Assoc. Prof. Dr. İhsan Tolga MEDENİ
We as the jury members certify the ‘Creation Of Electronic Document
Management Systems: A Research On Productivity In Public
Institutions’ prepared by the Kenan ABACI defended on 25/12/2020 has
been found satisfactory for the award of degree of Phd.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. İhsan Tolga MEDENİ (Supervisor)
Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Department of Management
Information Systems
Prof. Dr. Mustafa SAĞSAN
Near East University, Information and Department Management
Prof. Dr. Mustafa SAĞSAN
Graduate School of Social Sciences
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Behiye Tüzel ÇAVUŞOĞLU
Near East University, Department of Economics
Prof. Dr. Şerife Zihni EYÜPOĞLU
Near East University, Department of Business Administration
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tunç Durmuş MEDENİ (Head of Jury)
Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Department of Management
Information Systems
I Kenan ABACI, hereby declare that this dissertation entitled Assoc. Prof. Dr.
İhsan Tolga MEDENİ (Supervisor)’ has been prepared myself under the
guidance and supervision of ‘Creation Of Electronic Document Management
Systems: A Research On Productivity In Public Institutions’ in partial fulfilment
of the Near East University, Graduate School of Social Sciences regulations
and does not to the best of my knowledge breach and Law of Copyrights and
has been tested for plagiarism and a copy of the result can be found in the
o The full extent of my Thesis can be accesible from anywhere.
o My Thesis can only be accesible from Near East University.
o My Thesis cannot be accesible for two(2) years. If I do not apply for
extention at the end of this period, the full extent of my Thesis will be
accesible from anywhere.
I would like to express my deepest and heartfelt appreciation to my esteemed
supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. İhsan Tolga MEDENİ, who convincingly guided me
for the emergence of this study during the process of doctoral program, to the
Dean of School of Business Administration at Near East University Prof. Dr.
Şerife EYÜPOĞLU and Director of Social Sciences Institute Prof. Dr. Mustafa
SAĞSAN who supported me from scientific aspect with their constructive
criticisms in the thesis monitoring committees,
and I also wish to acknowledge the support and great love of my mother
Sevdiye ABACI and my father Mahmut ABACI,
and my dear wife Sibel ABACI, who has always been supportive, helpful,
understanding and patient during this process of my life which was as much
difficult as it is enjoying,
my children, Ece ABACI and Mehmet ABACI, who are the meaning of my life
and have always been a source of motivation and joy for me,
my dear friend Bünyamin KARAGÖZ, Electronic Document Management
Branch Director at the Department of Information Processing, Ministry of
Science, Industry and Technology, who has always been supportive of me
during my studies.
Bu çalışmanın amacı, elektronik belge yönetim sisteminin (EBYS) yönetsel
kontrol, verimlilik, memnuniyeti, etkinlik ve güvenliği sağlamada ne kadar
etkin olduğunun saptanmasıdır. Bu araştırma bakanlık tarafından kullanılan
elektronik belge yönetim sisteminin yönetsel kontrol, verimlilik, memnuniyeti,
etkinlik ve güvenliği sağlamada ne kadar etkin olduğunun saptanması,
Türkiye’de kamu kurumlarına EBYS kullanımının avantaj ve dezavantajları
hakkında bilgi ve geliştirilmesi adına öneriler sunulması açısından önemlidir.
Çalışmanın evrenini Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı’nda merkez ve
taşrada çalışan personel oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini 880
çalışan oluşturmaktadır. Veri toplama aracı olarak anket formu kullanılmıştır.
Anket formu toplamda 53 sorudan oluşmaktadır. 10 adet kişisel bilgilere ilişkin
soru, 42 adet EBYS ve verimliliğe ilişkin soru ve 1 adet açık uçlu soru yer
almaktadır. EBYS uygulamalarına ilişkin 42 adet soru 5’li likert formunda
ölçektir. Ölçeğin geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması pilot çalışma ile
sağlanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda EBYS uygulamalarına yönelik yönetsel
kontrol, etkinlik ve verimlilik algılarının ksek olmasının, çalışanların
memnuniyetini arttırdığı ve buna bağlı olarak kurumun verimliliğinin arttığı
tespit edilmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Belge Yönetimi, EBYS, İş Memnuniyeti, Verimlilik, Kamu
The aim of this study is to determine how effective the electronic document
management system is in terms of managerial control, efficiency, job
satisfaction, efficiency and safety. This research is important in terms of
presenting suggestions for the knowledge and development of advantages
and disadvantages of using EDMS in public institutions in Turkey in
determining the effectiveness of electronic document management system
used by the ministry in managerial control, productivity, job satisfaction,
effectiveness and safety. The universe of the work is the staff working in the
central and provincial offices of the Ministry of Science, Industry and
Technology. The sample of the study is composed of 880 employees. Survey
form was used as data collection tool. The questionnaire consists of 53
questions in total. 10 personal information questions, 42 EDMS and
productivity questions, and 1 open ended question. 42 questions about EDMS
applications are measured in 5-point Likert form. The validity and reliability
study of the scale was provided by pilot study. As a result of the research, it
has been determined that managerial control, efficiency and productivity
perceptions for EDMS applications increase, employees' job satisfaction
increases and accordingly the efficiency of the institution increases.
Key Words: Document Management, EDMS, Job Satisfaction, Productivity,
Public Institutions.
ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL ................................................................ 3
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... iii
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... ix
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................... xi
ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................... xii
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 1
Subject of the Thesis ............................................................................... 1
Significance of the Thesis ....................................................................... 3
Purpose of the Thesis .............................................................................. 4
Order of the Thesis .................................................................................. 4
1. CHAPTER.................................................................................................. 6
1.1. About Information ............................................................................. 6
1.1.1. Definition of Information ............................................................ 6 Data Concept ........................................................................ 7 Information Concept ............................................................ 8 Knowledge Concept ............................................................. 9
1.1.2. Types of Information ................................................................ 13
1.1.3. Information Society .................................................................. 27
1.2. Information Management Systems ................................................ 32
1.2.1. Data Management ..................................................................... 32
1.2.2. Data Systems ............................................................................ 36
1.2.3. Definition and Characteristics of Data Technologies ............ 39 Fundamental Tools in Data Technologies ........................ 40 Main Components of Data Technologies ......................... 42 Data Systems in Data Technologies ................................. 43
1.3. Enterprise Resource Planning ....................................................... 45
1.3.1. Definition of Enterprise Resource Planning ........................... 46
1.3.2. Fundamental Qualities of Enterprise Resource Planning ..... 48
1.3.3. Critical Drivers of Success in Enterprise Resource Planning
.................................................................................................... 50
1.4. Document Management Systems .................................................. 51
1.4.1. Document Management ........................................................... 52
1.4.2. Main Components of Document Management System ......... 53
1.4.3. Advantages of Electronic Document Management ................ 54
1.4.4. Electronic Document Management Systems ......................... 55
1.4.5. Classification of Electronic Documents ................................. 58
1.4.6. Information Security Management Systems .......................... 60
1.4.7. Qualifications that Electronic Document Management Systems
Must Meet .................................................................................. 65
1.5. EDMS and Legal Grounds of EDMS in Turkey .............................. 66
1.5.1. Right to Information Act ........................................................... 67
1.5.2. Regulation on Procedures and Principles to be Applied for
Official Correspondence .......................................................... 68
1.5.3. Electronic Signatures and Electronic Signature Law, no 5070
.................................................................................................... 69
1.5.4. Regulation on Procedures and Principles to be Observed in
Provision of Public Services .................................................... 71
1.5.5. Electronic Standards ................................................................ 72
1.5.6. Principles of Interoperability in Government Information
Systems ..................................................................................... 75
1.5.7. State Organization Central Registration System SOCRS ... 77
1.5.8. Registered Electronic Mail (REM) ............................................ 78
1.5.9. Electronic Correspondence Platform ...................................... 79
1.6. Productivity Concept and Impact of EDMS on Productivity in
Public Institutions .................................................................................. 80
1.6.1. Definition of Productivity ......................................................... 80
1.6.2. Importance of Productivity ...................................................... 80
1.6.3 EDMS Domains .......................................................................... 81
1.6.4. Advantages of Electronic Document Management System .. 83
1.6.5. EDMS Applications Across the World .................................... 84
1.6.6. EDMS Applications in Turkey .................................................. 86
1.6.7. Positive and Negative Impacts on Employees ....................... 88
1.6.8. Positive and Negative Impacts on the Institution .................. 88
1.6.9. EDMS and Productivity in Public Institutions ........................ 90
1.6.1. EDMS Preparations in the Ministry of Science, Industry and
Technology ................................................................................ 90
2. CHAPTER................................................................................................ 93
METHODS ................................................................................................... 93
2.1. Research Model ............................................................................... 93
2.2. Research Design and Hypotheses ................................................. 93
2.3. Studies Conducted on the Problem ............................................... 99
2.4. Universe and Sampling ................................................................. 103
2.5. Data Collection Tool ...................................................................... 104
2.6. Pilot Study Findings ...................................................................... 104
2.7. Data Analysis ................................................................................. 110
3. CHAPTER ............................................................................................. 112
FINDINGS .................................................................................................. 112
3.1. Results on the Demographic Variables ....................................... 112
3.2. Results to EDMS Applications ..................................................... 113
3.3. Findings on Perception of EDMS ................................................. 115
3.4. Perception of EDMS by Demographic Aspects .......................... 122
3.5. Analysis of the Relation among Sub-dimensions of EDMS ....... 129
3.6. Opinions on EDMS Applications .................................................. 130
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................... 134
ANNEXES.................................................................................................. 154
RESUME ................................................................................................... 160
ETHICS COMMITEE APPROVAL ............................................................. 162
Table 1: Differences Among Knowledge, Information and Data. ........... 12
Table 2: Economic, Social, Technological and Political Comparison of
Industrial Society and Information Society. ................................ 31
Table 3: Components Making Up the Hardware. ..................................... 41
Table 4: The Research Questions, Hypotheses and Academic Ground.
........................................................................................................ 99
Table 5: Studies Conducted on the Problem ......................................... 103
Table 6: Results of Factor Analysis. ...................................................... 108
Table 7: Results of Item Analysis. .......................................................... 109
Table 8: Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient. ................................................. 110
Table 9: Demographic Variables. ............................................................ 113
Table 10: Most Important Expectations from the EDMS Applications in
the Organisation. ......................................................................... 113
Table 11: Services Provided Electronically in the Organisation. ......... 114
Table 12: Obstacles to EDMS Applications. .......................................... 115
Table 13: Findings elated to Management Control in EDMS
Applications. ................................................................................ 116
Table 14: Findings Related to Effectiveness of Productivity in EDMS
Applications. ................................................................................ 118
Table 15: Findings Related to the Effect of EDMS Applications on Job
Satisfaction. ................................................................................. 119
Table 16: Findings Related to Effectiveness of EDMS Implementations.
