Gorse Hall Primary and Nursery School
Summer 1
Half Term Newsletter
Monthly Message from Miss Flood
The children have settled back into the new term. On Monday, 22
April we celebrated Earth Day.
All the children took part in different activities throughout the day. Our Eco and Africa
Comittees hosted a range of activities planting, nature trails, an assembly, they also made soup
with Mrs Hughes and served it to the staff at lunchtime. I would like to take this opportunity to
wish year 6 pupils lots of luck in their forthcoming SAT tests in May. They have worked
exceptionally hard and I am very proud of each and everyone of them.
Reception 2024
Reception places for September 2024 have now been allocated by Tameside. Acceptance letters
have been sent out along with data collection sheets and permission forms. Please can you let us
know if you are accepting or declining the place by Friday, 26
April and return all documents.
Nursery Applications for 2024
We have allocated nursery places for September. There are a few spaces left.
If you would like to put your child’s name down for a place please call at the
school office for an application form. We offer 15 free hours in the mornings
8:45 to 11.45am or 30 hours 8:45 to 3:15pm. If you are a working family you
may be eligible for 30 free hours, you can check this on line through
Tameside’s website. Alternatively, you can pay for the afternoons at a cost of £15.00 per afternoon.
Photograph Day
On Tuesday, 30
April the children will be having their class photographs. In addition the year 6
children will be having photographs taken for their Leaver’s Autograph Book. Please can you ensure
your child is in full uniform, if they have P.E that day they will need to bring their P.E kit with them
to change into.
School Uniform Reminder
Reminder school uniform is grey trousers/skirt, yellow polo shirt, maroon jumper/cardigan
with the school logo on, unless they are year 6 then it is black jumper with the school logo
and black shoes. Parents will be contacted if children are not wearing the correct uniform.
P.E Kit Reminder
School P.E kit is plain black shorts/joggers and white t-shirt and black trainers.
Also, children should only wear their kit to school on their P.E Day. For after school
clubs, children need to bring their P.E kit and change after school. P.E days Monday
year 2, Tuesday year 1, Wednesday year 6, Thursday year 5 and Friday, year 3.
School will be closed on Monday, 6
May for the Bank Holiday.
Willow Wood Flower Festival
Willow Wood will be holding their annual Flower Festival on Saturday, 11
and Sunday, 12
This is a fundraising event; entry is £3.50. Willow Wood has been compassionately caring for
patients from the local community for 25 years. The theme is all things about Willow Wood.
Our Well Being Ambassadors will be making a flower display for the festival.
Certificates and Awards
Certificates are given out every Friday in our whole school assembly. These are Class Achievement,
Jigsaw, Kind and Headteacher’s Certificates. All parents of children receiving one are notified via
email. Well done to the pupils who have received any of these this month.
Stalybridge Carnival
This year we will be entering the Stalybridge Carnival on Sunday, 23
June 2024. This will be the
year we have taken part. The theme this year is Superheros. We hope all children will take part
as this is always a fun day. Mrs Abbott will be holding an assembly on Friday, 3
May to talk to the
children about the Carnival. Letters and permission slips will be sent home that day.
SEND and Inclusion
The next SEND Coffee Morning is on Monday, 24
June 2024 at 9.00am.
Extra Curricular Activities
The extra curricular activities running upto the end of May are:
Monday Class RLP Multi Skills
Tuesday Year 5 Rounders, Rock Steady Music
Wednesday Year 6 Football Practice, Choir, Chess Club (lunchtime) and Reception
Music Minis (lunchtime)
Thursday - Guitars and Year 4 Rounders
Friday Class 5WR Multi Skills
Robinwood Residential
If your child in year 5 has booked a place on the residential to Robinwood in October
payments can be made throughout the year. All monies will need to be paid in full by the
end of the Summer term.
Healthy Break Time Snack
Children in early years and key stage 1 are given fruit by the Government. However, if your child
would like to bring their own snack this is fine as long as it is a healthy choice. Children in key stage
2 need to bring a healthy snack with them not bags of crisps and chocolate bars
Parking around School
Please be considerate when parking around school. Please do not park on street corners
and pavements as you are blocking the way for pedestrians and prams. Also be mindful
about parking and blocking peoples driveways and access to their properties. The
traffic wardens have been informed about the problems we are experiencing therefore, they will be
intermittently stopping to monitor the parking.
Nut Allergies
We have several children in school with severe nut allergies, which require an Epi Pen. Please
do not send your child into school with any nuts for snack or lunch e.g. Nutella sandwiches,
as this could be life threatening to these children. Thank you for your cooperation.
Cutting up Grapes
Children are not allowed to bring whole grapes to school. Please cut them into segments,
to avoid choking.
Asthma Register
If your child has Asthma, please let the office know, so their name can be added to the Asthma
Register and we can ensure they have an in-date inhaler in school. Also, if your child has an asthma
spray in school, please can you check with the teacher to make sure it is in date.
