Sample Request for Terminated LetterCoursework Master’s
Vice-Dean, Students
School of Graduate Studies
65 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2Z9
To: Vice-Dean, Students
Re: Request for Termination of Mr. Joe Smith
From: Professor Elizabeth Brown, Chair, Department of ABC
I am writing to recommend the termination of Joe Smith’s registration from the MA program in the Department of
ABC due to failure in the following courses: ABC 123 in Fall 2009 and Winter 2010 and DEF 456 in Fall 2009.
These program requirements are clearly described in our Graduate Handbook, which states that “A student who fails
two or more courses is no longer a student in good academic standing and a request for termination will be
forwarded to the School of Graduate Studies.
Mr. Joe Smith failed courses ABC 123 and DEF 456 in Fall 2009. The department meets with all students who fail a
course at the end of the term to ensure that they understand the requirements for good academic standing. In the
meeting with Joe Smith, he revealed that he might have a serious problem with writing and was recommended to
contact Accessibility Services.
Unfortunately, the student failed course DEF 456 again in the Winter 2010 session. At a second meeting to discuss
the student’s performance, the student stated that he sought support resources as instructed. Despite appropriate
accommodation, the student was unable to meet course requirements. The student was informed that a request for
termination of registration would be made within the week and that in the meantime, voluntary withdrawal from the
program was an option. The student was also informed that termination can be appealed to the Graduate Academic
Appeals Board, but withdrawal cannot.
As Mr. Joe Smith did not wish to voluntarily withdraw from his program at the end of this week, we are regretfully
proceeding with this request for termination.
CC: Graduate Coordinator
Graduate Administrator
Supervisor, if appropriate
Student, if appropriate
Revised August 9, 2010