parents with the
support they need to ensure children attend school regularly.
If your child is unable to attend school because of ill-health or for any other reason, a phone call or
explanation must be sent to the school office by 8:50am. Any child not accounted for by 9:15am the
office staff will endeavour to contact parents to make sure the child is safe and gather the reason
that they are unable to attend. This ensures that parents and school know where children are at all
times. If a child is absent for more than one day without any contact, the school will inform the
attendance officer who will monitor and make contact. The attendance officer will make home visits
where deemed necessary. In the case of children subject to child protection plans, the school will
inform Together for Children. The attendance for Children who are Looked After (CLA) will be
monitored by Welfare Call.
Holidays within term time
Under Regulation 12 of the Education (Schools and Further Education) Regulations 1981, there is a
discretionary power for leave to be granted for the purpose of an annual family holiday or an annual
holiday during term time. In agreement, such permission is granted in accordance with
arrangements made by the governing body of the school.
No holiday absence will be authorised during the school year.
No parent can demand leave of absence for the purpose of a holiday as a right. Parents who take
their children out of school in term time may be subject to a fixed penalty notice being applied
(currently £60 per parent per child).
Curriculum Information
At Willow Wood Primary School we have established, and are continuing to develop, a bespoke
curriculum that meets the needs of individuals and groups of pupils whilst also meeting the
requirements of the national curriculum. We provide our pupils with a broad, rich and balanced
curriculum, which promotes the spiritual, moral, mental, cultural and physical development of pupils.
The curriculum promotes British values, tolerance and respect for other faiths. It also helps the
children to develop an understanding of democracy.
Our curriculum is planned to enable our pupils to gain a breadth of essential knowledge and
understanding with skills being intertwined; thus enabling our pupils to be next stage ready-
including meta-cognitive and social skills.
Our challenging and creative curriculum is designed to develop children as independent learners, to
ensure that they are engaged and have a love for learning. Cross-curricular links are exploited to
show pupils how skills and knowledge can continuously be transferred from subject to subject.
Throughout the year visits, visitors and special events further enhance the curriculum.
We teach through a topic-based approach. Each half term each class chooses a topic which is
explored in line with the interests of the children. The Key Stage Two topics can run for a full term.
To guarantee suitable coverage of national curriculum objectives we use curriculum opportunities,
milestones and skills. They are monitored closely by subject leaders and this helps to provide
continuity, progression and personalised learning experiences for children as they move through the
school. Teaching uses a variety of strategies including whole class, collaborative group work, pairs
and individuals. We place a strong focus on developing children’s basic skills and on the
development of those skills through a practical and an enquiry based approach to learning.
We recognise that English, mathematics and science are fundamental to our pupils’ education.
Where possible these core subjects are linked to the creative curriculum themes. However essential
discrete skills and knowledge, at times, will need to be taught and learnt.
Booster classes, specialist teaching and extra provision in a range of curriculum areas allow pupils
to find their passion and extend their learning. Events for groups of pupils are regularly offered
throughout the academic year. Details of weekly clubs can be found in the Clubs and ‘Extra –
curricular Activities’ sections of this website.
Parent workshops, parent-pupil consultation evenings, productions, festivals, enterprise events,
home-school reading books and homework are some ways that parents are encouraged to be
involved in their pupils learning. Across the school homework, including spellings or phonics, is set
The pupils in KS1 are taught Phonics from the Sounds~Write programme.
How we adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of individuals and groups of pupils
At the beginning of each year staff are required to make the curriculum bespoke to their class. This
is initially influenced by whole school priorities for improvement, the result of data analysis and the
outcomes of general monitoring. Thereafter, the curriculum is adapted as a result of on-going
assessments, monitoring and half termly data analysis. Interventions and support are put into place
for individuals and groups. Groups may include those who receive the Pupil Premium, target pupils,
underachieving pupils or those who need emotional / behavioural support.
There is a recognised ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’ curriculum which is appropriate to both
Nursery and Reception children. Where possible, staff also incorporate organisational aspects of
the KS1 and 2 curriculum e.g. having a themed book etc. All planning and curriculum delivery in our
EYFS is in line with these principles. The children in the Foundation Unit are provided with well-
planned learning experiences to build on what parent will already have achieved and to establish a
foundation for the future school curriculum. Teaching in EYFS covers all areas of the curriculum in
school but in a way which is appropriate to the needs of very young children.
Religious Education will also be taught to the children following the SACRE agreed syllabus.
Please see the school website where you can see all of our curriculum documents
Relationships and Sex Education
The content of our relationship and sex education Curriculum has been draw up in accordance with
national guidelines and has been approved by the School Governors. Relationship and sex
education is part of the PSHE area of learning as well as our science curriculum. We hope to create
a climate in which children feel able to ask questions and to have those answered by their teachers
in a frank but appropriate way.
All parents have a right to withdraw their child from some parts of the relationship and sex education
which are covered. If you want to withdraw your child from this area of school life, please read the
Relationships and Sex Education policy on the website and speak to Mr Dawson (Deputy
Headteacher) or Mrs Robertson (Headteacher).