We are not able to administer antibiotics/painkillers or any medication to children. If your
child is on a course of medication or needs painkillers, either yourself, family or friends are
welcome to come to school to administer it.
Medical Conditions
If your child has a medical condition or Allergy that we need to be aware of please contact the
school office to discuss this. It is vital for the wellbeing of your child that this information is shared
with us.
Attendance and punctuality is important for all children to enable them to achieve the best outcomes
and to access the Education provided. The school day starts at 8:45am and finishes at 3:15pm.
Children should be at their class entrances ready to start the day for 8.:45am. Attendance and
punctuality is monitored on a regular basis and we communicate regularly with the Authority.
Attendance is expected to be no lower than 97%. Penalty warnings will be issued to families with
persistant absence and lateness.
Late Arrival at School
There are a lot of children arriving late through the main entance after 8:45am.
When your child arrives late at school, he/she misses a vital part of the school
day as teaching starts immediately. Your child may also feel embarrassed at
having to enter the classroom late, when lessons have already begun.
Minutes late per day
during the school year
Equals day’s worth of
teaching lost in a year
Equals day’s worth of
Teaching lost in a year
5 mins
3.7 days
3.4 days
10 mins
7.4 days
6.9 days
15 mins
10 days
10.3 days
20 mins
14.7 days
13.8 days
30 mins
22 days
20.7 days
Frequent lateness can add up to a considerable amount of learning lost and can seriously disadvantage
your child.
Time off in Term Time
Holidays or time off in term time is not authorised, unless there is an extremely
exceptional circumstance. If your child needs time off during term time please collect a
form from the office so we know how long they will be absent from school and the reason.
Five days off over a twelve week period will incur a fine. The fines are £60.00 per child
per adult, so a family of four would be £240.00.
Safeguarding Concerns
If you have any concerns regarding safeguarding issues and are concerned about a child please send
an email to head@gorsehall.tameside.sch.uk outlining your concern or telephone school and ask to
speak to a member of the safeguarding team Miss Flood, Miss Evans, Ms Suleman or Mrs Troy. You
can also refer to the safeguarding information on our school website www.gorsehall.tameside.sch.uk
to provide necessary information and guidance.
GDPR - The Data Protection policy is on our website www.gorsehall.tameside.sch.uk
Last Word
The love and attention you always thought you wanted from someone else, is the love and attention
you first need to give to yourself.
Dates for the Fridge Please check every newsletter as there may be changes
Wednesday, 24
April Class 3CH Assembly 9.15am
Tuesday, 30
April Class Photographs and Y6 Autograph book pictures
Wednesday, 1
May Class 1JW Assembly 9.15am
Monday, 6
May School Closed May Bank Holiday
Wednesday, 8
May Music Concert (choir and guitars) 9.15 to 10.15am
Thursday, 9
May Year 4 trip to Chester
Saturday, 11
May and Sunday, 12
May Willow Wood Flower Show
WC 13
May Year 6 SAT Tests (see below)
Monday, 13
May Spelling Paper 1 and 2, Grammar and Punctuation
Tuesday, 14
May English Reading
Wednesday, 15
May Maths Paper 1 Arithmetic
Wednesday, 15
May Maths Paper 2 Reasoning
Thursday, 16
May Maths Paper 3 - Reasoning
Wednesday, 15
May Nursery Trip to the Fireground, Rochdale
Wednesday, 22
May Class 3NW Assembly 9.15am
Wednesday, 22
May Nursery Superhero Day
Thursday, 23
May RLP’s Class Assembly 9.15am
Thursday, 23
May School Closes for Whit Holidays 3.15pm
Friday, 24
May School Closed for Inset
Monday, 10
June School Re-Opens 8.45am
Thursday, 13
June Year 3 Trip to Blackpool
Friday, 14
June Nursery 2-3pm Father’s Day tea and cake
Tuesday, 18
June Year 5 Trip to Chester Zoo
Monday, 24
June SEND Coffee Morning 9.10am
Monday, 24
June Year 5 Taster Day at Copley
Wednesday, 26
June Class 5CH Assembly 9.15am
Thursday, 27
June Year 1 Trip to Lytham St Annes
Wednesday, 3
July Class 5WR Assembly 9.15am
Thursday, 4
July Class 2BL Assembly 9.15am
Wednesday, 10
July Class RHO Assembly 9.15am
Thursday, 11
July Year 2 Trip to Blue Planet Aquarium
Tuesday, 23
July RLP Trip to Reddish Vale Farm
Wednesday, 24
July RHO Trip to Reddish Vale Farm
Thursday, 25
July Year 6 Waffles Treat
Monday, 29
July Year 5 Leaver’s Assembly 2pm
Monday, 29
July School Closes for Summer 3.15pm
Tuesday, 30
July School Closed Inset
Tuesday, 3
September School Re-Opens 8.45am