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University of Pittsburgh
Registered Student
Organizations Handbook
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Welcome Letter……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………..4
SORC Contact Information…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
Important Student Organization Dates………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
STATEMENT ON RACIAL INJUSTICE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5
WHAT IS A STUDENT ORGANIZATION……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
Categories of Student Organizations……………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
Relation of University to Student Organizations…………………………………………………………………………………….7
Registration Status………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7
Requirements for Registration……………………………………………………………………………………………………………8
Expectations of Student Organizations………………………………………………………………………………………………….9
Additional Requirements for Sponsored Status……………………………………………………………………………………..9
Organizations with Additional Registration Requirements…………………………………………………………………..10
Privileges of Registration……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11
Procedures for Registration…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12
Termination of Registration…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………13
ABOUT THE SORC……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………14
Office Supplies…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….15
Equipment & Other Supplies……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….15
Mailing Services…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15
Opening a Student Organization Financial Account………………………………………………………………………...…..16
Student Activity Fee…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….16
Outside Bank Accounts………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..17
Methods of Payment…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..17
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Fundraising on Campus……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….21
Closing a SORC Account……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….23
EVENT PLANNING AND RISK MANAGEMENT…………………………………………………………………………………………………..24
Why is Event Planning Important?...........................................................................................................24
Hosting Events on Campus…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………24
Copyrights ……………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………….27
Event Accessibility ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………27
Publicity & Marketing………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….27
Hosting Events Off-Campus…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………27
STUDENT ORGANIZATION TRAVEL…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..28
Local Travel………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….28
National Travel…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….30
International Travel……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..30
USING UNIVERSITY TRADEMARKS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..30
University Name………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….30
University Logos………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….31
UNIVERSITY POLICIES & PROCEDURES…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….35
Assumption of Risk Policy…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...35
Student Code of Conduct…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….35
Anti-Hazing Provision…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..35
Political Campaign Activity…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..36
Publications Code………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..36
Role of the Advisor………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………36
Selecting an Advisor…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….37
CAMPUS DEPARTMENTS/RESOURCES…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….38
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Dear Student Leader,
Welcome to the 2023-2024 academic year! The Student Organization Resource Center (SORC, pronounced
/ˈsȯrs/) is here to ensure that our 700+ student organizations have the support they need to operate at the
highest level.
In this handbook, please find an overview and listing of policies and guidelines which will help your
organization operate efficiently and safely. As a student leader, you must take the time to read this handbook
and familiarize yourself with the expectations of and resources available to registered student organizations at
Pitt. Any violation of this Handbook may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of
Some of the policies and procedures outlined in this manual might change throughout the year. Student
organization leaders, members, and advisors are encouraged to check the SORC website or with the relevant
department/office to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information.
If at any time you a have questions regarding the information in this handbook or would like assistance with
the management of your organization, please reach out to the SORC staffwe are more than happy to assist
you in the success of your organization!
Hail to Pitt!
Lynne Miller
Coordinator, SORC
PHONE: 412-624-7115
LOCATION: 833 William Pitt Union
EMAIL: [email protected] (General Questions)
[email protected] (Financial Questions)
WEBSITE: www.sorc.pitt.edu
Please visit the SORC Web site for a current list of important student organization dates, programs, and
events. Failure to attend a required training by the appropriate organization delegate(s) could result in
having your organization’s registration suspended or denied.
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The SORC promotes diversity, equity, and human dignity as central to our work. We recognize that, as
community members at a predominantly white institution, we are part of a system that perpetuates racial inequalitya
system in which there is much more anti-racism work to do. Our office will continue to create a campus culture that
allows for openness, respect, and safety; an environment in which those with diverse attitudes, beliefs, values,
and behaviors feel included and can thrive. Consistent with the University’s mission, we take personal and
organizational responsibility to grow in our awareness of deep-rooted systemic issues, reduce barriers and
bias, and develop our cultural humility.
We commit to our office’s anti-racism work in the following ways:
As a part of the Department of Student Unions and Involvement within the Division of Student Affairs,
the SORC will support and follow the guidance set forth by the Division of Student Affairs’ Racial
Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Action Plan.
We will promote anti-racism, diversity, equity and inclusion training for all SORC Staff and student
organization leaders and members.
We will conduct regular internal audits of existing SORC and student organizations policies, programs,
services, and practices through an equity lens. This includes identifying ways in which racism manifests in
our processes and developing anti-racist practices for confronting it.
We will work with Black Action Society and Black Senate to support signature Black Experience Events.
We will continue to use our voice to reaffirm our core values and support for community members
whose identities have been targeted by racially motivated injustices.
Student organizations exist to bring together students from all backgrounds for a common interest and
are not permitted to discriminate against others in their operations.
A student organization is a group of least 10 currently enrolled University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh campus)
students who come together to promote a particular idea or interest and register with the SORC. Only
currently enrolled students may serve as officers or in formal leadership roles or vote on organizational
business. Registration as a student organization at the University of Pittsburgh is not to be interpreted as an
endorsement or approval of the purpose and/or activities of any organization by the University of Pittsburgh.
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Student organizations are required to select one of the following categories that best describes the mission of
their organization. The intent behind establishing student organization categories is to assist students with
particular interests in discovering organizations to join, encourage collaboration amongst student
organizations, and also to assign undergraduate student organizations to their table at the Activities Fairs.
Academicstudent organizations that have an interest in a specific academic discipline, topic or interest.
Advocacystudent organizations that further the progress of an idea or initiative to affect the community at
large (political, environmental responsibility, social equity, economic stability, etc.)
Arts & Literaturestudent organizations that encourage participation in and promotion and support of the
visual and performing arts.
Competitive Club Sport Competitive clubs compete against outside competition, usually other collegiate
clubs, as part of a structured regional or national league. Competitive clubs MUST be part of a National
Governing Body or Association. Many competitive clubs have coaches, travel and play off-campus, and
conduct regularly scheduled practices. Competitive club sports also typically involve a greater financial
commitment and time commitment, both in number of days per week and a longer period for the season.
Ethnic/Culturalstudent organizations whose primary focus is on a specific culture, nationality or ethnicity in
order to provide education, advocacy, support, and camaraderie. Many of these organizations provide
programming designed to promote awareness and understanding of beliefs, values, and traditions that may
differ from other cultures.
Gaming and Physical Activitystudent organizations whose focus is on community building around gaming
and physical activities and that do not fall under competitive or recreational club sports.
Honorarystudent organizations whose primary focus is on conferring membership as an honor for
academic/scholarly/leadership achievement.
Recreational Club Sport Recreational clubs focus more on instructional aspects and recreational play of the
sport or nature of the club / activity they are associated with. Recreational clubs are not required to be a
member of a National Governing Body or Association; however, their sport must have a recognized National
Governing Body or Association to be considered a club sport program. Recreational clubs DO NOT compete
against outside competition. There cannot be a competitive and recreational club of the same sport. For
example, you cannot have a Competitive Swimming Club and Recreational Swimming Club. You could have a
Swim Laps Club which would fall under Gaming and Physical Activities.
Spiritual/Faith Basedstudent organizations whose primary focus is on educating about and supporting
particular spiritual and/or religious practices, philosophies and beliefs.
Servicestudent organizations whose primary focus is on providing volunteer service to others within the
local community and/or nationally.
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Social Fraternity/Sororitystudent organizations whose membership is limited to a single gender and granted
exception to Title IX requirements for the purpose of cultivating and supporting an environment of
brotherhood or sisterhood. Some national chapters do permit non-binary and trans individuals. Qualification
for membership of social fraternity/sorority is on a non-honorary basis and are determined by the chapter.