...................................................................................................... 120
Table 17: Findings on Security Perception in EDMS Applications. ..... 121
Table 18: Results of the KolmogorovSmirnov Test. ........................... 122
Table 19: MannWhitney U Test for the Perception of EDMS Based on
Gender. ......................................................................................... 124
Table 20: KruskalWallis H Test for the Perception of EDMS Based on
Age. .............................................................................................. 125
Table 21: KruskalWallis H Test for the Perception of EDMS Based on
Educational Background. ........................................................... 126
Table 22: KruskalWallis H Test for the Perception of EDMS Based on
The Department of Graduation................................................... 127
Table 23: KruskalWallis H Test for the Perception of EDMS Based on
the Number of Years Worked in Organisation. ......................... 129
Table 24: Analysis of Relationship Between EDMS Sub-dimensions
Spearman Test. ........................................................................... 130
Table 25: Control of Hypothesis. ............................................................ 135
Figure 1: Knowledge Hierarchy. ............................................................... 12
Figure 2: Enterprise Information Systems. .............................................. 15
Figure 3: Functioning in Data Processing Systems. .............................. 16
Figure 4: Functioning of Office Automation Systems. ........................... 16
Figure 5: General Structure of Specialist System. .................................. 18
Figure 6: Functioning of Decision Support System. ............................... 20
Figure 7: Functioning of Management Information System. .................. 22
Figure 8: Senior Management Support Systems. ................................... 23
Figure 9: Document Management System. .............................................. 55
Figure 10: Terms Involved in the Definition of Information Security. ... 62
Figure 11: PDCA cycle in ISMC. ................................................................ 65
Figure 12: EDMS Domains in Public Institutions. ................................... 82
Figure 13: Research Model. ...................................................................... 96
EU European Union
USA United States of America
Inc. Incorporated Company
R&D Research Development
ISMS Information Security Management System
ICD Information Community Department
BS British Standards
CD Compact Disc
CPU Central Processing Unit
SOCRS State Organization Central Registration System
SPO State Planning Organization
DVD Digital Versatile Disc
EDMS Electronics Document Management System
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IT Information Technology
REM Registered Electronic Mail
PSC Public Certification Centre
MERNİS Central Population System Project
B.C. Before Christ
MSIT Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology
PACTM Plan-Apply-Control-Take Measure
UDP User Datagram Protocol-
T.R. Republic of Turkey
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TUANA Turkey's National Information Infrastructure Master Plan
TUBITAK Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
TS Turkish Standard
TOA Tax Office Automation
TOFAP Tax Office Full Automation Project
Subject of the Thesis
Today, knowledge is the most important asset that the institutions should have
in their possession in order to catch up with the competition environment and
sustain their existence. Active efforts of all the institutions and corporations for
the growing of nations is necessary, as well as the capability to compete with
the global markets. This is applicable also for the public institutions. The
effectiveness and productivity of public institutions increases the service
provided to the society, while at the same time leads to a more effective state
and ensures competitive advantage over the other countries (Bircan, 2002).
In today's world, information is the most important capital in all institutions and
organisations. Accordingly, it is important for organisations to access
information as soon as possible to facilitate better decision making.
Organisations should provide information and documents in the most effective
way (Odabaş, 2009). In institutions and organisations, information and
document resources are used widely as tools for decision support, business
process management, structured communication, auditing and verification.
Many institutions have recognized the importance of Electronic Document
Management System, which is one of the integrated software of Corporate
Source Planning and therefore has campaigned for creating EDMS together
with a robust information infrastructure. The effective management of these
resources also plays a key role in improving corporate success. Public
institutions and organisations must produce and accept documents, then store
and reuse these documents that are evidence of their actions to carry out
activities, perform management actions and fulfil their legal obligations
(Gülenç, 2011). Electronic information and document management systems
provide institutions and organisations with the opportunity to use their stored
information and documents in an effective and efficient way. In this context,
institutions have rapidly configured these systems within their structures. As
mentioned in a past study, information and document management systems
can be influential in the success of business processes and can be used as
tools and methods in managing people, capital, natural resources, services
and products (Külcü, 2012). Moreover, the use of electronic information and
document management systems, which manage documents comprising
organisational information sources, ensures the continuity of transactions in
state of emergency or disasters and strengthens the institutional structure
(Yeşil, 2006). Attempts to establish and develop electronic document
management systems (EDMS) have increased since the use of information
technologies (IT) and the spread of e-state applications country-wide in public
institutions and regulations (e.g. electronic signature law and related
regulations), ensuring the validity of the documents created, kept, stored and
transmitted in information systems (Yıldız, 2010). Today's Information Age has
necessitated the management of these documents in an electronic
environment. Therefore, necessary regulations have been implemented with
regards the use of EDMS in public institutions and organisations. After that,
public institutions have begun to quickly integrate these systems into their
organisations (Özdemirci, 2007). Within the framework of the 20152018
Information Society Strategy and Action Plan published by the Turkish Ministry
of Development, the importance of electronic information management
systems in terms of development and employment has also been emphasised.
It has been claimed that information society strategies have become
necessary tools in ensuring the development and sustainable employment in
the country. The information sector is expected to promote an increase in
employment and economic growth within the scope of information society
strategies by ensuring a strong and competitive structure. In turn, such a move
increases the influence of EDMS on other sectors and creates an ecosystem
that is suitable for the development of Internet-related initiatives. The
importance of electronic information management systems can obviously be
seen in the context of user-centred design and efficiency in the fields of IT,
technology infrastructure, information and communication technology support
solutions, information security, user security and public services (Ministry Of
Development Of The Republic Of Turkey, 2014).
Many public institutions in Turkey have started to use the EDMS or have been
experiencing the transition process. The vision of the Republic of Turkey's
Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MSIT) is stated as follows:
“Our vision is to be a leader and make Turkey one of the world’s ten most
developed countries with its knowledge-based and competitive economic
structure, which is based on entrepreneurship, innovation, scientific
development and high-value-added technology production”.
In accordance with the vision mentioned above, it will be important for the MSIT
to lead in promoting effective EDMS and determining the requirements of the
system to be used in its own institution. After that, the MSIT should promote
this to all public and private institutions and organisations. As stated by Turkish
Ministry of Development in the 20152018 Information Society Strategy and
Action Plan, promoting the use of EDMS, in both public and private institutions
and organisations, is a necessary component in carrying out the country's
information society strategy. In this regard, the MSIT undertakes an important
vision in the promotion of these technologies. As the MSIT is obliged to act
differently from other ministries, it is considered as a subject in the present
research. The basic vision of the Mist, on behalf of Turkey being one of the
world's 10 developed countries, is to support entrepreneurship, innovation,
and scientific development and to the economy based on high value-added
manufacturing technology In this context, it has adopted to carry out studies to
guide enterprises and institutions both in public and private sectors in terms of
technology, innovation, entrepreneurship and competition.
Significance of the Thesis
If EDMS are used in all public institutions, such institutions can take advantage
of its many great benefits. In addition to the cost, labour force, time and space
advantages, those systems also offer benefits related to security and
archiving. Considering the benefits for civil service, it can be claimed that
working hours can be changed for the better. Operations can be performed
during the evenings, lunch breaks or in weekend shifts, as needed. If the
process of distributing the documents and records is managed by mailing them
out, another type of cost can be reduced. More importantly, the
correspondences can be exchanged directly. Reduced workload offers the
advantage of efficiency in resource utilisation. Unlike the previous filing
systems, it is now possible to access the files or information more quickly. All
of these factors will significantly increase productivity and will continue to
The thesis is significant in that it determines the level of the effectiveness of
electronic document management system used by the Ministry in ensuring
administrative control, productivity, job satisfaction, effectiveness and security
and provides knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages of EDMS
usage in Turkey by public institutions and offers proposals for development in
this field.
Purpose of the Thesis
The purpose of this study is to identify to which extent the electronic document
management system is effective in ensuring administrative control,
productivity, job satisfaction, effectiveness and security.
In addition, the research was designed to “present a good practice example”
for other organisations in Turkey that plan to use EDMS in the future.
Order of the Thesis
The thesis consists of three chapters. The first chapter includes knowledge
about the information management and electronic document management
systems. The general concept in the field such as concept of knowledge and
knowledge community have been covered to make introduction to the
knowledge management systems. A literature review has been provided on
information systems, information technologies, fundamental tools of
information technologies, main components of IT and corporate resource
planning and proceeded with information management systems. Information
has been provided about the main components, benefits of document
management systems, archiving methods, classification and recognition
systems and information security. Within EDMS and the legal grounds of
EDMS in Turkey; information has been provided about electronic signature,
electronic standards, State Organization Central Registration System
(SOCRS), Registered E-Mail (REM) and electronic correspondence program.
The final chapter of the literature review dwells on the impact of EDMS on
productivity. The EDMS applications in Turkey and across the world has been
covered and EDMS and productivity in terms of employees, corporations and
public institutions have been examined. The second chapter of the study
provides information about the method. It includes model of the study,
research questions and hypotheses, universe and sample, data collection tool
and pilot study findings. In the last chapter the findings obtained and the
proposals regarding the study have been specified.
1.1. About Information
After the concept of information and the relevant concepts are explained within
the chapter on information management systems, the information types,
information society, information management, information systems,
information technologies and the specifications of such technologies as well
as the corporate source planning shall be covered.
1.1.1. Definition of Information
Since there are as much as four different English counterparts for Turkish word
“knowledge” it is necessitated that we choose these notions diligently and use
them with more care. For these four different English words, “data-information-
knowledge-wisdom”, Turkish words, veri-enformasyon/haber-bilgi-bilgelik-
kehanet”, could be applied as their counterparts, in accordance. In short, it is
known that these notions for Turkish word “knowledge” are not the same and
depend on circumstances, time and people (Medeni and Aktaş, 2010).
It will be beneficial to understand the meaning of concepts similar to the
information concept to comprehend information from a conceptual perspective.
Specification of the differing aspects of concepts similar to the concept of
information is crucial for constructing a definition of information.
Information first of all is produced personally and reaches to the organizational
level. Information is described as the most fundamental input of all kinds of
organizational activity. Information consists of the total of dynamics which
render possible the realization of any kinds of organizational activity and
occurring both inside the organization and around the organization (Sağsan,
2007). Data Concept
The concepts of data, knowledge and information are usually confused with
each other. The concept of data refers to the "raw facts" in its basic sense
(Drucker, 1994). The concept of data is also referred as the source where the
information obtained as a result of the examinations made on the factuality
(Gökçen, 2002). In this respect, so that the data can have a meaning for the
users, they have to pass through a certain process and the data must be taken
under evaluation.
Today, the fact that information society has gained importance carries the
concepts of information and informatics to different dimensions. In this regard,
making proper discrimination of the concepts of data, knowledge and
information come across as a necessity in the globalizing world. Today,
information placed in the root of every component inevitably exists also in the
electronic environment. Therefore, it will be crucial to understand the
difference among the concepts of data, information and knowledge and rest
the infrastructure on such understanding.
Explanation of knowledge and data differences has great importance for two
aspects. One of them is that the administrative layer desires to know the data-
based requirements and the information-based requirements during the
establishment of information systems. The second is that provision of
information is ensured for the managers who feel more need for information
than data. In this regard for the companies, data refers to the records which
are preserved at certain forms related to the activities carried out (Özden,
2015). Our age is the age of Technology. This situation ensures that data is
now stored in computer systems. Existing of data in the computers highlights
the concept of speed and its quick storing and quick recall components gain
importance. Therefore, new fields of expertise related to data emerge. All
these circumstances lead the companies to do more investment on data
It is possible to produce information from data. For that reason, the institutions
conduct some researches to obtain data and access to information from such
data. Interpretation of data indeed is a kind of information provision. Therefore,
the enterprises and institutions organize polls and studies to reach certain
statistics and try to access some data. The obtained data are converted into
the form of information through certain statistical or different methods.
