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Presented at the DLSU Research Congress 2016
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
March 7-9, 2016
CollaborateIT: A CCS IT Thesis Portal with
Electronic Document Management System
Elin del Rosario, Julian del Rosario, Mirro Nieva, Tiara Tan and Marivic Tangkeko
Center for ICT for Development (CITe4D), College of Computer Studies
De La Salle University, 2401 Taft Avenue, 1004 Manila, Philippines
One of the most significant stages of college is the thesis stage. This is the
last major project a student must undertake before he/she can graduate. With that, it
is important that the processes during this stage are done efficiently and accurately
so that the students can provide an outstanding thesis.
This paper presents the development of a Portal with Electronic Document
Management System for the Information Technology Department under the College
of Computer Studies of De La Salle University - Manila. The system covers the entire
thesis process as well as the document management of the different thesis
documents. The main objective of this system is to provide a portal that can help
better track and accomplish the thesis cycle.
The main problem that stood out from all the other problems gathered while
developing the system was time. The proponents conducted interviews with the
different people involved to gather relevant data and comments to help solve the
problem. Based on the data gathered, the proponents came up to a solution which
there will be one channel where the students and faculty can discuss their thesis.
Through this system, the proponents were able to maximize the time of both the
students and faculty when dealing with their thesis. The time saved can be used for
other work that may contribute to the productivity of faculty and students.
At the end of the development phase, a test was conducted for the users. The
results of the User Acceptance Testing done were positive. The system was able to
solve the problems presented in the paper. The feedbacks of the users were also
considered to improve the system.
Key Words:
Key Words: Key Words:
Key Words: Thesis Management; Portal; Electronic Document Management System;
Google Calendar; Scheduling
Proceedings of the DLSU Research Congress Vol 4 2016
ISSN 2449-3309
Page 2 of 6
Presented at the DLSU Research Congress 2016
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
March 7-9, 2016
Today, many industries use information technology
in providing information and services to their
customers. It is helping people in their day-to-day
activities by granting access to a wide range of
information that interests them. People can also
access important information in systems that they
are part of which will help them to easily view
information that are related to them like work,
school and personal relevant information.
A portal is a system that serves as a
centralized place for accessing different resources in
the Web (Atlantic Webfitters, 2014). It gathers
information from different sources and put it all
together in a single place which can help in accessing
information by several users. It provides the users
with a single point of content, data, and services. It
can be personalized depending on the role of the user
in the organization (Eldrandaly, 2009). There are
different types of portal: general, community,
horizontal, vertical, enterprise, personal, and niche.
Community Portal is a system where the users are of
same group of interests (Tatnall, 2005).
Electronic document management system
(EDMS) helps in managing documents electronically
(Minnesota Historical Society, 2012). Moreover,
EDMS provides security of information while it still
allows easy access of the users to the electronic
document (Oakleigh Consulting Ltd, 2007). The
process of EDMS has to do with capturing, storing,
indexing and retrieval. It improves the accessing of
information by the users of the organization wherein
they can easily search and retrieve the documents
needed. Also, there will be security in such a way
that the only authorized users are allowed to access
the particular documents. (ND Information
Technology Department, 2014)
With these concepts, the proponents were
able to come up with a system that incorporates
EDMS into a portal which is the CCS IT Thesis
Portal with Electronic Document Management
System. The portal would be handling the entire
thesis process, which starts from after passing the
proposal stage up to the submitting of the final thesis
project, as well as the document management of the
thesis documents, which involves the storing,
indexing and retrieving of thesis documents, in the
IT department under the College of Computer
Studies of De La Salle University.
The proponents have chosen the Rapid Application
Development (RAD) methodology for this study. This
methodology is composed of four phases such as
requirements planning, system design, construction,
and cutover (Rosenblatt, H. & Shelly, G., 2012). It
lets the users to be involved from planning to the
development of the information system. It speeds up
the development process as the users help in
providing feedbacks and comments regarding the
system being developed in order to know if the
requirements of the users are considered.