Special Educational Needs (SEND)
At all stages of a child’s education we attempt to cater for their needs within the setting of a primary
classroom. All classes throughout the school are for children of mixed ability and a variety of
learning strategies are employed to ensure that the needs of all children are being met. We work
alongside multiple agencies to ensure children who have additional needs have their needs
assessed and any advice provided transferred into classroom practice.
The progress of all children is carefully monitored and personalised provision plans are created to
map out the unique provision required and to track the child’s progress. We map out all provision
using Together for Children’s SEND Ranges.
The school has two Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCO’s) who have responsibility
for special educational needs provision within the school. However, sometimes a child may have a
problem so specific that parents or teachers feel that specialist help is needed. Decisions to bring in
specialist help are only taken after full consultation with parents. Parents will be asked to come into
school to discuss issues arising and to review their child’s progress.
We try and meet the needs of all children within the setting of the school and believe that this is best
done by the family and school working together to achieve the best possible education for the child.
More Able Gifted and Talented
At Willow Wood Community Primary School, we value every child and feel that it is important to
foster a culture in which effort, achievement and success is rewarded. Our provision for the very
able is built on an integrated and inclusive approach. Teachers are committed to ensuring that all
pupils receive an education that will enable them to develop their full potential and challenge is
integral to all lessons.
All children will have the opportunity to develop their potential to the full, take part in lessons and
activities appropriate to their age and ability that stimulate interest, challenge, inform and extend
them, access good quality resources and materials and take part in activities that extend beyond the
curriculum, including clubs, competitions, visits and pastoral care.
People and Disabilities
Willow Wood Community Primary School is committed to promoting equality of opportunity for
people with disabilities. This means that we will take account of the needs of people with disabilities
as an integral part of our policies, practices and procedures. We will have due regard of the
following general duties in all that we do:
Promote Equality of opportunity between people with disabilities and the people.
Eliminate discrimination that is unlawful under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.
Eliminate disability related harassment.
Promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities.
Encourage participation by people with disabilities in public life.
Take steps to meet people with disability needs, even if this requires more favourable treatment.
The school’s Accessibility Plan gives details of the principles for improving accessibility; this is
available on our website.
The school has a Homework Policy. Its aims are:
That children should have planned and regular opportunities to consolidate and/or extend
their learning at home.
That language and mathematical development should be maximised by meaningful
interactions with adults at home.
That reading development should be the joint commitment of home and school, with the
form, pace and focus identified by the teacher.
A copy of this policy is available on the school website or through the school office.
The Government insists that all children are set and complete homework each week.
Home School Agreement
A Home School Agreement form is included as part of your information pack and parents/carers are
asked to complete this prior to your child starting our school. This is to enable us to have a formal
agreement to work in partnership for the benefit of the children in our care.
Extra-Curricular Activities
The extra-curricular activities in school are many and varied. Under normal circumstances clubs
and activities take place at lunchtime and after school. The range of activities is determined by the
interests of both staff and children. Children and parents will be fully informed of the choices
available. Wherever possible, these activities will be free of charge to parents however at times we
may advertise a club for which payment is required.
We place a huge emphasis on outdoor learning and have a large number of educational visits each
year including a residential visit to an outdoor activity centre. The charges for these visits to cover
transport and entrance charges are calculated per trip. Parents/carers will be given plenty of notice
and costs will be kept to a minimum.
We have a forest school teacher who visits school each week. Children in each class will receive a
half term of forest school teaching each year.
We also have a number of peripatetic music teachers who visit school each week to teach various
musical instruments including drums and guitar. School pays for the cost of these lessons as part of
our wider curriculum offer.
Our school library is open children to browse the books to read and take home to share with family
members. We ask that these books are treated respectfully and are returned to school in the same
condition that they left.
The school has strong links with local universities and sport coaches who come into school at
regular intervals to work alongside the children.
Sporting Provision
We currently have a football team and a netball team. They play in the Sunderland school leagues.
All classes in Years 1 -6 have swimming lessons each year. Children in EYFS have weekly Little
Dribbler lessons with the Foundation of Light. Children participate in various competitions and
festivals across the year including the Dance Festival and Skipping Festivals.
The school also has a Basketball court which children use during non-lesson times and where
coaching is sometimes secured.
The school has been awarded the ‘National Health School Status’ and the Gold Active Sunderland
Schools Award for 2018-19 and 2019-20 and 2020-2021 and 2021-22.
Breakfast Club
We have a very successful breakfast club which is held every day. This is sponsored by Greggs.
This is held in the school hall from 8.00am until 8.40am. A variety of breakfast items are served
daily free of charge and the children also have the opportunity to socialise and play with their peers
before the start of the school day. A copy of our Breakfast Club Charter can be found on our
Assemblies are held on a Monday and Wednesday. Each Friday all members of staff are asked to
nominate children who deserve special recognition for something they have achieved that week.
Each teacher nominates one child and all other members of staff nominate a child to receive a
certificate which is then shared on our Facebook page.