Based on what has been explained so far, we can say that data serve as a
source in the formation of information. Provision of information from data in
structural aspect is possible also through the evaluation of data. Information Concept
Another concept confused with the concept of knowledge is information. It is
the equivalent of the word "Information" in English, settling to Turkish as
"Enformasyon". Information is generally referred as message which can be
heard, seen or found in written form. There are two directions of the message
given under the scope of information. While one of them is the party sending
the message, the other is the party receiving the message. The sender of the
message aims to create awareness in the attitudes, behaviours, decisions or
ideas of the receiving party. Such case causes information to be a flow of
message which structures, shapes and changes the knowledge (Seçgin,
Information refers to the orderly data which is in available form. Therefore, they
are found as processed data with a value, which the enterprises can use in
making their decisions. For instance, the figures and letters on a telephone
feature as data alone. However, when such figures or letters are sequences in
a certain order, they become a telephone number or a name, thereby creating
information. In this respect, it is possible to state that information causes
certain change (Türk, 2003). Data creates information and information creates
The capability to process and differentiate the data and information expands
their areas of usage, it also facilitates the increase of current knowledge
accumulation. In this sense, science and technology develops and new areas
emerge every passing day. The number of usable and available components
increase day by day with the proliferation of information. Information is
significant to generating new knowledge from data and information. At the core
of the current advancement lies the ability to generate new knowledge from
the information. Structurally, information comes into being as a quality which
enables putting one brick over another. Knowledge Concept
Knowledge originated with the first existence of the human being. The
importance of knowledge has exponentially increased within the period so far.
In the historical process, the concept of knowledge was first evaluated in 7th
Century B.C. In this process, since the Greek Civilization began to do
philosophy, the concept of knowledge started to be focused on. The word
Information was derived from the word "Information" in Latin and its meaning
is giving from. In English, the word information was derived from the word
"Information". This word in English means information and knowledge (Turaç,
For a human being to survive in nature, he or she must do certain actions and
must have some knowledge to be able to do such actions. In the old periods,
knowledge would be obtained from the 3rd persons, and in some situations
from direct experiences. However, the information obtained through
experience were transferred to the new generations by the people of that
period and thus, information was gradually proliferated. This reveals that
knowledge is a transferable phenomenon. New requirements emerged along
with the development enabled by knowledge, and it has become necessary to
reveal new information. In this respect, knowledge has functioned as a
resource for generation of new knowledge.
Knowledge is a structure emerging as a result of examination of experiences
from a structural view and of information, values and expertise opinions
focusing on a target in combination with the new data, information and
experiences. The experts create knowledge in their consciousness and put the
created knowledge into implementation. Furthermore, knowledge in
companies are revealed not in the stores and documents, but mostly in
processes, routine works, norms and practices (Davenport and Prusak, 2001).
Usage of certain types of knowledge by individuals on a continuous basis
reveals the expertise. In addition, the people who have specialization in their
own fields can use their experiences to produce new knowledge in the light of
their current knowledge. Within this scope, it becomes possible to create the
processes and functioning. Therefore, knowledge has reached a position
where it manifests itself in the actions and activities.
The data are found in the records and transactions; while information in the
messages. On the other hand, knowledge is obtained from the individuals or
the group of knowers or in some situations from the usual activities of the
institution. It is transferred through the printed and electronic sources of
information such as the books and documents, through conversations and
individual communication ways stretching out to master-apprentice relations
(Davenport and Prusak, 2001).
Knowledge is a concept which might bear both concrete and abstract features
in terms of structure. In addition, it is possible to ascribe some functions to the
knowledge. Knowledge has existed since the moment when the humanity
came into being and it found place in much more spheres every passing day.
This has gradually enhanced the importance of knowledge within the historical
process. In the past owning an army, nobility, possessing land and economic
power would be regarded as components of power, while today having
knowledge is considered as an element of power. Today, those who use
knowledge for the purpose of specific strategies and then produce certain
technologies out of it can achieve competitive advantage over the other
companies (Özdemirci, 2012).
That the concepts of information, data and knowledge interact with each other
causes these concepts to be confused with each other. To prevent the
confusion, the difference among these concepts have been indicated in Table
They are the uninterpreted
They are processed data.
They are usable information.
They are fundamental
observations and indicate
the current case.
They transmit very simple
They allow us to establish
cause and effect relation and
make predictions.
They can be encoded or
They are simple, clear and
They are semi-structured and
They can be explained in
qualitative, quantitative and
written form.
They can be easily explained
in written form.
They are difficult to be
explained in sentences.
They are the records kept in
certain forms in relation to
the transactions conducted.
They are obtained as a result
of certain calculations.
Whether they are true or not
can be identified by
combining and calculating the
They are obtained from
experiences, communication,
solution finding attempts and
comparison skills.
The data has no specific
The information has no
specific owner.
Knowledge has an owner. It is
based on ownership.
It is stored in different
technological systems.
It is evaluated in information
It needs topics which do not
have any form.
They cannot be a solution
alone to any problem.
They serve as resource in
conferring meaning regarding
a general situation.
They serve as the
fundamental resource in
making plan, making
estimation and taking
They are formed in the
documents and books as a
result of the research.
They are obtained from the
evaluation of data. They are
They are formed and shared
with collective consciousness
formed in the documents and
and developped through
They can be processed and
They can be inserted one
another and used again.
Generally, it emerges in the
consciousness of people
through experience.
Table 1: Differences Among Knowledge, Information and Data.
(Tiwana, 2001)
As it is seen in table 1, although the concepts of data, information and
knowledge differ from each other in many aspects, it is not possible to separate
them. In terms of their functioning, they exist together and act in line with each
Figure 1: Knowledge Hierarchy.
(Jay Leibowitz, The Knowledge Management Handbook, CRC Press LLC, 1999)
Using the
knowledge in
Values and experiences
affiliated with a
Messages trying to change the
Detached and objective phenomena about an
Focus on action
Measuring productivity
Making decisions
1.1.2. Types of Information
The fact that the information has different types makes it difficult to divide
information into types. That the information systems are at the forefront in
relation to the subject makes it necessary to investigate all information
systems. Along with the changes in technology, economy, communication and
social life, different desires emerged and this started to manifest itself also in
information needs. The differentiation of information needs gave rise to the
necessity to provide diversity in information systems. Existence of special
needs in operational, strategic and tactical level caused the designing of
special information systems. The companies began to benefit from information
systems to increase the quality of service or product, reduce the costs and
implementation periods and to take right decisions. The types of information
systems are divided into categories depending on their liability level and
implementation areas. The companies do not have any obligation to categorize
the information systems they use. The reason is that the main purpose of the
information systems is to meet the needs. However, division of information
system types into categories is very significant for understanding their
interaction (Aktan et al., 2005).
There is need for some information-based systems for the enterprises and
institutions to fulfil their liabilities, conduct their activities and most importantly
to maintain their existence. For an enterprise to be able to produce service or
product, it should depend on certain systems. It is possible to categorize the
types of liability-based information systems as follows (Karakuş, 2015):
a) Transaction based systems: They provide support related to the
transactions and activities to the managers dealing with material
purchase, sales and wages. The main goal of such information systems
is to provide support to the solution of some problems encountered daily
in the institution. Such information systems usually address to the man
b) Information Based Systems: They provide information and data to the
company personnel. Their aim is to determine the activities to be carried
out in the institution and ensure that they are carried out in a coordinated
way, provide new information flow to the company and assist the
institution in monitoring such flow.
c) Strategy Based Systems: They are the systems which provide
information to the management about the strategic matters on the inside
and outside of the enterprise and long-term applications. Such system
addresses to the matters such as labour force change considered by
the management, using new technology and product development.
d) Management Based Systems: They are the systems used to support
the middle level managers as regards with the administrative activities.
They use information on matters such as cash flows, production
resources, annual financial statements and short-term plans.
The institutions and enterprises require certain systems for being able to do
their daily routines and realize daily service or good production. These
requirements are met by transaction-based systems. And information-based
systems are required to act in line with the general activities and goals. For the
company to advance and develop itself, it has to carry out certain works under
specific structure. This can be enabled by strategy-based systems. For this
purpose, it is possible to benefit from management-based systems for
managers to take decisions.
There are also computer bases system types at the enterprises, other than the
liability-based information system types. This system type is divided into six
branches as data processing systems, office automation systems, specialist
systems, decision support systems, management information systems and
senior management support systems. The enterprise information systems
have been indicated in Figure 1.
Figure 2: Enterprise Information Systems.
(Hoşcan et al., 2008)
The data processing systems under the computer-based information systems
focus on the execution of activities and recording of activities. Beside a solid
programming system, it produces information according to the requirements of
enterprise staff and presents such information subject to the enterprise
functions. Such structure cannot generate results related to decision making.
The main reason is that it runs as focused only on converting the data to
information. Such system requires the employees to enter data (Bensghir,
1996). Data processing processes mainly consist of three phases. These
phases are as follows (Lucey, 1987):
Processing of daily transactions: It refers to the recording of
transactions such as payments, purchases, sales, orders and invoices.
Report processing: It refers to the preparation of reports covering the
lending, purchasing and staff activities and prepared according a
specific system.
Enquity processing: It refers to the processing of results such as
browsing and stock inspection.
Senior Management Support
Management Information
Decision Support Systems
Specialist Systems
Office Automation Systems
Data Processing Systems
Figure 3: Functioning in Data Processing Systems.
(Kul, 2009)
Another system taking place under the computer-based information systems
is office automation system. They are information systems used for the
purpose of enhancing the productivity of office workers. In office automation
systems, computers and electronic devices are heavily used. They ensure
acceleration of information and data transmission at the enterprises and
facilitates communication. Thus, the productivity of institutions increases (Kul,
2009). Figure 3 indicates the functioning of office automation system.
Figure 4: Functioning of Office Automation Systems.
(Kul, 2009)
Office automation systems are the systems which are installed for purposes of
information transfer at the institutions. In this respect, all the devices used at
Data or Work
* Source Documents,
* Manual data entry,
* Semi-automatic data
* Full-automatic data entry,
Data Processing System
*Examples, Summaries,
Sequencing, updating and
Data Processing
Systems Data
* Summary reports and
* Inputs to other infmation
* Feedback to the
customers or system
* Document
* Time Schedule
* Data
Office Automation
System Programs
*Examples, storing,
consolidation, calculation,
Office Automation
System Database
* Message
* Report
* Time Schedule
the institutions such as telephone, fax, modem, photocopy machine and
computers can be considered within such system. Today, in parallel with the
development of computer technology, that these devices can interact with
each other have provided a great many advantages to the corporate staff
(Karakuş, 2015). To be able to develop office automation systems, the sub-
systems under such system must be designed appropriately. Such systems
are document access systems, database management system, graphic
system and text editing system (Öğüt, 2012).
Certain degree of information infrastructure is necessary for the use of office
tools and equipment. Especially with the disseminating advanced technologies
of today, the content of devices become more and more complex. Such case
requires also more advancing of information infrastructure related to the
devices. In this respect, office automation systems are important in terms of
ensuring that the devices and tools in the enterprises can be used and the
problems encountered by the employees regarding such tools can be
Another system under the computer-based information system types are the
specialist systems. They the systems providing information according to the
specialty areas of employees. The specialist systems are developped by use
of information technologies by persons with certain specialty and used again
by specialist persons. They are produced in the format of computer software
(Öğüt, 2012). The specialist systems which assume supportive role in solving
the problems can diagnose the problem and are based on the techniques of
logic benefitted for producing solution (Bayraktaroğlu, 2002). Figure 4
demonstrates the general structure of specialist systems.