These qualification academics, volunteer work, student leadership experience, and value alignment. In
addition, membership in one social fraternity or sorority in this category is mutually exclusive to membership
in another social fraternity/sorority, but students who are in social fraternity/sorority may seek membership in
an honorary, service, or professional fraternity/sorority. Student organizations in this category must be
affiliated and meet recognition standards with the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
Special Intereststudent organizations that encourage social interaction around a shared interest or theme.
Student Governancestudent organizations whose primary focus is on representing students, expressing
student opinion and providing student feedback to the University and its various components.
Registration of student organizations should not be construed as agreement, support, or approval by the
University, but only as acknowledgement of the rights of the organization to exist at the University, subject to
the requirements of registration.
The University of Pittsburgh has established a system of registration for student organizations to ensure the
rights of students to freely form associations, to define the relationship between the University and student
organizations, to maintain the right to choose which student organizations it recognizes, and to ensure that
the requirements for registration, the privileges received through registration and the policies and procedures
that govern student organizations are administered in a nondiscriminatory manner. Student organizations fall
into one of two registration statuses: Independent or Sponsored.
Independent student organization status is accorded to student organizations that meet the Requirements for
Registration. Membership in an Independent student organization and participation in its activities are
voluntary and all risks of personal injury, property damage or other losses that occur incidental to membership
or participation in activities are assumed solely by the student organization, individual member(s) and other
Independent student organizations are not official components of the University. Independent status does
not permit the organization to act in the name of the University, to represent the University, engage in any
contractual obligation in the name of the University nor represent the organization as being an official part of
the University. Independent student organizations are permitted to have external affiliations and may be part
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of an incorporated external organization. The off-campus activities of Independent student organizations are
the sole responsibility of the organization, officers and members.
Sponsored student organizations meet the standard conditions for Independent status and have an official
association and working relationship with an operating unit of the University. The nature and extent of the
association and working relationship are determined solely by the Dean of the operating unit. (See Additional
Requirements and Privileges for Sponsorship). The activities and programs of Sponsored student organizations
are not considered official programs of the operating unit unless expressly approved by the Dean or designee.
Sponsored status may be rescinded at the discretion of the approving Dean or Dean of Students or their
designee. Except undergraduate governance groups, revocation of sponsorship will change the organization’s
status to registered.
The following requirements are necessary to register a new organization and to maintain registration status.
1. Complete the online registration application via the Student Organization Resource Center (SORC)
website. In order to maintain registration status, this must be done once a year.
2. Accurately disclose the purpose of the organization and operate in accordance with its stated purpose.
3. Disclose any external affiliations; provide the constitution and bylaws of any such organization with
which it may be affiliated; and certify that all conditions for affiliation meet the registration standards
of the University.
4. Submit a constitution according to standards with the registration application. (See Constitution
Requirements) Updated constitutions should be submitted to the SORC every time the organization re-
5. Submit an accurate, full membership roster with the registration application. A minimum of ten (10)
currently enrolled Pitt students is required to establish an organization.
6. After approval of registration, maintain an active membership of a minimum of ten (10) currently
enrolled Pitt students.
7. Organizations must secure a full-time faculty or staff member at the University to serve as advisor.
8. Provide signed Agreement to Participate waivers for all members and participants in organization
activities as directed. Participation waivers must be uploaded to the organization’s ExperiencePitt
*Competitive and Recreational Club Sports must maintain a full membership roster and each member
must review and sign the Agreement to Participate through each organization’s ExperiencePitt
(CampusGroups) account. It is the club sport president’s responsibility to make sure all waivers are
signed from each member before the start of an activity.
9. Maintain a membership comprised of at least 75% currently enrolled Pitt students.
10. Maintain at least three (3) student officers in good academic and social standing.
11. Limit voting, officer positions and formal leadership roles to currently enrolled Pitt students.
12. The President and Business Manager of each organization must complete the required SORC training(s)
annually. No proxies may complete the training(s) in their place.
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The following behavioral expectations are required of every registered student organization and its
1. Agree to and comply with the Notice and Acceptance of the Assumption of Risk (see page 35).
2. Agree to and comply with the Publications Code for Student Organizations (see page 36).
3. Adhere to University policies and procedures and local, state and federal laws.
4. Conduct all activities in a manner consistent with the educational mission of the University.
5. Conduct all activities in a manner that contributes to the intellectual, ethical, psychological and
personal growth of its members.
6. Are not permitted to advocate, incite or participate in any material interference or physical disruption
of the University.
7. Are not permitted to use deceptive recruitment practices.
8. No illegal discriminatory criteria may be used as criteria for membership including those listed in the
University of Pittsburgh’s non-discrimination policy. These factors include race, color, religion, national
origin, ancestry, sex, age, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, gender identity and
expression, genetic information, disability, or status as a veteran. All groups, except those exempt by
law, must permit male and female membership. Sport clubs involving physical contact or in which
participation is based on competitive skill may limit participation in competition to one sex; provided
that, for any for any such sport club engaged in a non-contact sport, unless there is a sport club
available for members of the opposite sex, the club must permit try-outs for each sex. Membership can
be limited by factors unrelated to status or beliefs and which are also not illegal. Membership can be
limited by school, college, department, major and grades, etc. No hazing or illegal discrimination will be
used as a condition of membership in the organization.
9. Are not permitted to participate in hazing activities.
10. Are not permitted to use the organization for the financial enrichment of any officer, member or
11. Are not permitted to directly or indirectly use University resources for the express benefit of external
12. Agree to use dues and other membership fees for the express benefit of the organization and in
fulfillment of its purposes.
13. Must maintain University accounts as required. (Visit the SORC Business Office in 833 William Pitt
Union or email [email protected] for more information.)
14. Are not permitted to maintain outside back accounts and must not use the name of the University on
any private bank account.
15. Are not permitted to enter or attempt to enter into contractual obligations for the University without
prior authorization by designated University staff.
16. Except as otherwise expressly permitted herein, organizations shall not use the name of the University
nor any University trademark, tradename, service mark and/or logo. (See Naming and Logo Guidelines
on page 28.)
17. Are not permitted to directly or indirectly use University resources in support of any candidate for
public office. Please see the Notice on Political Campaign Activity.
18. Are not permitted to solicit funds outside the University without the express approval from the
Department of Involvement and Student Unions.
19. Student organizations shall not do anything that would jeopardize the University’s licensure,
accreditation or tax exemption.
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Student organizations desiring Sponsored status must meet the following requirements.
1. Student organizations seeking Sponsored status must have established and official working
relationship with an operating unit of the University. This relationship provides consistency with the
purpose and activities of the organization and the mission of the operating unit.
2. Organizations seeking sponsored status by a school or college must be approved by the Dean of the
school or college.
3. Organizations seeking sponsored status by operating units within Student Affairs must be approved by
the Dean of Students.
4. All other University operating units outside academic units and units within Student Affairs may
sponsor a student organization with the approval of the chief administrator of the sponsoring unit.
5. The sponsoring unit must assign a faculty or staff advisor to the organization.
6. The chief administrator of the sponsoring unit must submit the Student Organization Sponsored Status
Application approving sponsorship and the Letter of Sponsorship acknowledging the nature of the
working relationship, any additional support from the sponsoring unit as well as any additional advisor
responsibilities to the SORC.
7. The sponsoring unit may establish additional requirements for sponsorship beyond the standard
requirements for registration.
8. The sponsoring unit must approve the organization’s constitution as a condition of sponsorship and
may establish guidelines and procedures to define the working relationship. They may also afford the
student organization additional privileges beyond the standard privileges of registration.
9. Student organizations designated with the sponsored status are permitted to use the name of the
University in their organization name as outlined in the Naming Guidelines.