Medical Matters
Prescribed medication can only be administered in school by an appointed person. This person is
the identified person who administers and/or manages medication in school. All children with
medical needs and/or conditions must see the appointed person to sign a consent form and
compete a care plan. Medicines must be prescribed by a doctor and dispensed with a label by a
registered pharmacist.
Children on residential visits with medication must have completed a care plan with the appointed
person in school prior to the visit.
Lunchtime Arrangements
Pupils must stay on the premises for lunch. Those who wish to stay for a school lunch must pay in
advance on the first day of the school week for a choice of either hot or cold prepared lunches (a
menu is available to view in advance). Children can only change their lunchtime arrangements with
prior consent from the Headteacher. We will of course try and help with any unexpected
emergencies or where an allergy develops and needs to be managed. Parents of children with
diagnosed dietary needs will be invited into school to a meeting with the care plan manager and the
school cook to develop a menu plan for the child and to fully discuss allergies and needs.
All children in the Foundation Unit and Key Stage 1 are given a piece of fruit each day.
Families who are in receipt of Universal Credit are entitled to free school meals. Application forms
are available online from the Sunderland Council Website.
Children eat their lunch in the school hall on long tables. After lunch there are structured sports
activities, organised football, use of the trim trail, traversing wall and basketball facilities. There are
also areas where the children can relax and enjoy the outdoor environment and a large field.
School Health and Nursing
In conjunction with Sunderland Heath Authority a School Nurse has been allocated to the school to
carry out routine health inspections and care. The School Nurse is available by appointment to
meet with any parent having a health inquiry or a problem. The School Nurse can be contacted via
the school office on 0191 5491509.
Parents / Carers
We value parent’s/carers views and have regular parent/carer review evenings where we can share
your child’s progress and targets. There are lots of opportunities throughout the year when
parents/carers are invited into school to see the work of the children. For some aspects of our work
in school we require parents to form a panel so provide us with their views. These opportunities will
be advertised on Facebook and via text.
Community Links
The school has a well-equipped Dance Studio, which is available for parents and other small groups
to use through prior arrangement with the office and the caretaker. A number of family learning
activities are held throughout the year. We have a toilet suitable for people with disabilities within
this space. Children access gardening sessions throughout the year in the school allotment located
in the Bluebell Allotment complex.
We have various partnerships with different groups in the area. These include Sunderland,
University, local schools, the Salvation Army, Together for Children and a number of Health and
Safety professionals who regularly come into school to share their work with the children.
Charging Policy
By law, no state school can make charges for:
Education wholly or mainly within school hours.
Materials and ingredients for things made in school which pupils or parents do not want to keep.
Visits in or outside school hours which are necessary for an examination.
Charges may be made for the following:
Individual music tuition which is not part of the syllabus for an examination.
Certain excursions where a third party is involved.
Board and lodging where a school activity involves a residential element.
The exact cost of ‘optional extras’ i.e. things not connected directly with the national curriculum.
The school governors have decided that, in general, charges will only ever be made for a school
activity if it is the only way to guarantee the event takes place. This is most likely to apply to some
visits and excursions. We will always inform parents at the outset and in a timely manner and try to
assist parents who would have genuine difficulty in paying. Please see our charges and remissions
policy on the website.
We hope to be able to resolve any complains that parents may have. In the first instance
complaints should normally be made to the Headteacher and in most cases we find that complaints
can be dealt with successfully at this informal level. However, there are two formal routes that you
can use if you wish to take the matter further. Please see our complaints policy on the website for
further details.
During May all pupils in Year 6 in England sit Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) in English
(Reading paper and spelling, grammar and punctuation paper) and Mathematics.
During the same period pupils in all other year groups (except EYFS) complete age appropriate
NFER assessments. This assessment information is used in school to inform teachers so that they
can plan appropriate lessons and interventions for the children.
The results of these tests help to show how much progress pupils have made and will also inform on
the standards at Willow Wood Community Primary School.
Year 1 children will also complete a phonics test.
Year 4 children also complete a multiplication check.
Children in each class are assessed throughout the year and their progress monitored.
Freedom of Information
One of the aims of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 is that public authorities, including all
maintained schools, should be clear and proactive about the information they will make public.
Our publication scheme guides you to information which we currently publish (or have recently
published) or which we will publish in the future.
If you require any further information regarding Willow Wood Community Primary School Publication
Scheme, or any documentation contained therein, please contact the school office.
This information is, as required by Section 8 of the Education Act 1980 as amended by regulations
made under section 22 of the Education Reform Act 1988, published in accordance with the
provisions of the education (School Information Regulations 1981 and the various Education
Information Regulations of 1989.
The information in this brochure relates to the 2022-2023 school year commencing at the beginning
of September 2022 and the particulars which it contains were correct, in relation to that year, as at
September 2022. It must not be assumed that there will be no changes affecting the relevant
arrangements or certain matters before the start of, or during the 2022-2023 school year or in
respect of subsequent school years arising, for example, from government legislation.