The proponents chose this methodology
because of the limited time they were given to
complete the system. Even though the time was
limited, the proponents were still able to consider the
quality of the system and the needs of the users. It is
because the users were involved while developing the
system which helped in gathering feedbacks
regarding the system and improving it.
During the initial phase, the proponents
conducted interviews with the different contact
persons of the organization. The proponents studied
the complete process of the organization and
analyzed the problems that the project can address.
After the first phase, the proponents proceeded with
the development of the system. The proponents
would also schedule meetings with the organization
to present the system and to ask for their feedbacks
regarding the prototype. The proponents would then
address the feedbacks of the users then present it
again until the users are satisfied with the system.
In order to ensure that the information
system developed works based on the needs of the
users, a User Acceptance Testing (UAT) was done.
The system was presented and used by the CCS IT
professors as well as the students taking up thesis.
In this way, the suggestions and comments of the
Proceedings of the DLSU Research Congress Vol 4 2016
ISSN 2449-3309
users, as they go through the whole system, will be
able to be discussed and worked on.
The conceptual framework presents the different modules of
the system. The problems that the modules addressed are
incorporated as well as the users of each module. In addition,
the inputs, outputs, features, and tools and technologies used
can be seen. Th
e portal is composed of nine modules:
preparation, request, consultation, defense
scheduling, evaluation results, revisions, document
management, report generation, and consultation
and announcements.
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
3.1 Preparation
s module handles the process of registration of
the group, selection of adviser, encoding of group
details, posting of announcements, uploading of
thesis students, and scheduling of milestones. In the
registration, the thesis coordinator would need to
it is done, the students would be receiving an email
informing them to register their group in the portal.
For first time log-
in, they would need to update their
password and there is a facility to connect
account to G
oogle calendar. For groups that have
Presented at the DLSU Research Congress 201
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
users, as they go through the whole system, will be
The conceptual framework presents the different modules of
the system. The problems that the modules addressed are
incorporated as well as the users of each module. In addition,
the inputs, outputs, features, and tools and technologies used
e portal is composed of nine modules:
preparation, request, consultation, defense
scheduling, evaluation results, revisions, document
management, report generation, and consultation
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
s module handles the process of registration of
the group, selection of adviser, encoding of group
details, posting of announcements, uploading of
thesis students, and scheduling of milestones. In the
registration, the thesis coordinator would need to
ad students who passed the proposal stage. Once
it is done, the students would be receiving an email
informing them to register their group in the portal.
in, they would need to update their
password and there is a facility to connect
oogle calendar. For groups that have
registered already, the thesis coordinator needs to
upload the enrolled students for the system to
determine the groups enrolled for the current term.
Figure 2. Login
Figure 3. Homepage
3.2 Request
This module handles the process of request for
changes in proposal, grouping, and adviser, as well
as requesting for an early defense. It allows the
submission and evaluation of requests and assigning
of evaluators. The students can upload the
uments needed for the different requests which
enables the evaluators to view. Evaluators can also
comment and ask question or additional documents
during the evaluation of request.
3.3 Consultation
This module handles scheduling of consultation,
uploading and viewing of milestones/deliverables,
and submission of endorsement/approval. The
scheduling of consultation enables the students or
the advisers to schedule a consultation. The schedule
could be
connected to their
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Presented at the DLSU Research Congress 201
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
March 7-9, 2016
registered already, the thesis coordinator needs to
upload the enrolled students for the system to
determine the groups enrolled for the current term.
Figure 2. Login
Figure 3. Homepage
This module handles the process of request for
changes in proposal, grouping, and adviser, as well
as requesting for an early defense. It allows the
submission and evaluation of requests and assigning
of evaluators. The students can upload the
uments needed for the different requests which
enables the evaluators to view. Evaluators can also
comment and ask question or additional documents
This module handles scheduling of consultation,
uploading and viewing of milestones/deliverables,
and submission of endorsement/approval. The
scheduling of consultation enables the students or
the advisers to schedule a consultation. The schedule
connected to their
Google calendar
Proceedings of the DLSU Research Congress Vol 4 2016
ISSN 2449-3309
depending on their preference. It allows them to
decide on the consultation through the portal or their
oogle calendar. Students can upload different
chapters of their document or screenshots of the
system. The uploaded
files could then be viewed by
the adviser for him/her to evaluate it. Basically, it
allows consultation without physically meeting. The
advisers can view the progress of the groups they are
handling which will aid them in deciding the
Figure 4. Calendar
3.4 Defense Scheduling
This module allows the thesis coordinator to
automatically generate a suggested defense schedule.