Figure 5: General Structure of Specialist System.
(Aktan et al., 2005)
The specialist systems can be a guideway for the enterprises and enterprise
managers. Furthermore, with the specialist systems which enable mutual
interaction, it is possible to perform criminology studies, determine the
employee wages, conduct medical researches, banking transactions and
studies in areas such as meteorology. Other than these areas, the services
such as scanning, cataloguing and reference can be carried out in the
information sciences and librarianship areas (Aktan et al., 2005).
That the specialist systems allow for working in coordination accelerated the
development with the help of the various areas. Today, along with the
increasing usage of the same information in different areas, it has been
possible to achieve results including different components from the same
information in information technologies. Other than the development of
information in fundamental usage areas via the specialist systems, it is
possible to use information in combination with the secondary areas. Thus,
multiple usage of information and information technologies have become
easier thanks to the usage of specialist systems.
The decision support systems are another branch under the computer-based
information systems. Such systems are the structures which serve as
knowledge, skill
and thinking
Output and
Problem Solution
and Decision
guideway under the decision-making processes (Öğüt, 2012). They are
information systems designed to help the managers in their decision-making
process for the incidents occurring out of the ordinary functioning. Decision
support systems do not include artificial intelligence. Such systems facilitate
only decision making (Kul, 2009). Therefore, the decision support systems
help the employees to use their own skill, in case that they do not know how
to execute an activity.
The enterprises' taking certain decisions and creating certain policies is
significant so that they can regulate their activities and maintain their
existence. Although the decision support systems do not take such decisions
and create such policies by themselves, they facilitate the decisions of
managers with the options they present. Considering that the existence of
enterprises is dependent on making decisions and putting such decisions into
implementation, it will be understood how important these systems are.
Decision support systems assume supportive role before the middle or senior
managements take any decision regarding any situations they encounter at
that moment, or regarding the situations which have never been experienced
before (Hoşcan et al., 2008). Three types of decisions can be taken in the
enterprises with the help of decision support systems. These decision types
are as follows (Aktan et al., 2005):
Structured decision: It refers to the type of decision which can be taken
according to the operating rules and the characteristics of the emerging
problem depending on the policies, plans and applications determined
by the enterprise. In this sense, they are decisions with identified
procedure to ensure decision processes complying a certain order. The
decisions structured in line with the experiences generally are used by
the lower stage managers.
Semi-structured decision: It composes the decisions related to some
sections of the emerging problem. Such decision allows the managers
to do assessment regarding some aspects of the problem.
Structured Decision: They encompass the decisions taken by the senior
managers of institutions. Such decisions are used for the purpose of
doing strategic planning. They are the decisions taken regarding the
issues which cannot be solved within certain method due to the existing
probabilities. Therefore, they are not suitable for planning and strategy
development. The institutions do not have the relevant experience or
knowledge regarding such decisions.
Four main pillars of decision support systems are as follows (Yozgat, 1998):
1) Decision support systems are used to provide support in making of
structured or semi-structured decisions.
2) Decision making other than for the automatized decisions helps with
solution of the problems.
3) They can quickly meet the changing requirements of decision makers.
4) It elevates the productivity and effectiveness of decision making.
Figure 6 indicates the functioning of decision support systems.
Figure 6: Functioning of Decision Support System.
(Kul, 2009)
Another system taking place under the computer-based information systems
is management information system. Such information systems convert into
information the data obtained from inside and outside the enterprise and help
the managers in making effective decisions on inspection, planning and similar
executive activities within the scope of their duty and present such information
* Data
* Model
* Changing data through
data input
Decision Support
System Programs
* Examples, analogy,
optimization, forecast
Decision Support
System Data
Decision Support
System Model
* Graphic report
* Text reports
* Feedback on System
to the managers. In this respect, manager information systems are the
systems that have been designed for the purpose of revealing information
together with the supplied internal and external news. Thus, the decision
makers can base their decisions by having certain information (Anameriç,
2003). Apart from this, the management information systems can also provide
information about the correct success level of the institution (Kul, 2009).
The institutions execute their operations through certain decisions and
planning performed under such decisions. The inspection process must be
maintained to determine whether the operating or functioning is proper. Such
cases are usually addressed under the roof of management. Therefore,
management systems are important to provide information which can be
processed and differentiated based on the internal and external data. Thus, it
is possible to create different information. As the information creating
capabilities of management systems increase, it will be easier for the institution
to make decisions regarding the management processes.
Management information systems can be implemented in all corporations,
whether profit or non-profit. The purpose of such systems is to provide the
information required by the management levels (Anameriç, 2003). They aim to
provide such information by creating some differences in business processes
of the enterprise leveraging the computer systems (Kul, 2009). Figure 6
indicates the functioning of management information system.
* Data processing
* System data
* Other internal data
* Information Request
Information System
*Examples, summary,
Information System Data
* Periodical reports
* Customized Reports
* Extraordinary reports
* Feedback on System
Figure 7: Functioning of Management Information System.
(Kul, 2009)
Management information systems continuously reveal the information which
are necessary for sustainability of the enterprise and deliver such information
to the relevant places. They are the systems which contribute to the solution
of emerging problems and at the same time help the managers in decision
making processes. Management information systems ensure formation of
enterprise integrity/unity and that each employee works in line with the
common goals (Öğüt, 2012).
Private enterprises use information management systems to increase their
profitability. However, today, public institutions also resort to the usage of
information management systems in order to enhance the public welfare. The
public institutions where the hierarchy is intense and therefore the corporate
functioning is slowly started to use information management systems to meet
as quickly as possible the requirements of citizens. In this respect, usage of
information management systems gives a more flexible structure to the public
institutions and enable quick solutions to the problem of citizens. Thus, it
becomes possible to enhance productivity in public institutions.
The final of computer-based information systems is the senior management
support systems. This system provides the important information needed by
senior managers in the desired form, at the desired time from inside or outside
the company. They are the systems designed for the purpose of shaping the
unstructured decisions of senior managers with the contributions of
communication and graphic technologies (Öğüt, 2012). The senior
management support systems were produced as a result of designing of
decision support systems as more dedicated to the managers. The senior
management support systems have been developped for the personnel who
determine the corporate goals, plans, mission and vision such as the members
of executive board and general manager or CEO.
It may not be very possible for the senior management staff to be
knowledgeable about the special circumstances at the enterprise. However, it
is critical that the senior management of the enterprise knows whether or not
the other staff is committed to the determined mission, vision and goals. Senior
management support systems provide information to the senior managers
regarding the overall functioning of the enterprise.
Figure 8: Senior Management Support Systems.
(Kul, 2009)
Senior management support systems assist senior managers in the following
matters (Aktan et al., 2005).
Career planning,
New product development,
Labour force change,
Marketing strategies,
Technology change,
As it is obvious, senior management support systems provide information to
top managers in relation to many fields such as human resources, production,
marketing and R&D. Thus, it facilitates for the senior management staff to take
decisions that will ensure the implementation of the corporate goals,
objectives, mission and vision. However, one aspect that should not be
overlooked here is that the senior management support systems are not in a
decision-maker position. Top managers have to make some decisions by
* Internal data
* Management Information
System (MIS), Data
Processing System (DPS)
and other databases
* External data
* Information Request
Senior Management
Information System
* Summarized Graphical
Information Presentation
Senior Management
Information System Data
* Summary Reports
* Tendency Analyses
* Simulation
* Feedback on System
interpreting the information they receive from these systems. Although these
systems related to information technologies provide great benefits, they are
not currently in a decision maker position.
In addition to responsibility-based and computer-based information systems,
institutions also benefit from some basic business information systems. In this
regard, basic business information systems can be expressed as follows
(Karakuş, 2015):
Production information systems,
Marketing information systems,
Finance information systems,
Accounting information systems,
Personnel information systems,
Basic business information systems represent a structure constituted by
systems that provide structural and internal information to the managers and
stakeholders of institutions (Hoşcan et al., 2008).
Production information systems, which is one of the basic business information
systems, provides data related to planning, operation, supervision and
regulation in the production process. The production information systems
reveal some differences in terms of the input-output tools with the data they
offer as they use the information systems used to perform different functions
(Bengsghir, 1996). Provision of raw materials and production factors
constitutes a significant branch of production information systems. Apart from
this, production productivity, proper use of resources, elimination of problems
in production, determination of the appropriate labour force for production are
under the responsibility of production information systems.
Marketing information system, which is another basic business information
system, shows how the manufactured goods and services are transferred from
the manufacturers to the customer and also examines some issues after the
transfer. In this sense, it provides information about new product development,
market research, after-sales services, pricing, advertising and promotion,
customer satisfaction and sales analysis (Karakuş, 2015). Production or
service alone will not make any sense. Marketing activities are important in
terms of introducing them to the target audience and directing them to the
target audience. However, it is important that marketing be carried out within
the scope of certain strategies and plans. Marketing information systems, by
arranging these strategies and plans, not only ensure customer satisfaction,
but also increase the profitability of the business.
Finance information systems, on the other hand, appear as systems that
provide financial managers with information about the costs, resources, areas
where resources should be used, and the control of resources. It primarily
focuses on monetary resources and the provision of these resources. As a
result of the information provided within the scope of financial reporting,
financial planning and financial auditing, the company can take decisions on
growth, contraction and investment. This information is obtained through the
financial information system (Hoşcan et al., 2008). If businesses cannot
manage their financial matters well, it is not possible for them to make any
profit or to continue their existence. Financial information systems enable a
business to sustain its existence and also gain profit, by rendering the
management of costs and revenues possible. Furthermore, the fact that profit
is considered at secondary relevance in public institutions brings to the
forefront the issue on continuing to exist as an institution. In this regard,
financial information systems are extremely important in terms of covering the
costs in public institutions.
Accounting information systems are the systems that collect the data and
information necessary for the purpose of controlling and planning the activities
of the institution. Accounting information systems perform some processes to
reveal the information that the users need. These processes can be listed as
follows (Hoşcan et al., 2008):
1. To collect data related to the mentioned applications through the
applications which are structurally of financial nature and to record such
data to the accounting system
2. Processing of data,
3. Accumulating data for use over time,
4. Providing reports created in line with the needs of information users or
revealing the data collected in the accounting system,
5. Controlling the integrity of the processing to produce reliable information
within the system.
Accounting systems perform tasks such as indicating the current financial
structure of institutions and enterprises, supervising the financial structure
when necessary, providing information to partners, and informing individuals
who will invest in the institution. This situation requires existence of certain
standards and regulations in accounting. Apart from the legislative regulations,
the existence of some in-house accounting systems has importance in terms
of the facilitation of the accounting process. Facilitation of the performing of
actions addressed to within the scope of accounting principles is ensured
under the accounting information systems.
Personnel information systems provide information to the managers in relation
to the evaluation of employees with different characteristics. The matters such
as the evaluation of the working personnel, employment of personnel to be
recruited, performing job analyses, training of employees, planning of
employee payments, determination of salaries are conducted based on the
information provided by the personnel information system. In addition, the
information systems provide very much support to the inspection of employees
(Bensghir, 1996).