Social fraternities and sororities are registered organizations that may be single-gender Greek-letter
organizations whose mission and purpose is recognized as primarily promoting the intellectual, social,
spiritual, moral, civic, and career development, and the wellness, of student members.
Additional Requirements:
All social fraternities and sororities must maintain membership in an appropriate governing council
(IFC, NPHC, Panhellenic). Chapters are expected to follow expectations and guidelines of their
corresponding council.
All social fraternities and sororities must have a working relationship with the Office of Fraternity
and Sorority Life.
All registered social fraternities and sororities are expected to abide by the policies and procedures
outlined in the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Policies and Procedures Manual.
The SORC may establish criteria for accepting new chapters and specific requirements for existing
Social fraternities and sororities may have their registration terminated at the request of the Vice
Provost for Student Affairs, Dean of Students, the Director of Involvement and Student Unions, or
the organization’s local, state, national or international chartering organization.
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Social fraternities and sororities may limit membership based on gender and still be eligible for
registration as a student organization.
Social fraternities and sororities may have fewer than 10 members and be eligible for registration.
Social fraternities and sororities may hold outside bank accounts, if required to do so by their
international/national/regional organization.
Competitive and recreational club sports are student organizations registered with the SORC that work closely
with the Department of Campus Recreation and the Assistant Director of Competitive and Recreational
Programs . All new club sport programs will enter a provisionary period after being formed and registered by
SORC. New programs are required to register as a recreational club sport during this provisionary period.
Additional Requirements:
The Department of Campus Recreation may establish criteria for the registration of new club sports
and renewal of existing organizations. The Department will publish this information on the Club Sports
Sport clubs involving physical contact or in which participation is based on competitive skill may limit
participation in competition to one sex; provided that, for any such sport club engaged in a non-
contact sport, unless there is a sport club available for members of the opposite sex, the club must
permit try-outs for each sex.
All registered organizations have the following privileges.
1. Eligible to use University facilities, equipment and services according to policies and procedures.
2. Eligible to apply for funding from the respective student government under the policies and
procedures set forth in the appropriate student government constitution and bylaws. Each student
government has guidelines that define which student organizations are eligible for funding. The
Student Government Board (SGB) requires the organization to be comprised of at least 75% non-
CGS undergraduate students. The College of General Studies Student Government (CGSSG) requires
the organization to be comprised of at least 60% College of General Studies students. The Graduate
and Professional Student Government (GPSG) funds sponsored graduate school student governments
and registered graduate student organizations.
3. Eligible to receive consulting and other services from the SORC and the Department of Involvement
and Student Unions.
4. Eligible to collect dues, host fundraising events and solicit funds according to University policy.
5. Eligible to apply for remuneration for officers by student governments.
6. Eligible to receive awards or honors presented to student organizations and members.
7. Eligible to be listed in University publications.
8. Eligible to participate in University activities.
9. Eligible to apply for student organization office space in the William Pitt Union and O’Hara Student
Center (undergraduate student organizations only).
10. Eligible to host program activities consistent with the purpose of the organization.
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11. Eligible to distribute literature and organizational materials according to University policies and
12. Eligible to use the University mail services.
13. Eligible to apply for a University financial account and to use the services of the University business
departments initiated through the SORC Business Office.
14. Eligible to request assistance from the Student Affairs Marketing Department to promote
organizational activities.
15. Eligible to post material on controlled University bulletin boards.
Pitt has over 700 undergraduate and graduate student organizations, which provide a wide variety of topics
and interests for student involvement. If you find, however, that you have an area of interest that is not
represented, you have the ability to start your own organization, provided that:
The purpose or purposes of this organization does not conflict with the educational functions or
established policies of the University.
The purpose and/or functions of student organizations does not duplicate those of an existing
registered student organization. This requirement, however, is not applicable to an organization with
religious or political purposes and/or functions as declared in its constitution on file with the
University. The University may rescind the registration status of an organization upon determination
that the organization is no longer fulfilling the purposes and/or functions described in its constitution.
If an organization feels that a newly registered organization duplicates its stated purpose as set forth in
its constitution, it may seek a review through the Coordinator of the SORC.
If there is reasonable cause to believe that the organization seeking registration is merely a
reconstitution of an organization that has lost University Registration, the request for registration may
be denied and/or revoked. Factors that may support a reasonable cause finding, include, but are not
limited to, overlapping membership, similarity of purpose, and the timing of both the prior loss of
registration and the request for new registration. If reasonable cause exists, registration shall be
denied and/or revoked.
New Organization Registration Periods take place on October 1 15 and February 1 15.
The process for starting a new organization can be found on the SORC Website. If you are not sure whether or
not your organization has been registered in the past, please contact the SORC at [email protected] and we will
be more than happy to help you. Please note that registration applications must be received by October 15 or
February 15. No exceptions will be made for late submissions.
All new organizations must comply with the Registration Requirements and Expectations of Student
Organizations outlined in the sections above.
All new organizations must send at least one member to a New Organization Orientation session. A schedule
of available times are available on the SORC website). If your organization does not send a member to one of
these sessions, your organization will not be considered for registration and you will need to wait until the
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next new organization registration period.
All existing student organizations are required to re-register with the SORC annually. Re-Registration for all
organizations will take place May 1, 2023 September 8, 2023. The process for re-registering an organization
can be found on the SORC Website.
All organizations must comply with the Registration Requirements and Expectations of Student Organizations
as outlined in the sections above and must submit an updated constitution.
All organization Presidents AND Business Managers must complete the SORC Required Training Sessions, to
take place in August/September. Trainings are prerecorded and must be completed by September 29, 2023.
Links to trainings will be emailed out to Presidents and Business Managers and posted on the SORC website.
If your organization President and/or Business Manager does not complete the training(s), your organization
will be frozen for the rest of the year and must attend a training the following fall to have the active status
restored. Frozen status means that an organization cannot operate on campus, hold reservations or have
access to their SORC financial account.
The SORC and/or Department of Involvement and Student Unions reserve the right to terminate registration
status. Circumstances that may result in termination of registration include, but are not limited to, the
The student organization has not complied with the Requirements for Registration;
The student organization has not complied with the Expectations of Student Organizations;
Registering a student organization under termination or sanction from its local, state, national, or
international affiliate (if applicable);
Registering a student organization currently under disciplinary sanction under a new name;
Registering a subsidiary of a currently registered student organization;
Registering an organization that is a duplicate of a pre-existing organization;
Submitting false information to the University of Pittsburgh or a university representative;
A request from the student organization to dissolve is submitted to the SORC;
A lapse in communication with the SORC, including failure to maintain, on file with the SORC, the most
current copy of the student organization’s constitution, officer contact information, and faculty/staff
advisor contact information;
Failure to meet financial obligations;
Failure to comply with the student organization’s constitution;
Failure to comply with the rules, regulations, policies, and procedures of the University of Pittsburgh as
determined appropriate by University representatives; and
Action taken by the Office of Student Conduct.
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In order for the SORC to effectively communicate with your organization, it is required that you maintain a full,
updated membership roster with current officer information in the student organization management system,
Experience Pitt (Campus Groups). Student organizations that fail to maintain current officer and advisor
information on their roster will be frozen until they are in compliance with SORC policies. Only the
organization President and Primary Contact have access to update your organization’s roster. If they are
unsure how to update the roster, they should reach out to [email protected].
The SORC is located in 833 William Pitt Union and is the hub for registered student organizations on campus.
Whether you need to make a financial transaction from your organization account, need office supplies, or
would like to talk to someone about your organization, the SORC is place for you! Here is some information
you should know about the SORC:
The SORC is open Monday-Friday throughout the year, with the exception of posted holidays or breaks.