There are two suggested schedules generated where
the thesis coordinator can choose from. Upon
choosing, thesis coordin
ator could still make
necessary changes on the schedule. The module also
gives suggestions on the alternative schedule and
evaluators. In addition, groups that are not endorsed
could be removed and the defense schedules could be
sent in the email of the st
udents and faculty.
Figure 5
. Defense Scheduling
Presented at the DLSU Research Congress 201
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
depending on their preference. It allows them to
decide on the consultation through the portal or their
oogle calendar. Students can upload different
chapters of their document or screenshots of the
files could then be viewed by
the adviser for him/her to evaluate it. Basically, it
allows consultation without physically meeting. The
advisers can view the progress of the groups they are
handling which will aid them in deciding the
This module allows the thesis coordinator to
automatically generate a suggested defense schedule.
There are two suggested schedules generated where
the thesis coordinator can choose from. Upon
ator could still make
necessary changes on the schedule. The module also
gives suggestions on the alternative schedule and
evaluators. In addition, groups that are not endorsed
could be removed and the defense schedules could be
udents and faculty.
. Defense Scheduling
3.5 Evaluation Results
This module allows the encoding of grades and the
verdict. For groups who are on the last stage, it
enables the thesis coordinator to already indicate the
awards that the different groups are nominated for
and confirm it at the end of the term. It also all
the thesis coordinator to schedule a presentation for
groups who are nominated for most outstanding
thesis award as well as entering the result.
3.6 Revisions
This module includes uploading and evaluation of the
revisions list. The thesis coordinato
uploading the revisions list of the groups. The groups
would need to upload the parts of the document that
are needed to be revised. Once it is uploaded it can
now be evaluated by the panel. Before deciding on
the revisions, the panel could requ
changes or schedule a physical meeting if they want
to see the revised system.
3.7 Document Management
The document management module is divided into
three: storing, indexing, and search and retrieval.
The storing handles the storage o
documents, thesis documents, teaser videos, request
forms, and other documents uploaded in the digital
repository. The indexing handles the encoding of
information about the document. It also includes
tagging that would be used for easi
search and retrieval module allows the users of the
system to search for the thesis documents in different
ways and view it. Moreover, it allows users to view
teaser videos and download some chapters of the
thesis document.
Figure 6
.Document Viewing
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Presented at the DLSU Research Congress 201
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
March 7-9, 2016
This module allows the encoding of grades and the
verdict. For groups who are on the last stage, it
enables the thesis coordinator to already indicate the
awards that the different groups are nominated for
and confirm it at the end of the term. It also all
the thesis coordinator to schedule a presentation for
groups who are nominated for most outstanding
thesis award as well as entering the result.
This module includes uploading and evaluation of the
revisions list. The thesis coordinato
r would be
uploading the revisions list of the groups. The groups
would need to upload the parts of the document that
are needed to be revised. Once it is uploaded it can
now be evaluated by the panel. Before deciding on
the revisions, the panel could requ
est for additional
changes or schedule a physical meeting if they want
The document management module is divided into
three: storing, indexing, and search and retrieval.