The fact that the corporations are established on human labour is an issue
requiring the corporations to invest in labour. Therefore, the corporations
should display activities which give value to the labour force and places the
institution to the hearth of the employee with affection, rather than regarding
labour force as a machine. The department of human resources is a unit taking
care of the employees and providing their positions in the working life. On the
other hand, personnel information systems assume duty in terms of evaluation
of the employees and presenting information related to such evaluation. Under
such systems, the wishes and expectations of the employees are learnt and
the corporate policies are determined accordingly.
1.1.3. Information Society
Since the time they existed, the human beings evaluated information in
different manners and attributed different meanings to it. In the early ages of
humanity, information was important in understanding which animals were
dangerous and which plants were detrimental to health. The humanity began
to benefit from information in making of tools and utensils as they have
developped with information. The process gradually evolved and the human
being used nature for its own benefit (İnce, 2001). We are witnessing the
development towards a “information society” not just on country level but on a
global scale. Thus, it is a necessitation to have a definition for “information
society” that almost everyone can agree upon. At this point, we come across
with three notions, particularly used by people in data and IT disciplines: data,
information and knowledge. As a matter of fact, it would not be wrong to say
that the notion for “knowledge” coming all the way through the inception of
recorded history, evolves towards these three to four different notions in
consequence of rapid progression and advancement of internet especially
since the nineteen-nineties (Medeni and Aktaş, 2010).
With the proliferation of computers, communication technologies and their
gainings, we can describe the information society as a society oriented
towards utilization of basic information and communication technologies, in
simplest terms. In another terms, it can be described as a society which people
can access to necessary information in essential time with necessary accuracy
through necessary convenience and cost, for their active decision-making
needs. In relation to such a definition, examples of structures that utilize
today’s most extensively used extension “e-could be aligned, e.g., e-Trade,
e-Library, e-Education, e-Governance, and at this point e-Society, e-State,
maybe relating us the most. (Medeni and Aktaş, 2010).
In history, in years around 1600, along with the advances in direction and
mapping knowledge, people increasingly migrated to new regions and such
case have offered new opportunities to the states in line with the economic
targets. Especially, during this period, discovery of the Far East Indian Sea
Route and the American Continent revealed such advances clearly. In this
respect, as it can be understood, knowledge has taken place in different forms
in each period of humanity history. Today, knowledge has become so
important as it has never been within the historical process (Berberler, 2010).
Knowledge has functioned as a tool in meeting the accommodation, food and
drink and safety needs of the people within the historical process. After
information was used to meet such fundamental needs, new requirements
have emerged and new information was produced accordingly. This process
exponentially grew itself. This situation paves the way for the process of using
information in parallel with the needs of human beings.
Until it has attained the information age as today, the humanity passed through
different economic and social structures. Until the end of the primitive era, the
humanity tried to survive with simple tools and encountered a great many
challenging factors within this process. Among the main problems of the
people in the primitive age was accommodation and safety difficulties. With
the commencement of agricultural era, the people started to be addressed in
two categories as "civil" and "primitive". The segment which is referred to as
"civil" were those who have agricultural knowledge and thereby know how to
cultivate the soil, while the primitive segment was those who could not cultivate
the soil only because they did not know agriculture. Permanent settlement
began with agriculture. In addition, the humanity started to step towards civil
society in parallel with agriculture (Tutar, 2010). In this sense, discrepancies
have emerged in the manner by which the civil society and primitive society
processes information. During the primitive periods, having knowledge only on
matters such as hunting and sheltering was sufficient, whereas in civil
societies, along with the transition from nomadic life to settled life, advanced
in architecture, agriculture and animal husbandry. For this reason, the civil
society increasingly processed information over time. From this perspective,
the production speed of information grew day by day in parallel with the civil
society's progress.
The process of industrial revolution gained momentum with the development
of steam technology. Along with the industrial revolution, diversifications
emerged in the economic and social structure. Upon the proliferation of
produced goods, the manufacturers sought for selling them in other countries.
Furthermore, the democracy perception evolved within the process, whereby
people having differing frame of mind and mentality became influential in the
ruling of countries. Thus, the traditional social structure which existed in the
past began to be replaced by the new communal structure. As a consequence
of the Industrial Revolution brought about by the new communal structure,
such social structure was named as the industrial society (Yalçınkaya, 2014).
On the other side, the social structure following the agricultural and industrial
society has been the information society. One of the most substantial
qualifications of the information society is that the speed of change in
information society is much higher than the preceding community types (Türk,
One of the fields which has importance within the scope of knowledge
accumulation has been the technological development. In the advance of
technology, the scientifically produced information has been influential. In this
regard, the industrial revolution faces us as a process which accelerated the
scientific and technological advancement. Development of steam technology
within the scope of industrial revolution started to manifest itself initially in the
fields of production and transportation. The expansion coming into being in
production started to manifest itself with the designing of unprecedented
products. Besides, in parallel with the developments in transportation, the
communication services enhanced. Thus, as information started to be used
increasingly to lay the foundation of technology, it has been possible to invent
technologies in various areas. Every new information has given birth to new
Along with the emergence of information society, different production forms,
different occupations, new social structure and class formation originated and
such formations have reshaped the economic system. In this regard, with the
emergence of the information society, the information society has come to the
forefront, the technological development has accelerated, information
technologies have accumulated and the concept of human capital have
become of increasingly more importance. Such developments have enabled
exponential growth of the advances in the industrial society (Berberler, 2010).
Existence of information society have carried the functioning of information to
an unmatched dimension. In this process, it has been possible to add almost
every second layers of information inside the existing information. On the other
hand, it has become easier for people to access information facilitated by the
development of computer and Internet technologies. However, what is
important here is being aware of how to use the real information, rather than
the ability to access information.
Table 2 presents the economic, social, technological and political comparison
of industrial society and information society.
Industrial Society
Information Society
Economic Structure
National Economics
Global Economics
Economy based on physical
Economy based on human capital
and information capital
Industrial organizations
Organizations established based
on information
Symbolic superiority of paper
Superiority of digital currency (or
Social Structure
Nuclear family structure
Different forms of individual-
oriented family
Institutionalizations providing
Institutionalizations boosting
personal skills
Values such as social class,
compatibility and being
Values such as participation,
individuality and equality
Mass seasonal education
Individualized life-long learning
Mechanical technological
Information technological
Machines replacing labour
Computers enhancing brain
Production system installed on
the assembly line
Production system based on
management and information
Communication structure
based on written and visual
means of broadcasting
Communication structure based
on digital technologies and the
Political structure
Polarization and National
International harmony with the
global political integration
Reinforcement of local
Regional and global organizations
Administration for security
Citizen-focused administration
Table 2: Economic, Social, Technological and Political Comparison of Industrial Society and
Information Society.
(Gümüştekin, 2004)
Today, even though the overall characteristics of agricultural and industrial
societies have fell behind, some characteristics of them still survive.
Nevertheless, it is the information society which is overwhelmingly applicable
in today's conditions. In this sense, the fundamental input of production today
is not the physical capital, but the information capital. Apart from this, it is the
concept of "organized scientific information" which have enabled high growth
of production. In the information society, production and dissemination of
information gains momentum along with the developments in technology and
communication. The information society not only uses information for
production, but also it produces information. And this causes a continuous
development (Çukurçayır and Çelebi, 2009). Such functioning continuing
within the scope of information society paves the way for the emergence of
new industrial branches, new economic structures, new occupations, new
scientific fields and many other new branches. And these newly originating
branches continue to produce information at a fast pace within themselves.
These, in turn, prepares the ground for the formation of other new fields. So,
the accumulation of information extends almost forever.
1.2. Information Management Systems
The rapid increase of information and its practically uncontrollable expansion
requires certain functioning structures. Hence, it will be possible to proliferate
and control information within the framework of a certain system. In this
respect, this chapter will dwell on the information systems functioning in the
management of information.
1.2.1. Data Management
Data has evolved in quality and quantity, whereby influencing the data systems
enabling access to qualified and accurate information during our life-time. In
this regard, the data which was previously found in physical form now are being
preserved in large mechanical memories. One of the most significant
contributions of the technological developments is that they allow quicker
access to data. On the one hand data and on the other hand the information
technologies have had impact on the discipline of data and document
management, which organize data and enable access to data. The fact that
the enterprises desire to control their activities in digital environment have
smoothed the way of ERP Enterprise Resource Planning systems. Recording
of all input and output transactions in the enterprises have given rise to the
utilization of ERP systems for creation of a certain standard and influenced the
Electronic Document Management Systems. Enterprise Resource Planning is
an integrated web of systems which collect under the same roof and ensure
management and control of all operation units such as human resources,
document management system, accounting-finance, stock management,
procurement and marketing, etc. Rapid development has enabled digitalization
across the globe, and consequentially further growth of work data and content.
Today, the enterprises produce large quantities of documents, contracts,
proposals, sales advertisings, marketing tools and training documents for
instance on Human resources. The uncontrollable data cannot be used at a
fast pace and in proper manner to serve for the enterprise, customers or the
other stakeholders. The document management systems taking place in
Enterprise Resource Planning have been developed. Thus, all the documents
coming into being through the modules such as on Human Resources, Stock
and Accounting may be included to the process, stored in the system and
monitored as integrated with the system records without any need for further
action. To the extent that the workflow is supported by the other applications,
the circulation processes will speed up. If we are to consider a payment
transaction, only one payment letter is viewed within the Electronic Document
Management System under normal conditions. With this application, it will be
possible to monitor also the payment order document, mobile transaction bill,
purchasing processes and initial request data.
In view of the general corporate structures, it can be argued that the
corporations execute their functions by leveraging the data systems (such as
web content, e-mail management, document management and human
resources) which address to the different work processes. Despite usage of
different tools, the data systems are developped and specialized in line with
the corporate structure, culture and identity; and they can be used over an
integrated platform by means of the software of enterprise resource planning
and content management (Çakmak, 2011). It can be suggested that the
enterprise or corporate data systems are tools for efficient usage of internal
and external data sources of enterprises and involve a software strategy where
a wholistic approach is adopted. As in the private sector, also the public
institutions are divided into different operation units within their own body and
works and transactions connected to each other are carried out among such
operation units. It is observed that some institutions develop their own
systems, and other institutions use different systems they have procured
through outsourcing to be able to realize such works and transactions As
these systems might cover the works and transactions of only one operation
unit, they might also cover the works and operations of multiple interconnected
The evolving technologies of current time reveal their impact on management
systems more compared to the other structures. The management process
which entails the fulfilment of an operation as a result of the interaction of
physical resources and human resources at the institutions incorporates to the
structure the people equipped with a specific expertise, knowledge and skill
level. The change occurring in data technologies causes the organizations to
restructure and increases the flexibility of boundaries of organizations which
could not be noticed completely in the past and allows fulfilment of enterprise
and institution functions in different forms (Şahin and Örselli, 2003). The
specializations which emerged within the scope of certain areas in the past,
now have been replaced by specializations in a great diversity of areas.
Emergence of different specializations have at the same time led to the
emergence of a highly complicated structure. No matter how the enterprises
and institutions have attained a flexible structure today, the existence of
different areas has made the management of them difficult. Here, the concept
of data management has come to the forefront.