Hours vary per semesterplease visit our website for the most up-to-date times.
Any services or materials obtained from the SORC may only be used for student organization business.
They are not to be used for personal use or classroom projects.
Registered student organizations are eligible for photocopying services in the SORC.
1. The name of the organization must appear on the first page of any document(s) being photocopied.
2. Groups may request up to 150 grayscale copies per event (not 150 copies per day) OR 50 colored ink
copies per event.
3. Our copier has the ability to print back to back and staple up to 30 pages. Half pages and quarter
pages can be produced from a full page original.
4. For technical reasons, we are unable to make copies that have 75% or more ink coverage in the
5. Organizations may not submit copy requests for other organizations.
6. Organizations may request copies by emailing [email protected]. Requests should be submitted at least
24 business hours in advance and should include paper color and size of flyer (quarter sheet/half
sheet/full page). Organizations will be contacted once their copies are ready for pick-up. Student
organizations that fail to pick-up copies may lose copy privileges for the remainder of the semester.
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Registered student organizations are eligible to receive certain office supplies, free of charge. The amount
indicated is per semester, unless otherwise noted. Student organizations can request supplies using the
online form a minimum of 48 business hours in advance. Some supplies may require more advance notice
(see supply list linked above).
The SORC offers several different types of equipment and supplies for your organization’s use. Most are
available for free use by any registered student organization for programs, events, and activities sponsored by
the registered student organization. There is a nominal charge for lamination and the button maker.
Available Supplies Include:
Button Maker
Display/Sandwich Boards
Laminator (cannot leave SORC)
SORC Equipment Request Form
The SORC provides free mailing services via United States Postal Service (USPS) for your student
organization. All mailings must be organization business-related. The SORC requires that all mailings include
correct mailing addresses and return addresses. Additionally, the exact number of pieces must be provided.
Your organization can receive up to 200 free envelopes (see above under Office Supplies). If your mailing
requires more than 200 envelopes, you will need to purchase the excess using your organization’s account.
The SORC operates a concessions program through which registered student organizations and University
departments/office have the ability to rent snack machines or purchase balloons. The following concessions
are available:
Cotton Candy
Otis Spunkmeyer Cookies
Cheese-filled Pretzel Nuggets
Pre-packaged food options may be available upon requestplease contact [email protected] for more
Registered student organizations will be billed via University account number per order. Pricing is listed on the
order forms linked below. All order forms must be submitted to [email protected] at least 10 business days prior
to event date.
SORC Concession Request Form
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We’re here to help you and your organization manage funds. While your organization’s account is not a bank
account (ex. you cannot withdraw money and balances in Engage are not in real-time), there are numerous
ways you can obtain and spend funds. We also work closely with SGB and their Allocations committee (for
undergraduate groups) and with GPSG (for graduate groups). For any questions regarding your student
organization finances, please reach out to the SORC Business Office at sorc2@pitt.edu.
Not all student organizations require funds to operate, so the SORC does not automatically create a financial
account for an organization unless it is requested. In order to open an account with the SORC, your
organization’s Business Manager should email the SORC Business Office ([email protected]) and a SORC Account
Specialist will assist them.
All students pay a Student Activity Fee within their tuition to the University. A portion of these fees are
distributed to the Student Governments to grant money (known as allocations) to student organizations for
various organizational needs.
The Student Government Board (SGB) is the governing body for all undergraduate student
organizations. Allocations can be obtained from the SGB Allocations Committee through the annual budget
process or the weekly supplemental process. Details regarding policies for allocated money as well as the
request process are available on the SGB Allocations Committee website. Any allocations given in a fiscal year
(July 1-June 30) that are not used by the end of that particular year are given back to SGB and no longer
available for your organization’s use.
The Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG) is the governing body for all graduate students
and organizations. Graduate students pay a semesterly activities fee where 50% is distributed to GPSG for
general graduate student programming and the remaining 50% is distributed to the governance organization
of each student’s specific school (ex: School of Medicine Student Executive Council).
Graduate student organizations should always first pursue funding from their graduate school’s governance
group (i.e. law school organizations would first seek funding from the Student Bar Association at the School of
Law). However, organizations can request for supplemental funding from GPSG on a per program basis. Any
student organization not affiliated with a specific graduate or professional school (ex: cultural student
organizations) should petition GPSG solely for funding. Organizations that receive funding from a governing
student organization other than GPSG should look at and follow their constitutions to determine whether or
not money that was allocated and not spent must be returned at the end of the fiscal year.
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Registered student organizations are not permitted to maintain an outside back account(s). Outside bank
accounts are defined as any banking or financial account held outside of the University. Online/mobile
platforms such as Paypal, Venmo, Square or other methods which require funds to flow through personal
bank accounts are considered outside bank accounts and are prohibited.
All money collected from fundraisers or dues must be deposited directly into the organization’s SORC account.
No organizational money should ever be deposited into a personal banking account. Student Organizations are
NOT ALLOWED to accept monies via Paypal, Venmo, Square or other method which requires funds to flow
through personal or other outside bank accounts.
Student organizations who are found to be using any of these means for financial transactions will lose access
to their SORC account pending a review by the SORC. Possible sanctions as a result of the SORC review could
result in:
Further loss of access to their SORC financial account, therefore unable to make financial
Loss of the privilege to request allocations from their governing organization;
Loss of registration status with the Student Organization Resource Center.
For ticket sales, student organizations may use online vendors such as Eventbrite which allow an organization
to request a check be sent directly to the University, therefore avoiding the use of personal bank accounts.
There are several ways in which you can use the funds held in your student organization financial
account. You are not able to withdraw cash from your account. Below are some of the most common types
of expenditures incurred by student organizations and the methods for paying them. For a full listing of
expenditures and methods of payment, please view the payment methods comparison table.
Purchase Type
Flights to a conference
Decorations for an end of the
year banquet
Auto/Home supply
store/Automotive parts &
Lightbulbs, batteries, extension
Bus tickets
Bus transportation to a
Caterers does not include
Chipotle catering for an off-
campus event
Computer Network/Hosting
Svc/Internet Access
Website subscription
18 | P a g e
Purchase Type
Conferences, Registrations,
Memberships, Dues
Chapter dues paid to a national
Donation to your national
organization or philanthropy
Events: see SORC contract
Performers, musicians, speakers
Rental Cars
Enterprise car rentals
Graduation ceremony
Gift cards
X (NOT AirBnb,
VRBO, Expedia,
Lodging for a conference
Office Supplies
Pencils, notepads, markers
Political Donations: NOT
Services: SEE SORC
Supplies for Event
Name tags, decorations
Tickets for a Pirate game
Uniforms, club T shirts
Charter buses
Transportation to a tournament
How are student reimbursements processed through the SORC?
Students seeking reimbursements for student organization expenses are required to fill out an online
reimbursement request form and attach the proper documentation. All reimbursement requests require the
approval of the student organization Business Manager. The SORC cannot process the request until the
Business Manager has approved the expenditure. Students submitting requests should closely follow the form
directions to make sure that their request is able to be processed in a timely manner. Individuals cannot be
reimbursed on behalf of another person. All reimbursement requests MUST be received by the SORC at
within at least 30 days of the date on the receipt or they will not be processed. Travel expenses (i.e. flight,
hotel, etc.) and grants are the only exception to this rule. Please contact the SORC with any questions
regarding this exception.
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What documentation is required to be submitted?
Documentation typically consists of an itemized receipt showing that the expenses were paid for by the payee.
Quotes or proposals that do not show that payment has been processed are not acceptable. In addition,
printouts of bank or credit card statements are also not acceptable.