The storing handles the storage o
f approved proposal
documents, thesis documents, teaser videos, request
forms, and other documents uploaded in the digital
repository. The indexing handles the encoding of
information about the document. It also includes
tagging that would be used for easi
er searching. The
search and retrieval module allows the users of the
system to search for the thesis documents in different
ways and view it. Moreover, it allows users to view
teaser videos and download some chapters of the
.Document Viewing
Proceedings of the DLSU Research Congress Vol 4 2016
ISSN 2449-3309
Page 5 of 6
Presented at the DLSU Research Congress 2016
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
March 7-9, 2016
3.8 Report Generation
This module includes generation of report that are
needed to be prepared by the thesis coordinator. The
reports included are Mentoring Report, Paneling
Report, Adviser Report, Term Grades, IP Inventory,
and Library Log.
Figure 7.Reports
3.9 Consultation and Announcements
This module is for the mobile application which is an
extension of the system. It allows the users to post
announcements, evaluate deliverables, and decide on
the consultation schedules. There is also a
notification about the consultation, deadlines, and
Figure 8. Login & Homepage for the Mobile version
During the beginning of the project, the proponents
have identified several problems from the current
processes of the organization through the use of gap
analysis. Most of the problems identified were
concerned with the time needed for a process. Also,
they were also concerned with the number of people
involved in a process such as only one person can do
a task at a time.
Having a system like this allows the faculty
to save time and increase productivity since their
tasks can be done without the need to wait for other
faculty members such as when they are evaluating
requests and documents. Through the system, a
defense schedule can also be created. This is one of
the most time consuming process which the thesis
coordinator will have to manually create before by
comparing each Enrollment Assessment Form (EAF)
of students.
For students, it is expected that with the
implementation of this system, they will have a more
convenient and better thesis stage. This system will
allow open a better communication between them
and the faculty members.
With the completion of this system, the
proponents have also pointed out some
enhancements that can be done. For the consultation
process, the proponents recommend that users shall
be able to comment on the pages of the documents
uploaded. By doing so, it will be easier for the users
to correct the comments typed into the pages. For the
evaluation process of BSCS-IST students, the
proponents recommend to allow the panelists to be
able to highlight and comment on specific parts of the
document. To avoid plagiarism, a plagiarism checker
for the system is also recommended. This will allow
the system to check if there are any copied parts from
other sources. And lastly, the proponents recommend
the improvement of the current mobile application
created for the system.
The proponents would like to thank the following
Proceedings of the DLSU Research Congress Vol 4 2016
ISSN 2449-3309
Page 6 of 6
Presented at the DLSU Research Congress 2016
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
March 7-9, 2016
people for their help and guidance throughout the
research and development of this capstone project.
Without them, this project will not be a success. Ms.
Ms. Ms.
Estefanie Ulit
Estefanie UlitEstefanie Ulit
Estefanie Ulit, professor and previous thesis
coordinator. Ms. Michelle Ching
Ms. Michelle ChingMs. Michelle Ching
Ms. Michelle Ching, professor and
current thesis coordinator. Ms. Marivic Tangkeko
Ms. Marivic TangkekoMs. Marivic Tangkeko
Ms. Marivic Tangkeko,
professor and thesis adviser of the proponents. Ms.
Ms. Ms.
Lorraine Reyes
Lorraine ReyesLorraine Reyes
Lorraine Reyes, Information Technology secretary.
Mr. Gregory Cu
Mr. Gregory CuMr. Gregory Cu
Mr. Gregory Cu, Head of Technical Support Group.
Atlantic Webfitters. (2014).
What is a Web
Retrieved on October 31, 2014
Eldrandaly, K. (2009).
Ranking Web Portals Quality
Criteria based on Different Types of Personality.
Retrieve on November 11, 2014 from,
Minnesota Historical Society. (2012).
Document Management System
. Retrieved on
October 31, 2014
ND Information Technology Department. (2014).
Enterprise Document Management System
. Retrieved November 4, 2014
Oakleigh Consulting Ltd. (2007).
The Basics of
Electronic Document Management Systems
Retrieved November 4, 2014
Rosenblatt, H. & Shelly, G. (2012).
Systems Analysis
and Design
. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Tatnall, A. (2005).
Web portals: The new gateways to
internet information and services
. Retrieved on
November 11, 2014 from,
Proceedings of the DLSU Research Congress Vol 4 2016
ISSN 2449-3309