Data Management is a field of science which puts into implementation the
operations for identification, expression and controlling of all the sources of
information which have been recorded or not recorded as a result of the
transfer of learning, experience and education/training to the organizational
functioning. The enterprises might have a great variety of resources. However,
the resources which will give upper hand in competition to the enterprises are
characterized mainly with their uniqueness, inimitable nature and valuable
assets. Data is such a valuable asset. The enterprises which create data,
obtain data and direct and disseminate it across the whole corporate body are
the successful ones (Turgut and Beğenirbaş, 2016). Data management has
taken on a new significance as a discipline which has built up its effectiveness
across the world day by day and is tried to be implemented at all enterprises.
Data Management also refers to upholding the values of enterprises in
affiliation with their targets, catching up with the competition, combining the
internal and external information with the production processes and thus
making contribution to the productivity. The most significant goal of data
management is to identify the sources of information which already exist in the
enterprise or are possible to emerge and then engaging such information to
the operations. Furthermore, another goal of data management is to ensure
that new information emerge, by allowing the transactors to access the data
(Anameriç, 2005). Data management enables to provide information to
facilitate the corporate operations with the support of information systems
technologies and to execute the processes, goals and purposes on the desired
level. In other words, data management is essentially the production of
beneficial information, development and then dissemination of such
information. Today, management at the enterprises and institutions is
conducted over the information management. Data management is expressed
as the ability of the enterprise to have human capital, to keep it under control,
and to benefit from it as a value (Tutar, 2010).
When looked at from a closer perspective, it is seen that the information
management systems have circular qualities. Information systems enable the
production of information, control it and deliver it to the required areas, and
provide new information within the scope of the information provided. It
ensures the control of the reproduced information, transmits it to the required
fields and ensures the production of new information again.
Data management is a form of management that allows employees, units and
the entire organization to use information and produce information within a
certain system in order to achieve corporate goals in the best possible way.
This form of management; covers employees, units and the entire institution.
In this structure, it is important to produce information, engage data into the
processes and share data (Barutçugil, 2006). In this regard, the existence of
the human factor is very important in the production of information. The
information is produced, processed and distributed over the human factor,
especially in institutions. However, it should not be forgotten that today,
information can also be produced over information technologies. On the other
hand, it should not be overlooked that the information produced cannot be
interpreted and used without human factor.
The main objectives in data management can be expressed as follows
(Gümüştekin, 2004):
Accelerating the learning processes of employees,
Ensuring acceleration of improvement,
Ensuring new information production in the institution,
Ensuring that the accessed information is used in line with the decisions
Ensuring that reliable information is transmitted to the right employees
at the time it needs to be reached,
Speeding up the transformation process,
Ensuring that the data which benefits the surrounding institution is
earned to the institution,
Encouraging the development of knowledge by using factors and social
Ensuring that corporate data is presented with data, documents,
records and databases,
Making it possible tha the data created in corporate departments or
different departments are conveyed across the departments,
Increasing the value of corporate data and ensuring that such data is
converted to intellectual capital and making it possible that such data is
leveraged through information management.
Today, the information technologies which are very frequently used can be
utilized for taking efficient decisions in management positions of institutions. In
other words, data management, as being one of the organizational functions
provides advantages in reaching different strategic targets and in decision
making processes with the help of information technologies (Öğüt, 2012). It is
the data management which allows for carrying out the operation and
functioning based on information and for such functioning to generate new
information within a certain order. In this sense, data management ensures
that te existing data is expanded under a certain order, thereby preventing
possible chaos.
1.2.2. Data Systems
The enterprises and institutions leverage data in order to eliminate the
uncertainties and to minimize the risks. The purpose of the data systems is to
ensure acquisition of knowledge on a level which will allow for making decision
under risk and uncertainty circumstances. In this respect, data systems are the
systems which allow the institutions to improve their productivity, become
knowledgeable about the internal and external events and enhance the service
quality (Anameriç, 2003). The data workers benefit from the data systems.
Although such workers are not at the managerial or executive positions at the
institution, they might determine which way the institution will move towards by
virtue of their studies and researches. In relation to this, a physician who
monitors the pregnancy process through an ultrasound device, an engineer
who determines the structure of product in a manufacturing process and an
architect who ascertains the construction aspects of a building can be shown
as examples. In addition, it will be proper to express the information systems
used by such professionals as data system (Kul, 2009).
As the data development continues, it plays a critical role in elimination of the
existing uncertainties and risks. Today, the enterprises and institutions have to
harness the existing conditions efficiently and eliminate the existing risks to be
able to survive. Data systems engage here by providing information to the
enterprises and institutions to eliminate such risks and uncertainties and thus,
guarantee their sustainability.
There are data which play critical role for the in-house departments and
external departments. Solution of the problems, making decisions, provision of
new goods and services are the main areas where information systems are
utilized. Such components are inputs, outputs and transactions. The inputs
refer to combining the immature information which are inside or outside the
institution. The transactions function as contributing meaning to the immature
information, while the outputs refer to transferring the processed data to those
who will potentially benefit from such data. Other than these components,
there is also the feedback component allowing for controlling the inputs in the
institution under the information systems (Karahoca and Karahoca, 1998). In
this respect, such process initiated with the discovery of information continues
with the interpretation of information for the purposes of certain goals and
objectives and with dispatching of interpreted information to the relevant units.
Here, the process is completed with the detection of problem, identification of
the components of problem, ensuring that the identified components have
certain meaning and the interpreted components are delivered to the
necessary points.
It will be to the point to explain the concept of information systems, along with
the data systems. Information systems come across as the systems meeting
the information requirements of enterprises in line with the changes in
communication, technology, social and economic life and with the needs
emerging with such changes. Along with the gradual diversification of need for
data, so the information systems also have passed through diversification. In
this sense, there has emerged the necessity for the enterprises to have
information systems unique to the departments which meet the operational
and strategic needs of each department. The departments leverage these
information systems for purposes such as scaling up the quality, diminishing
the costs, taking effective decisions and ensuring time saving. Generally, the
information systems are divided into categories by their accountability level
and implementation areas. The reason is that the main purpose of the
information systems in enterprises is meeting the needs (Aktan et al., 2005).
The existence of information systems contributes to the acceleration of data
processing. The enterprises can produce information at a more rapid pace
thanks to the information systems and can interpret data more quickly and
transfer to the relevant units more quickly. This situation allows increasing of
productivity in data systems and hence, across the enterprises and institutions.
The information systems focused on the requirements makes it possible for
enterprises to utilize data in line with their needs and gives them flexible
movement capability.
The benefits to be achieved by enterprise managements from the information
systems can be enumerated as follows (Tekin, Güleş and Öğüt, 2003):
As the management will easily access all the information related to the
enterprise, it will be able to obtain any information it needs any time and
thus take decision more easily.
They will be able to obtain what they want through quick calculation skill,
central data bank and thanks to the existence of program which can
handle the other transactions.
The success possibility of the managers' future estimates and plans will
The enterprises leveraging information technologies will become more
influential on the market compared to the other enterprises and thus,
will gain competitive advantage.
It will be possible for the enterprise to quickly track the needs of the
employees and thus, there will be reduction in the cost of employees.
By virtue of quick data transmission through the information systems,
there will be saving from time and thus, the decision makers will be
allowed to deal with different management activities.
The information systems accelerate the overall processing time of data and
saves time for making new decisions. In this respect, it is possible to produce
new information in different areas. In parallel with this, the time saving made
possible by the information systems will allow for making arrangements for the
possible future situations and take some security measures.
1.2.3. Definition and Characteristics of Data Technologies
Technology development continues based on data. In this regard, data is
required for technology development. Provision, recording, processing, storing
and transmission of data through utilization of technology is referred to as
"Data Technologies". To elaborate in more detail, data technology is the
entirety of electronic devices and the methods encompassing them used in
collection, processing, recording, transmission and controlling of data that are
in different forms and generated in communication and electronic data
processing systems (i.e., computer) and allows people to interact with each
other and access to information (Emrealp, 1993):
Today, ubiquitous existence of electronic components ensures gradual
expansion of data technology usage. In parallel with this, strengthening of the
current potential of data each passing day renders it necessary to execute the
information processing over the electronic environment. From such
perspective, the data technologies make it possible to easily carry the existing
data load and facilitates data production, while also leads to the increase of
data load. For such reason, the dependency of individuals on data
technologies is constantly rising up for being able to use the data.
Different definitions regarding data technologies can be made. In one of such
definitions, data technologies has been expressed as the technology which
allows for performing the transactions such as recording and storing of data
and information, putting data and information into certain processes and
reproducing them, accessing and transferring such reproduced information
(Heskett et al., 1990). According to such definitions, the specifications of data
technologies emerge. And these are as follows (Bensghir, 1996):
Provision and collection of data
Processing of data,
Storing and stocking of data,
Ensuring easy access to data,
Ensuring that the data can be transferred,
The data technologies are structures producing data, while they are also the
components which differentiate the data, store data to be used later and
transfer data to the relevant individuals and units. In today's world where
electronic technologies are ubiquitous, it has become virtually impossible not
to benefit from data technologies. Fundamental Tools in Data Technologies
One of the most prominent representatives of current data technologies is
computers. Computers are the primary technological tools used since 1950s.
Aside from this, today's system engineering, circuits, Internet technologies,
smart phones, multimedia, communication technologies, marketing and
production technologies, etc. are addressed to within the scope of data or
information technology (Bilgin, 2016).
It is possible to describe the fundamental tools used in data technologies as
follows (Yavuz, 2016):
and physical parts of computers and other devices used in data technologies
are called "hardware". Computer hardware consist of four units. Such four units
are indicated in Table 3.
Hardware Samples
Input units
They are the equipment
providing data and entry of data
to the computer.
They refer to the equipment such
as digital camera, keyboard,
mouse and scanner.
Transaction units
They are the units executing the
data processing. They refer to
the case and the electronic
components inside the case of a
They are the hardware ensuring
connection between the equipment
installed on the computer case and
the other device mounted to the
Microprocessor (CPU - Central
Processing Unit) and Main
MeMory (RAM) are the most
important units of function in the
Output units
They refer to the devices
allowing for seeing the outputs
generated as a result of
processing the data in the
Heatset, printer, loud speaker and
screen are some examples.
Storing units
They are the devices ensuring
storage of programs, data and
The disc driver, DVD driver, CD
driver and hard disk are some
examples to such devices.
Table 3: Components Making Up the Hardware.
(Yavuz, 2016)
Hardware in computer generally consist of the sections which make it possible
to enter data and obtain data. Also, the devices where the data are processed
and stored are handled in the hardware section.
Another objective of the data technologies is to create software. Software
refers to the programs composed of some instructions and created for the
purpose of controlling the functioning at the units of input, transaction, output
and storage in order to compile together the desired components. The
software is treated under three groups among themselves. These groups can
be referred as follows (Hunton, Byrant and Bagranoff, 2004):
System software: it is referred as a component necessary for executing
all the functions related to the computer system. The system software
ensures establishing connection between the applications and the
hardware. System software is required so that the computers can
operate. Such systems ensure main functions such as that the
transactions are performed, the programs can run smoothly
interactively, and the commands can be fulfilled.
Application software: it refers to the programs used for the purpose of
performing special operations of the computer users. The programs
such as Paint and Microsoft Office can be shown as example.