If being reimbursed for food/beverages, an attendee list must be provided. GRADUATE STUDENTS: If the
receipt contains alcohol, a letter of approval for the event from your advisor (or other appropriate designee
from your School) MUST accompany the request. Undergraduate students are not permitted to use
organization funds (private or allocated) for the purchase of alcohol.
If the individual being reimbursed is NOT a student employee OR has NOT been paid by the SORC before, a
W-9 is required.
Who will be required to approve the reimbursement?
Once the Business Manager of the organization approves the expenditure, the SORC will be notified of the
request. After the SORC approves and process the paperwork, it is submitted to University Payment
Processing for final approval and payment. Various factors may impact the approval flow, including the
accuracy of documentation submitted and the nature of the items being reimbursed. In general, if all
submitted paperwork is correct, reimbursements should take 5-6 weeks.
How will the payee receive their funds?
Once University Payment Processing approves the request, a check will be mailed to the address provided by
the payee on their W-9 form. It is very important that payees provide accurate addresses (including
apartment numbers) to ensure that they receive payment. When submitting requests in April, the SORC
recommends that students use their summer mailing or permanent address to ensure that they receive the
If the payee is employed by the University, and has direct deposit set up, the reimbursement will be deposited
directly to the bank account on file with the University.
Do students always have to pay for items on their own and get reimbursed?
No. With proper planning, students should never have to use their own money for certain types of items.
Airfare, conference/competition registration, and hotels can be paid for directly on the SORC One Card and/or
through Anthony Travel. Items purchased online can also be purchased directly.
What types of items cannot be requested for reimbursement?
Students are not permitted to be reimbursed for payments made directly to performers including DJs,
speakers, caterers, or any other vendors that require a service agreement. For more information how to
properly pay for these types of items, read over the Contracts section of this handbook or visit the SORC
Website. Additionally, students cannot be reimbursed for gift cards or donations that they have made either
personally or on behalf of the organization.
Disbursements (or check) requests can be used to pay one-time charges on behalf of a student organization.
One-time charges include off-campus event expenditures (facility rental, catering, security, etc.), charitable
contributions, and various other expenditures (see chart above). If the disbursement request is for an event
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held in a venue where alcohol is available for consumption, a letter of approval for the event from your
advisor (or other appropriate delegate from your School) MUST accompany the request. Information on how
to access and complete a disbursement can be found by using the Disbursement Form located on the SORC
Payments for services provided at on-campus events MUST follow the Student Organization Contract
Guidelines, found in the contracts section of this Handbook or on the SORC Website. If a contract is being
used for an on-campus or virtual event, there is no need to submit a Disbursement Form.
How are disbursements processed through the SORC?
Student organizations desiring to send a check to a vendor are required to fill out an online disbursement
request form and attach the proper documentation. All disbursement requests require the approval of the
student organization Business Manager. The SORC cannot process the request until the Business Manager has
approved the expenditure. Students submitting requests should closely follow the form directions to make
sure that their request is able to be processed in a timely manner.
What documentation is required to be submitted?
Documentation typically consists of an itemized invoice indicating that expenses have not yet been paid.
If the disbursement is for food/beverages, an attendee list must be provided. If the invoice contains alcohol, a
letter of approval for the event from your advisor (or other appropriate designee from your School) MUST
accompany the request. Undergraduate students are not permitted to use organization funds (private or
allocated) for the purchase of alcohol, but must still provide a letter if alcohol is available at the venue.
If the vendor has not been paid by the University before, a W-9 and Supplier Verification Form are required.
Sponsored organizations must also submit a Certificate of Liability Insurance (COLI) including $1 million in
liquor liability insurance, listing the University of Pittsburgh Of the Commonwealth System of Higher
Education as the Certificate Holder, and which is also valid as of the date of the event. Additionally, Sponsored
organizations must submit a Directed or Sole Source Justification Form for contracts over $10,000.00. This
form must be filled out by the sponsoring department/school and CANNOT be filled out by a student. Please
seek guidance from your advisor if you are not sure who should fill this form out.
Who will be required to approve the disbursement?
Once the Business Manager of the organization approves the expenditure, the SORC will be notified of the
request. After the SORC approves and process the paperwork, it is submitted to University Payment
Processing for final approval and payment. Various factors may impact the approval flow, including the
accuracy of documentation submitted and the nature of the items being reimbursed. Disbursement requests
typically take 5-6 weeks to process, so you should plan well in advance of deadlines.
How will the payee receive their funds?
Once University Payment Processing approves the request, a check will be mailed to the address provided by
the payee on their W-9 form. It is very important that payees provide accurate addresses (including
apartment numbers) to ensure that they receive payment. Please note, if an individual name and business
name are both provided on the W-9, by default the University will cut the check out to the listed business
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These credit card, also known as One Card, can be used for online purchases or purchases made over the
phone. Student organization Business Managers and/or Presidents may come into the SORC office during
posted One Card walk-in hours to use the card for purchases. Please check the SORC website and/or
Facebook page for the most up-to-date hours as they change each semester.
The SORC credit card is ideal for student organization conference registrations and bus transportation. It
cannot be used for the purchase of foreign goods with the exception of books/journals. Please see the
Payment Methods Chart above for more information on what the One Card can be used to purchase.
If you are purchasing pizza or any type of food on the credit card, we must receive a copy of the receipt as well
as a guest list within 24 hours of the event. Failure to do so can result in the freezing of your organization’s
account. The account will stay frozen until the SORC ([email protected]) receives the missing documentation.
Your organization can easily order pizza for meetings and events through the SORC by filling out the Pizza
Request Form. Requests are approved by business manager first and should be received by SORC 48 hours
prior to the event. GUEST LIST must be submitted to SORC within 24 hours of the event. All pizza orders will
be processed through the SORC’s preferred pizza vendor. For more information, please email [email protected].
*Please note, if your meeting/event is in the William Pitt Union or O’Hara Student Center, you must fill out a
Snack Approval Form in order to have pizza in the facility.
There may be times when your organization needs to pay another student organization or a department on
campus. Examples of this might be a collaboration with another organization on an event, payment to
Facilities for the rental of tables, or payment to Pitt Police for security. In order to request a transfer, fill out
the Online Interdepartmental Transfer Form.
You can come in at any time during normal SORC operating hours to deposit cash, checks, or money orders to
your student organization account. All checks should be made out to the University of Pittsburgh with your
student organization’s name in the memo line. Checks should not be endorsed on the back by anyone other
than the SORC. Deposits should be counted by the student organization and amounts will be verified by a
member of the SORC staff. Whomever brings the deposit into the SORC will receive a receipt, which they
should turn into your Business Manager. Please allow a week before your deposit appears in your SORC
account on Engage. If your organization needs to drop off a deposit outside of SORC business hours, you can
do so through a deposit slot at the SORC office. Please follow the directions posted on the SORC door to make
deposits through the slot.
All registered student organizations in good standing with the University are permitted to fundraise on
campus and solicit donations from individuals, corporations, and other legal entities as gifts to the University
22 | P a g e
of Pittsburgh via the fundraising options below. Tax deductibility is dependent on the fundraising method
A fundraising event is defined as a collection of monies from individuals, groups, or event programming for the
purpose of making a charitable donation or enhancing a student organization operational (private funds)
budget. Examples of past fundraising events include bake sales, merchandise sales, fashion shows, and other
programs which charge a ticket or “at-the-door” fee. No gift receipts will be provided to those that make
contributions via fundraising events, and these contributions are not tax deductible. A member of the
registered student organization must complete and submit the Student Organization Fundraising Event
Approval Form for all on campus and virtual fundraisers to the SORC at least 5 days prior to the event.
Sponsored organizations must also submit a Fundraising Approval Form for off-campus events. Independent
student organizations do not need to submit paperwork for off-campus fundraisers.
Please read the Registered Student Organization Fundraising Guidelines and Procedures document for more
detailed information on the procedures for conducting fundraising events.
Cashboxes: The William Pitt Union Ticket Office provides cashboxes for check out for fundraisers or ticket
sales that are held on campus. A cashbox request must be made 72 hours in advance of the event date. All
money collected during the event must be turned into William Pitt Union Building Management and will be
placed in your SORC account. For any monetary proceeds from events outside of the William Pitt Union,
student organizations are encouraged to request a University of Pittsburgh Police Officer to serve as an escort
while transporting the funds back to the WPU Ticket Office. Your student organization is responsible for
calling Pitt Police for the complimentary escort. Late cashbox requests are not guaranteed to be approved.
Ticket Office Sales: WPU also offers complimentary ticket sale services out of their ticket office on the main
floor of the William Pitt Union. To have the WPU staff sell tickets to your upcoming event or conference,
complete the Ticket Sale Request form.
The Division of Philanthropic and Alumni Engagement (PAE) also assists and approves other fundraising
options for student organizations, including, EngagePitt, giving page URLs, letter-writing, and Pitt Day of
Giving. For more information on how to conduct one of these fundraisers, please read the Registered Student
Organization Fundraising Guidelines and Procedures.
Each year the University selects a theme to foster collaboration across the University. Matching grants are
awarded to programs/events that support the Year of…Theme. Visit the Provost’s website for more
information on this initiative and grant program.
The OCC Mini-Grant Program is a funding source designed to support events and programs hosted by student
organizations at the University of Pittsburgh. The event must meet the learning outcomes of one of the
following OCC goal areas: Career Preparation, Global and Cultural Awareness, Communication Skills,
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Leadership Development, Appreciation of the Arts, Sense of Self, Service to Others, Wellness or Initiative and
Drive (Pitt Pride excluded). For more information and the application, visit the OCC Mini-Grant site.
The Late-Night Mini-Grant Program is designed to support alcohol-free, late night social and recreational
programming for undergraduate student groups. Visit the Late Night Mini-Grant site for access to the
Sexual Assault Facilitation and Education (SAFE) and the Division of Student Affairs have partnered to
administer a grant program open to SORC registered student organizations. The program was created to
provide comprehensive, discussion-based education around consent, bystander intervention and healthy
relationships. Participating student organizations are eligible for a $200 grant from the Division of Student
Affairs after successful completion of two SAFE programs. The grant must be used to advance the mission of
their organization or the University's sexual violence prevention efforts.
In order to close a student organization financial account, the organization must first be listed as “Inactive”
with the SORC.
Any remaining funds left in the account after all debts have been paid can be distributed according to the
organization’s consensus, using one of the two options below. The organization must state how it wants the
funds to be distributed in a letter format and have all officers and the advisor(s) sign the letter. If the funds
are to be received by more than one entity, each entity receiving funds must be listed as well as the dollar
amount to be dispersed. This letter should be submitted/emailed to the Associate Director, Student
Organizations & Advising in 833 William Pitt Union or at [email protected].
If donating the remaining funds to another student organization, once your letter has been reviewed
by the SORC Coordinator, you will be asked to fill out an Interdepartmental Transfer Request form.
The funds will then be distributed and the SORC will close the account.
If donating the remaining funds to an outside charity, once your letter has been reviewed by the SORC
Coordinator, you will be asked to attach the letter and a W-9 for the payee to a Disbursement Request
Form. Once submitted and reviewed, the SORC will process the payment request. The check will be
mailed to the address on the W-9.
If an organization does not provide direction to the SORC on the distribution of funds and has been inactive for
a minimum of four years, the remaining funds will be moved to a centralized SORC account to be used for
student organization development. The funds will no longer be available to the organization should students
wish to re-register.
If another circumstance exists that does not fit into one of the above scenarios, the SORC may need to
approve what is being requested. This is determined on a case-by-case basis.
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The views and opinions expressed during student organization events are those of the invited speaker(s) and
do not necessarily reflect or represent the views of the University of Pittsburgh. Event staff and/or security
may remove attendees who interfere with the speaker’s ability to deliver their presentation and the
audience’s right to view and/or listen to the presentation. Event staff may limit the re-entry of attendees.
Even a simple meeting can involve advertising, coordinating the event agenda, contracting speakers, planning
engaging activities, keeping up with committees and special projects, and providing and permitting
refreshments. Just imagine what’s involved with bringing a big-name speaker, comedian, or performance to
campus. The purpose of hosting events can vary so it’s important to know why you’re planning the event and
how to do it successfully.
To reserve a space in the William Pitt Union (WPU), O’Hara Student Center (OSC), Campus Recreation facilities,
and other designated academic buildings, you must first create an account in the Event Management System
(EMS). The room reservation system provides an online means for reserving and viewing student
organizations’ room reservations across campus. Authorized users can submit requests for room reservations
to be reviewed by William Pitt Union and O’Hara Student Center reservations staff. Each student organization
is permitted to have two accounts. To create an account, visit the Student Unions Reservations Web site.
Looking for space not in EMS? All SORC registered student organizations are eligible to reserve space in other
University buildings. A helpful guide can be found on this site.
If your organization plans to host an event on campus involving direct contact with minors, you must register
the event with the Division of Student Affairs a minimum of 30 days before the event date. Direct contact is
defined by law as care, guidance, supervision or control of minors, or routine interactions with minors. For
more information on hosting events with minors or to register an event, visit the Student Unions Web site.
The University of Pittsburgh affirms the constitutional rights of its community members. Freedom of thought,
speech, assembly and expression are integral to the holistic development of each student. In alignment with
our values as an institution, the University supports your student organization in your pursuit to provide
programs, speakers, and opportunities for intellectual conversation, discourse, and ultimately learning.
Your organization should use The Event Scheduling Guidelines to assist you as you plan events on campus,
including but not limited to inviting speakers. To best ensure a safe and successful presentation or event,
please review the Registration Guidelines or seek advice from the SORC or appropriate building management.
Please note that only student organizations registered with the Division of Student Affairs are eligible to use
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University facilities, equipment, and services.
Event Security Checklist
Event Planning Checklist for activities held in the William Pitt Union or O’Hara Student Center
Waivers should be used for registered student organization travel, activities that have liability concerns (5Ks,
bringing children on campus, inflatables, etc.) and any other events deemed necessary. Waivers must be
uploaded to the student organization’s Engage account. Please visit the SORC website for a copy of the waiver
If your organization is planning to have a speaker, entertainment (i.e. comedian, band, dance group, singer),
referee, coach, lighting and sound company, photographer, videographer, instructor, or other vendor for
which a service is being provided, you will need to complete a University contract.
Please review the Guidelines for Registered Student Organization Contracts and note that the policies for ON
CAMPUS and OFF CAMPUS activities vary. (See instructions for off campus activities in the section below.)
To help you prepare for your event please refer to the graphics in this section of the Handbook and to the
Event Planning Checklist. If you need assistance, please visit the SORC Office in 833 William Pitt Union, or
email us at [email protected] to set up an appointment to speak with a staff member.
All contracts and related documents must be submitted to the SORC at least 21 days prior to the
event. Failure to submit contract(s) twenty-one days prior to the activity may result in the postponement or
cancellation of your program/event. CONTRACTS ARE NOT CONSIDERED SUBMITTED UNTIL THE
Live Performance Agreement (Used for guest speakers, bands, musicians, dance groups, comedians,
poets, and other live performers)
Event Production Agreement (Used for individuals/companies providing services other than
entertainers e.g. referees, sound companies, lighting companies, photographers/videographers,
equipment rentals, and other individuals/companies providing services; also used for one-time
instruction events)
Instruction Services Agreement (Used for individuals providing services for instructional purposes
more than one time e.g. dance instructors, choreographers, and martial arts demonstrations. This
template is meant for instruction services that occur for more than one event. For instance, a series of
classes over a semester.