The auxiliary software: they are the programs used for the purpose of
enhancing the impacts of applications and system software. Main Components of Data Technologies
The main components of data technologies are generally dependent on
information systems. However, data technologies at the same time support the
data management of institutions. Such main components are such as
communication, data processing and storing (Becarra-Fernandez, Gonzales
and Sabherwal, 2004). Four main functions are provided with data
technologies. These four main functions can be described as follows (Evans
and Wurster, 1999):
Access: Data technologies facilitate access to data. The concept of
access is referred as network. Advanced network structure accelerates
access to data and enhances productivity. There are the components
called as switching devices in the network structure. These devices are
divided into two as periphery switching and backbone switching.
Depth: It is related to the smooth and fast being of the information
transfer. The transfer pace can be expressed as the bandwidth. As the
bandwidth increases, the depth function also increases. The in-house
transfers can be expressed as internal band, while the transfers from
outside the institution as external band. The most substantial factor
explaining the depth function is the protocols. Without the protocols, no
communication can be possible between the data technologies. The
globally recognized protocols are Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). TCP protocol is safer, but slower
than UDP.
Diversity: It refers to the data diversity in the network. It can be in written,
audio and visual forms. Along with the development of technology,
diversity gradually increases.
Integration: It refers to ensuring an integrity with the processing and
synthesizing of data. Data technologies serve to reach such goal.
Leveraging on the main functions of data technologies, the individuals and
enterprises can execute many different functions together. Access to the
existing information, ability to establish quick communication and provide
information, obtain data with different features and synthesise different kinds
of data and ensuring that different information can be produced are the main
qualifications of data technologies. Given the main components of the data
technologies, it is obvious that they show similarity with the data systems and
data management. Such case also enables supporting of data technologies
with data systems and data management processes. Data Systems in Data Technologies
The need for data is a critical driver for provision of data, development of data
and orientation of data. In this respect, data technologies is an important tool
for meeting the need for data and for fulfilling the other functions. Today,
execution of the functioning of economic structure over the institutions and
enterprises necessitate that data is used by such institutions and enterprises.
The data technologies are used for facilitating the access of institutions and
enterprises to data. Furthermore, to be able to access to large amount of data
through the data technologies, certain structures are needed for management
of data. In such case, the data systems engage in.
The data technologies are important structures which determine the
productivity and performances of institutions or enterprises. Such technologies
consist of the parts used to provide the most reliable data and to use such data
in the most efficient way possible. Data system has emerged as a result of
detection, processing, usage and transfer of data in raw form. In organizations,
data systems can be expressed as the systems which supply from the smallest
unit or overall the institution the data and information needed by the
management, and then summarizes and reports such data and information to
the relevant units and managers (Soyuer, 2000).
Along with the rapid advancement in data technologies as of 1980s, the data
systems have come to the forefront. Until such period, the phenomena such
as personal skills and interpersonal skills were used as conventional methods.
Beginning of production process based on data have pioneered the
development of technologies and such case have created the need for data
technologies (Becarra-Fernandez, Gonzales and Sabherwal, 2004). Such
requirements were observed initially in areas such as accounting and finance
and such case caused the data technologies and data systems to be used
firstly in such fields. In the succeeding processes, with the gradual growth of
enterprises, the data systems were started to be used also in different
departments of the enterprises. Especially, dissemination of the use of
computer have proliferated the usage of data systems (Soyuer, 2000).
It is possible to note the purposes of data systems benefitting from data
technologies as follows:
Ensuring that the data technologies consisting of hardware and
software can accord with the enterprise. And in such harmonization
process, the goals of the enterprise and a system-compatible
functioning should be determined. The fact that data technologies are
products encompassing the cutting-edge technology and compatibility
of such products with the enterprise is more important.
Being able to reach the required information in time and accurately.
Providing the required information in decision making processes.
Being able to do data analysis regarding the past incidents and the
circumstances which might be encountered in the future.
Ensuring that the service quality is elevated through usage of
comparative data.
Reducing the work load of employees by effectively benefitting from the
human resources.
Each corporation or enterprise have their own unique qualifications. In this
respect, regulation of the data technologies to be used in the enterprise in a
manner appealing to the features of the enterprise is highly important. Such
case will also pave the way for acceleration of the decision-making processes
of the enterprise and obtaining data more quickly. The enterprises move from
short term activities to long term activities. In this respect, thanks to the data
which the enterprise has obtained within the scope of the researches it carries
out based on the previous incidents it experiences allows to make estimation
regarding the situations which might come up in the long term. Aside from this,
it is possible for the enterprise to develop itself my performing benchmark study
with the obtained information and therefore increase its service quality.
1.3. Enterprise Resource Planning
With the development of technology, the information technologies have started
to manifest in all spheres of human life and corporate life. In societies where
information technologies are realized a major change has occurred and
therefore some human circles have been influenced by the developments to a
great extent. With the impact of the globalization, information technologies
were needed in order to acquire access to new markets. And this in turn have
given priority to advertising. Another way of acquiring competitive advantage
is to use the information technologies in the most efficient way on the part of
the enterprises. The data conversions in information technologies are
continuously used in daily functioning of the enterprises (Amrit, 2003). Though
ERP provide great advantages, it is also a costly system. It is costly on account
of the cost of hardware and software, the training costs, data transformations
and other work processes changing and improving costs.
1.3.1. Definition of Enterprise Resource Planning
In line with the emerging concept of globalization, the multi-national
enterprises which have factories in many countries and regions have felt the
need to integrate all their sub-units (Tanyaş and Baskak, 2013). The
integrated information system emerging from the need of multi-national
companies to integrate their sub-units has been called as enterprise resource
planning (ERP). ERP is an integrated software system which accommodated
the functions required for the meeting of client/citizen demands in the most
efficient manner in line with the strategic goals and targets of the corporations,
for the effective and efficient planning and controlling of the supply, production
and distribution resources. For the managers ERP is a comprehensive
software providing support to the decisions, planning and control activities
(Vollman, Berry, Whybark and Jacobs, 2005).
For data technologies department, ERP is the software system which
integrates the other functions of the company such as finance, production,
supply, sales and marketing, human resources management and document
management (Vollman et al, 2005).
There are many definitions related to Enterprise Resource Planning.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is an information system which
integrates the work process (human resources, document management,
inventory management, customer relations management, project
management, etc.) under single database, and ensures that all units and
departments incorporate the most updated and accurate data to the process,
regardless of the size and dimension of the public institution, company or
enterprise (Aktaş, 2009). ERP Software eliminates the necessity to use a great
number of interfaces as they perform all the work processes over the same
software, and it creates a natural integration among all these processes, and
ensures that the valuable information obtained from each process is used in
another process, whereby allowing for avoidance of errors and time saving.
Thus, the information collected under the same roof can be presented to the
right person at the right time and at the right cost (Tevatiroğlu, 2007).
According to another definition emphasizing the core characteristics of ERP,
the ERP systems which are based on the enterprise units sharing
communication and information with each other, ensures that the enterprises
are collected under the same roof by integrating their processes such as
finance, production, purchasing, sales, logistics and human resources, etc.
(Keçek and Yıldırım, 2002).
ERP Software eliminates the necessity to use a great number of interfaces as
they perform all the work processes over the same software, and it creates a
natural integration among all these processes, and ensures that the valuable
information obtained from each process is used in another process, whereby
allowing for avoidance of errors and time saving. Thus, information gathered
under the single umbrella is presented to the right person, at the right time and
at the right cost (Güroğlu, 2006).
ERP systems are the configurable information system packages which
combine the information and data inside the functional areas in an organization
(Kumar and Van Hillsgersberg, 2000).
ERP has become one of the indispensable systems for today's enterprises,
considering its centrally located data integration base, modular structure and
its applications supported by software (Laudon and Laudon,2010).
Furthermore, the essence of the ERP systems allows for the existing
infrastructure to operate for the sustainability and quality of information thanks
to the existence of integrated systems along with the integration and
standardization and enables the flexibility system in such integrated processes
run efficiently (Jacobs and Bendoly, 2003). Therefore, ERP systems is not a
software package with the means and capabilities they have, but at the same
time, a management approach providing the most important change and
transformation for the enterprise.
1.3.2. Fundamental Qualities of Enterprise Resource Planning
Thanks to the ERP systems, all the documents as to the production of good
and service are can be evidenced and produced in the electronic environment
along with the historical records and within the framework of the existing
operating policies (Memiş and Tüm, 2011).
At this most recent point arrived by the ERP systems and with the technological
advancement, it is highly critical that the information is not only produced
simultaneously, but also is reliable. It is the action taken as a result of the
decisions based on qualified information so that the enterprises can gain
competitive advantage. Therefore, today emerged the need for the successful
performance of such activities and more efficient management of information
owned in the execution of the applications. Therefore, with the increase of the
prominence of Electronic Document Management Systems, the information is
required to be revealed and used in a systematic way and serving for the
Currently, the most significant component forming the infrastructure of the
information systems is the technological infrastructure. Both the hardware
used and the computer software are the indispensable components of today's
information systems. One of the most outstanding integrated applications used
to efficiently management the information processes in enterprises is the
software called as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications.
Fundamental Qualities of Enterprise Resource Planning have been indicated
The features of ERP systems may vary by the structure of the companies, but
here are their fundamental qualities:
• Rather than a database management software or an operating system, ERP
is an application software.
• It offers proposals of solutions for fundamental business processes.
• It is an integrated database keeping both the main data and the data
belonging to the business processes.
The fundamental ERP product package targets not only specific industries,
but all the industries by virtue of its functionality sufficient to enable usage at
global scale.
As it aims to support miscellaneous corporate functions, it has a highly
functional structure.
ERP provides access to the suppliers, customers and if any, to the
information systems of the partners.
• ERP systems are costly systems.
They might offer correct information to the customers about the completion
and delivery time of an order. • It offers the companies using it the opportunity
to do customization/adjustment related to the program.
• ERP has a structure encompassing all the units of an enterprise.
It enables quicker and easier access to information (Çakır and Bedük, 2013).
ERP offers a flexible organization structure. The companies from a large
spectrum of function and alternative business processes can apply the
modules that they need. The system flexibility gives companies the opportunity
to turn change into their favour (Tandoğan, 2007).
Behind the establishment of ERP systems lies an approach placing information
to the forefront. Because, the main point intended to be arrived at with the
establishment of ERP systems is to be able to obtain the data forming the basis
of the decisions and processing such data (Al-Mashari, 2002).
1.3.3. Critical Drivers of Success in Enterprise Resource Planning
ERP and electronic document management system software require utmost
attention and diligence during the stage of instalment, as well as in the
competition race in terms of the data they have created after the instalment for
in-house usage, and from the selection to the instalment state of software and
from the usage stage through the maintenance stage.
The Electronic Document Management developped by the Ministry of Science,
Industry and Technology and used by the central and rural organization of the
ministry is also one of such systems.
Critical Drivers of Success are as follows:
Infrastructure of Information Technology: It constitutes the information
management and communication platforms of the enterprise. A strong data
management infrastructure is stated in literature as a prerequisite of any data
system and especially of the success of the ERP system (Karagül, 2006).
Support of Senior Management: The senior management plays a very
critical role in the installation of ERP systems and successful operating of the
installed system. Active participation and vision of the management to the
project and their directing the junior administrative officers will provide the
motivation required for sustainability of the project (Karagül, 2006).