DJ Agreement (Used for DJ and Karaoke services)
26 | P a g e
IRS W-9 Form (REQUIRED for companies/individuals being paid)
Per the Guidelines for Registered Student Organization Contracts, student organizations have the ability to
submit a Contract Waiver Form for speaker engagements only. Neither a contract nor contract waiver are
required for University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh campus) faculty, staff, or students as long as they are not
being paid for a speaking engagement. Student Organizations may request a contract waiver for on campus
activities for guest speakers provided:
1. The guest speaker does not otherwise require a contract,
2. The guest speaker is not being paid for the appearance (by the University or a third party) nor
being reimbursed for any travel or other expenses,
3. The guest speaker has no restrictions on photography (the Student Organization will have to
include proper photography notices at the entrance and inside the reserved space),
4. Neither the guest speaker or the Student Organization are recording the event, and
5. The guest speaker does not require any special equipment, facilities or additional university
Contract waivers must also be submitted 21 days prior to your event.
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Often the performance or showing of films for by university-affiliated student groups, clubs, and organizations
may not fall under the fair use exception of U.S. copyright law. The intent of such showings is generally for
entertainment, not for face-to-face teaching. For more information on copyright laws and showing movies,
please visit the University Library System’s website.
As an institution of higher learning, the University of Pittsburgh is committed to providing equal access to
programs and services to all members of our learning community.
When planning university events, accessibility can benefit the experience for all participants by creating a
more diverse group. In addition, many accessibility considerations, such as captioned videos, good lighting,
sound, and accessible restrooms can benefit everyone. Take a look at the Check List for Planning Accessible
Events for more information on how to make your events more accessible to all individuals.
Your student organization has a variety of resources available for publicizing your event. Please visit the SGB
website for a current listing of these resources. Also, you should keep the Posting and Chalking Guidelines for
Student Organizations in mind when planning and executing your marketing plan.
The off-campus activities of Independent student organizations are the sole responsibility of the organization,
officers and members, unless expressly approved in advance by the University. Sponsored organizations
wishing to host an event off-campus should work closely with their sponsored entity to review expectations
and policies.
The SORC encourages Independent student organizations to obtain contracts for facility rentals and any
services provided to them while off campus. Independent student organization leaders are responsible for
reading and understanding the terms of the agreement and are also responsible for signing the agreement. All
contracts for off campus activities of Independent Student Organizations must state the following: The
parties hereto agree and understand that the University of Pittsburgh is not a party to this contract and that
the University of Pittsburgh is not responsible, under any circumstances for performing any obligations of
this contract.
The name of the University may not appear on any contract for off campus activities of Independent Student
Organizations with the exception of the statement above.
Sponsored organizations will NOT sign the contract and will submit all paperwork to the SORC who will work
with University Purchasing and the sponsoring entity to review the contract and negotiate its terms.
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When blocking 10+ rooms or event space at a hotel, student organizations must first reach out to the SORC
([email protected]). This information will help the SORC determine whether or not the booking will need to go
through the University contracting system for these types of spaces.
Sponsored organizations will NOT sign the contract and will submit all paperwork to the SORC who will work
with University Purchasing and the sponsoring entity to review the contract and negotiate its terms.
When submitting contracts for events to take place off-campus, the following documents MUST be submitted
to SORC via the online Disbursement Form:
Contract (signed by both parties if an independent organization, not signed at all if a sponsored
Letter of Approval for the off-campus event from Advisor/School for Sponsored students organizations.
Letter of Approval from Advisor/School for Sponsored organizations when alcohol is
COLI from Establishment for $1,000,000.00 in alcohol liability for Sponsored organizations when
alcohol is accessible/present at the venue
Directed Sole Source Justification Form (for Sponsored organizations who have a contract over
$10,000.00. This form MUST be filled out and signed by your sponsoring department).
All organizations are encouraged to use and adapt the Event Planning Checklist for their off campus event.
Some student organizations may travel to conferences, competitions, or other events to promote their
organization or to convene with other chapters of the larger state or national/international organization.
Students are expected to abide by the University of Pittsburgh Student Code of Conduct and conduct
themselves in a manner that does not detract from the reputation of the University.
The University is not responsible or liable for any personal injury or other damages that result from student
organization travel. The University of Pittsburgh does not provide insurance coverage for personal vehicles or
any individuals within the vehicle.
The SORC is able to assist your organization with local travel arrangements and accommodations.
All accommodations should be arranged through the SORC. Please see below for various options for planning
your student organization’s transportation.
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Your student organization is eligible to reserve vehicles from Enterprise through the SORC. Only reservations
made through the SORC will receive the University discount.
The following criteria must be met to obtain approval for student use of a vehicle rented through the SORC:
Must be enrolled at the University and/or be an active student with a valid Pitt ID.
Must have a valid Driver’s License.
Must be 21 years of age and have had a valid driver’s license for 2 years to drive a vehicle that seats 7
passengers or less.
Must complete the Vehicle Rental Request Form at least 5 business days in advance for trips less than
250 miles one-way, or 14 business days in advance for trips over 250 miles one-way.
Must provide a detailed GOOGLE MAPS step by step itinerary that includes destination, estimated
number of miles, and planned travel route (a step by step Google Maps print out is mandatory or your
request will be rejected) with Authorization form.
For trips over 250 miles one-way:
Vehicle request must be submitted at least 14 business days in advance.
Two approved drivers are required.
Drivers must rotate every 3 hours.
No more than 10 hours of driving can be completed during any one day.
Driving between 11:00 pm and 6:00 am is prohibited.
A detailed itinerary must be provided including stop and driver change locations.
The organization advisor or substitute advisor (faculty or staff member, graduate student assistant, or
contracted coach) must accompany the organization on the trip and must sing the advisor portion of
the Vehicle Request Form.
Students granted permission to rent vehicles through the University must agree to the following rules and
Use vehicles for official stated purpose only.
Operate vehicle in accordance with University rules and regulations.
Observe all applicable traffic laws, ordinances and regulations.
Use safe driving practices at all times.
Use seat belts at all times.
Driver assumes all responsibility for fines or traffic violations.
No smoking in rental vehicles.
Do not permit unauthorized individuals to drive or ride in the vehicle.
Ensure that all doors and windows are locked when vehicle is not in use.
Inspect vehicle before leaving and after returning to the point of pick-up.
Report any malfunctions or damages to the local Enterprise branch from which the vehicle was rented.
Report any accidents to local authorities, the local Enterprise branch from which the vehicle was
rented, and University Travel Management.
Student organizations and/or individual members may be held responsible for damages to rental
vehicles. It is important to contact University Travel Management in these cases so that we can work
with you.
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Non-compliance with the above guidelines may result in disciplinary actions up to and including Judicial Board
review and may also jeopardize future vehicle rental privileges for the student organization.
To request a charter bus for local or national travel, fill out a Charter Bus Request Form and submit to
[email protected]. A quote will be provided to you by the Office of Parking and Transportation Services.
Submit this quote to the SORC Business Office (sorc2@pitt.edu) and, once approved, the SORC will arrange for
an interdepartmental transfer of funds for payment.
If your student organization is traveling farther than 250 miles from Pittsburgh, you should always consider
alternative transportation options other than personal or rental vehicles, especially when an advisor is not
traveling with the organization. All hotel and flight reservations can be made through the SORC during One
Card hours. They may also be made through Anthony Travel by filling out the Travel Request Form. Parking
and Transportation Services offers charter bus options (please see previous section on charter buses for more
All student organization international travel is prohibited unless it is approved by the Vice Provost of Student
Affairs or Dean of Students in conjunction with the Global Experiences Office. International travel must have a
University sponsor and must follow all requirements of the Global Experiences Office.
Independent student organizations are voluntary associations led by University of Pittsburgh students and are
thus legally separate entities from the University. No independent student organization may adopt a name
which may be construed as misleading as to the nature of affiliation of the organization. Therefore,
independent student organizations may not use “University of Pittsburgh,” “Pitt,” or any other trademarked
phrase at the beginning of their name, but they are permitted to say “Blank Club” at the University of
Pittsburgh or “Blank Club” at Pitt. This policy includes all online platforms (social media, email, websites, etc.)
Other University trademarks—for example, “Panthers/Panther”—cannot be used.
Russian Club at Pitt
Pitt Russian Club
Cypher Club at the University of Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh Cypher Club
Tango Club
Panther Tango Club
Student organizations that have special exemption from these guidelines will be required to either include
“Club” or “Student Organization” in their name and on all marketing materials—web, print, t-shirts, mugs, etc.
31 | P a g e
All registered student organizations must be in compliance with the University of Pittsburgh Logo Usage Guide
for Registered Student Organizations. This guide is outlined in the following pages (31-34). Additional
Guidelines for Competitive and Recreational Club Sports can be found on the Campus Recreation website.
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33 | P a g e
34 | P a g e
35 | P a g e
It is understood and agreed that participation in all activities of registered student organizations is voluntary
and that all risk of personal injury, property damage or other losses that occur incidental to membership or
participation in activities are assumed solely by the student organization and/or individual member(s) or
Accordingly, the University of Pittsburgh, its officers and agents shall not be responsible nor liable for any
claims or causes of action for damage or loss of property or personal injury of any kind or nature which may
arise out of or are incidental to the conduct of any organization’s activities or that of any individual’s
participation in any organization-related activity.
It is further understood and agreed that it is the responsibility of the signatory officers of the organization to
assure that all of the organization’s members and non-member participants, in all activities hosted by the
organization, are fully informed and advised of this Assumption of Risk, and in the event any individual
member or participant should express or indicate non-acceptance, the organization’s officers shall forbid
participation and/or membership of such individual.
In regard to organization/participant assumption of risk, the University recommends that the organization
and/or participants make every effort to arrange for the acquisition of liability insurance sufficient to protect
all participants against those risks being assumed. Similarly, for sport-related organizations the University
recommends that each individual have insurance sufficient to allow for any risks by participation, accident or
by deficiencies in physical health.
The Student Code of Conduct (Code) outlines behavioral expectations for University of Pittsburgh students
and registered student organizations and provides descriptions of the hearing and appeal processes. Alleged
violations of the Code by registered student organizations, whether they occur on or off campus, will be
adjudicated using the Level II conduct process. Misrepresenting information on the application for
registration is a violation of the Code and may result in disciplinary action.
For more information on the Student Code of Conduct, visit: https://www.studentaffairs.pitt.edu/conduct/.
Hazing at the University of Pittsburgh is a violation of the Code and is absolutely not tolerated. Hazing also
may be considered a criminal offense in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In accordance with Pennsylvania
law, any reports of alleged hazing are published on the Office of Compliance, Investigations, and Ethics
website. This published report is updated on a biannual basis and can be found here. For more information
on the University’s stance against hazing and the adjudication process, please review Chapter 3 of the Code or
visit the Student Conduct Website, or visit the Compliance Office website for more information about
36 | P a g e
The University of Pittsburgh values the expression and exchange of ideas and encourages students to exercise
their rights and privileges as individuals by participating fully in the political process. Due to the University’s
status as a tax exempt organization, there are limitations on the type of partisan political activities that can be
conducted on campus.
Accordingly, your student organization is expected to observe University Policy 02-03-09 Participation in
Political Campaigns (“Policy”) and should consult the guidelines with respect to participation in political
activities. The Policy is not intended to infringe in any way on an individual’s right, in his or her own name, to
support a particular candidate or participate in a political campaign. Please visit the SORC website for more
Individuals remain entirely free to become involved in the election process as they choose, in a manner that
does not evidence or imply University involvement. This is a complex issue, accordingly, if you have any
questions regarding such activities please contact the Office of Community and Governmental Relations.
The organization will ensure that any organization publication or material will:
Comply with current copyright laws.
Be distributed according to policies and procedures.
Refrain from expressions that are considered obscene or libelous according to current statute,
advocate or incite the material interference or physical disruption of the educational process or the
peace, order and decorum of the campus, or that advocate or incite imminent lawless action or the
violent overthrow of the government.
Identify the organization as publisher and specify that the group is a registered student organization at
the University of Pittsburgh.
Pitt requires that all registered student organizations have an advisor. An advisor must be a full-time Pitt
faculty or staff member. Student organizations are run by students themselves, but advisors play a key role in
offering guidance and advice.
Serve as a liaison between the student organization and the University.
Be familiar with the University rules and regulations applicable to student organizations.
Serve as a Campus Security Authority and comply with the Clery Act.
37 | P a g e
Report any information received regarding incidents of hazing to the Office of Student Conduct or the
University Police.
Serve as a Responsible Employee in instances of Title IX concerns.
The advisor is not empowered to exercise any supervisory or other authority on behalf of the
Serve as a non-remunerated consultant and act only in his/her/their personal capacity and not as a
representative of the University.
The choice of advisor and the acceptance to serve as advisor represents a voluntary association that
depends primarily on the group and advisor.
The advisor may agree with the group to perform all or some of the following:
1) Attend regular meetings of the organization and become familiar with its activities.
2) Provide assistance to the organization in meeting the conditions of registration.
3) Provide assistance in the planning and implementation of program activities.
4) Provide assistance in the areas of organizational and personal development.
5) Insure that the group operates according to its constitution.
All registered student organizations are required to have an advisor. Your advisor MUST be a full-time faculty
or staff employee at the University of Pittsburgh. Adjunct faculty and graduate/teaching assistants are not
eligible to be a student organization advisor. When selecting an advisor, you may want to find someone who
can easily take a personal interest in your group and whom you feel can work well with the organization. If
your organization has alumni who are fulltime Pitt employees, consider asking one of them to serve as your
advisor. If your group is focused around a particular interest or discipline, try asking a faculty member in that
department. Be sure to have a conversation with your advisor to establish expectations of the advisor’s role
with your organization. If you need help in selecting an advisor, please contact the Student Organization
Resource Center at [email protected].
38 | P a g e
Baierl Student Recreation Center
3034 Petersen Events Center
3719 Terrace Street
(412) 648-8210
3400 Forbes Avenue
Eureka Building
Floor William Pitt Union
3959 Fifth Avenue
825 William Pitt Union
3959 Fifth Avenue
(412) 648-7844
Floor, William Pitt Union
3959 Fifth Avenue
(412) 648-9523
119 William Pitt Union
3959 Fifth Avenue
3990 5th Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 ·
(412) 648-1100
(412) 648-2302
848 William Pitt Union
3959 Fifth Avenue
(412) 648-7970
Allocations: [email protected]
William Pitt Union
3959 Fifth Avenue
(412) 648-7815
O’Hara Student Center
4024 O’Hara Street
(412) 624-3129
EMS Reservations
31st Floor, Cathedral of Learning
4200 Fifth Avenue
(412) 648-7860
Alumni Hall, Suite B10
4227 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
(412) 648-7240