Project Management: A successful ERP system installation requires a project
management practiced effectively. Project Management involves critical points
such as clearly setting and description of the goals, development of operation
plans and recovery plans, project follow-up and communication (Karagül,
Change Management: The organizational structure of enterprise may not be
fully compatible with the structure and tools of the system to be installed and
with the types of information to be generated. Therefore, it might be necessary
to reconfigure the fundamental processes for the targeted goals and/or
develop new processes. It is necessary to plan, organize, coordinate and
control the change beginning from the first stage of the project until making
sure that it runs in the intended manner (Karagül, 2006).
Culture: In fact, the cultural component which can take place within the
change management substantially influence the operating ways of enterprises,
and therefore is regarded as a distinctive critical success factor. The installed
system transforms the organization structure and this influences the working
forms of employees and their interaction with each other. Therefore, the
transformation must be relied on a strong strategy and well-defined installation
methods and also the employees must be briefed about the changes that the
new system will create at the enterprise and the targets the enterprise desires
to achieve as a result of such changes (Karagül, 2006).
Risk Management: The factors causing the installation of ERP systems to fail
are called as risk factors in ERP literature. The factors which are referred as
critical success factors are indeed potential risk factors for ERP systems. The
senior management must identify the potential risks at the enterprise and take
the necessary measures so that such potential risks do not prevent the
success of project (Karagül, 2006).
Expectation Management: Successful system installations are closely
related with the successful management of user's expectations. With the
expectation management, which is an essential component of change
management, the benefits of a successful system for an enterprise and the
roles of employees in ensuring such success are explained to the employees.
The critical success factors which are highly important to active success in
such systems take place in all stages from the originating of system through
the system valuation.
1.4. Document Management Systems
The enterprises benefit from the documents in order to record their activities
and functioning. Such documents are very crucial as they can be inspected,
evidenced, examined, evaluated and used again when it becomes necessary.
That the enterprises execute many activities collectively, causes a great
number of documents to be produced. Such situation requires the documents
to be kept under certain control. Here the document management systems
come into play.
In this section, firstly the document management will be explained and then
the electronic document management systems will be mentioned within the
document management systems. Furthermore, after mentioning about the
electronic document management systems, finally the specifications that the
electronic management systems must have will be explained.
1.4.1. Document Management
The institutions need to preserve their document within the scope of their
corporate duties and responsibilities. The preserved documents are at the
same time the evidence of executed activities. In addition, such documents
make accountability possible in relation to the executed transactions (Johere,
2008). The documents are indispensable for the managements. In this regard,
the management process can be formed through the controlling of all
enterprises which provide or produce service and use resources. Recording
the transactions and actions conducted at the enterprises and carrying them
over the next periods are practices which have been applied for a very long
time. Document management is a quality function which the enterprises must
have no matter what the format is (Kandur, 2011). Document management is
one of the processes also for recording and archiving the documents of
enterprises. The enterprises can sustain their activities more efficiently through
document management technologies (Sağsan, 2006).
The enterprises record the activities they perform, whereby they both ensure
demonstrability, and can evaluate such activities in the upcoming periods.
Keeping the documents related to the enterprise under record is critical for the
execution of planning process.
Document management encompasses the management of document
revealed by the companies or enterprise in relation to their functions. The
documents can be converted to written form, regardless of the conditions
where they are created and stored. In this respect, the documents are included
to the scope of evidences on the functioning of company, while they also
support the daily routines (Christine, 1998). Document management can be
expressed as a system allowing to keep under control, access, file, distribute
and destroy the documents which the enterprises and institutions created while
they maintain their activities or provide from outside (Odabaş, 2009).
The enterprises need documents in order to stay in conformity with the
legislative regulations. The documents qualify as substantial proof in terms of
demonstrating that the conducted activities have been performed in conformity
with the legislative regulations. Aside from this, the documents serve as a
means for proof within the scope of the inspections performed by external
institutions. Such case reveals the fact that the enterprises document
management systems in order to both maintain their activities and protect
1.4.2. Main Components of Document Management System
Document management is a process starting with the preparation and creation
of the documents. Then the transactions such as the usage, storing, access
and destruction of the documents compose the structure of these systems.
Therefore, it is possible to enumerate the main components of document
management system as follows (Odabaş, 2009).
Composition of documents
Benefitting from and protection of documents,
Elimination of documents.
While the document management systems based on paper were prevalent in
the past, now the electronic document management systems are prevalent. In
addition, such electronic document management systems allow for printing the
documents on paper and store them in paper format. However, being able to
store the documents in electronic environment is important in terms of
minimizing the costs arising due to the archives. While in the past the
separation of documents from the physical archive rooms for elimination
purposes caused big time loss for the enterprises, now it is sufficient to spare
only a few minutes for the classification of documents in the electronic
environment. This provides big time saving and cost advantage for the
enterprises and institutions with the use of electronic document systems.
1.4.3. Advantages of Electronic Document Management
It is possible to list the advantages offered by electronic document
management (Kandur, 2011; Güler, 2013):
Storing and archiving the documents,
Providing access to documents,
Offering opportunity to use the documents whenever they are needed
and in timely manner
Enabling to know which documents should be eliminated and when.
Document management provides also indirect benefits, other than the
aforementioned fundamental advantages. Operating is easier at a company
which preserve its documents effectively through document management and
this reflects positively to the company's overall productivity. At an institution
where the documents can be easily accessed, it is simpler to make new
productions by leveraging the documents and this becomes very helpful for an
institution to develop itself. Furthermore, document management allows for
time management and helps the enterprise be engaged in many more
activities. Apart from this, document management helps eliminating the
outdated and obsolete documents, whereby opening space for the new
documents and preventing confusion of documents at the enterprise. Those
working in the electronic document management systems can access to the
related documents within seconds and minutes. Also, while the enterprises
and institutions and/or individuals used to do the official correspondence over
the postal services, they incurred a great loss of time in the operations.
However, today in correspondences made over the electronic document
systems, the interaction among the institutions and between the institutions
and the individual is swifter and this accelerates the corporate operating. It is
also possible to increase the customer satisfaction along with the ability to
rapidly meet the requirements of individuals who are outside the enterprise.
Electronic document management systems undertake critical roles in the
increasing of productivity and effectiveness and in the improvement of service
According to the explanations so far, it is possible to summarize the attributes
of electronic document management systems as indicated in Figure 8.
Figure 9: Document Management System.
(Odabaş, 2009)
1.4.4. Electronic Document Management Systems
Record or document management systems date back to the initial
documentation systems of the early 1970s, when computers were held as
recording and storing devices of documents in organizations. Over time, their
importance and use had increased, and document management was defined
as organizing and maintaining documentation about specific tasks and
processes. With the emergence of information technologies, developments of
document management systems have changed the way of documentation,
Usage and
Filing and
in Archieves
and electronic document management systems (EDMS) have gained a strong
position with the extensive use of computers in organizations. In addition,
digitizing documents within the content of e-transformation is one of the major
operations in many organizations, especially in government agencies (Medeni
at al., 2013).
At the present time, the documents created in any condition in the companies
and enterprises should be treated and addressed to in electronic sense, in line
with the innovations in data technologies. In this respect, electronic document
means any kinds of document which is generated as a result of the business
activities and then stored, accessed to, transferred and eliminated in the
electronic environment by use of electronic means and computers. The
documents coming into being as a result of transfer of paper form documents
to the electronic environment also are electronic documents. However, so that
the paper documents subjected to such transformation can be counted as
electronic documents, they must be relying on a legal regulation and marked
with a time stamp stating that the document is prohibited from being altered
during the transformation into electronic format. This electronic documentation
process can be conducted during the process of conversion or the addition of
the digital certificate time stamp. As a result, the document can be considered
a reliable document (Aydın and Özdemirci, 2011).
After the transfer of on-paper documents to the computer environment, it is
critical to take some precautions to ensure safety. In this sense, electronic
stamping and putting time statements to the electronic documents is important
for protecting the integrity of enterprise/institution. Apart from this, these
methods are important for preventing that the documents are altered in the
electronic environment to earn illegal profit. Therefore, the methods providing
safety of electronic documents not only helps protecting the enterprise, but
also the public institution.
Electronic document management is a document management system which
has been developped subject to the advances in technology and is
incorporated to the companies and institutions in parallel with such advances.
In harmony with the progress in computer technologies, the companies now
create their documents in the computer environment and transfer in the
computer environment (Aydın, 2005). Although electronic document and
electronic certificate is used to refer to the same meaning, these concepts are
different from each other. Electronic document acquires the quality of
electronic certificate when they are used in the operations of companies and
enterprises and stored as a proof of such operations. In comparison, electronic
records cannot be changed due to the presence of official qualifications on
these documents. However, such an obligation does not exist for electronic
documents (Aydın and Özdemirci, 2011).
That the enterprises and institutions are bound to legal obligations make it
necessary for them to keep electronic documents. However, the enterprises
are entitled to create electronic documents about their own development and
how the in-house activities are progressing and to use these documents to be
able to do some estimations. Within this framework, as a consequence of the
proliferation of electronic researches and studies, there has been an increase
in the volume of electronic documents. It will be possible to benefit from the
electronic document systems to scrutinize and control the coverage of
documents. It should be noted that such documents do not bear any official
quality. In this respect, it is not possible to legally benefit from such documents.
The emergence of such difference is due to the fact that the electronic
documents can be altered, whereas the electronic certificates cannot be
Electronic certificate management is in a broader sense, referred as a
structure managing the records under a certain medium electronically. In
comparison, the EDMS is explained as a system allowing an enterprise or
organisation to manage some documents by using computer programs (Güler,
2013). In other words, it is possible to describe all audit activities as EDM with
the electronic management forming some steps, such as using, assessing,
distributing and storing a document, a record or similar written or visual items,
generated within an organisation's workflow or operation (Külcü, 2012).
An enterprise or public institution requires certain finance to be able to develop
a program, though it has obtained specific approval. For such finance and
approval to be given, the enterprise or institution managers must understand
why the program needs to exist. There is so much need for the approval of
corporate managers so that the electronic document management systems
can be operated effectively. Other than that, it is recommended to conduct a
research inside the enterprise or institution so that the in-house requirements
are tackled and solutions are found accordingly. In order to ensure an efficient
electronic document management, it is necessary to lay the grounds for a
document management ensuring sustainability of documents, records and
sheet either in paper or electronic form. It is also noteworthy to explain the
potential adversities and the benefits (Arden, 2009).
From this point forward, it is obvious that the electronic document systems and
electronic certificate systems are critical at the enterprises and institutions for
the establishment of a certain informational infrastructure and easy access to,
storage, transfer and when necessary, elimination of such informational
infrastructure. In addition, whereas these functions could be fulfilled in the past
by spending hours and days, now they can be fulfilled within just minutes
thanks to the electronical transformation.
1.4.5. Classification of Electronic Documents
It is a well known fact that the enterprises and institutions must have written
documents as well as electronic documents. It is highly important to classify
the documents so that the corporate employees can comfortably access the
electronic or paper documents. With the classification, it becomes possible to
easily access the documents and also, they can be sorted to their kinds,
stored, managed and eliminated or discharged. For these reasons, it is
necessary to establish a robust classification system. The qualifications that
an efficient classification system must have can be described as follows (Goh
et al., 2009):
1. An efficient system supports the corporate or business-related
It lends assistance to the decisions, future activities and services of
the enterprise or institution.
It provides the requirements of system users.
It keeps the costs at a suitable level.
It provided an optimum level of employees and fund.
There will not be dependency on outside for operational needs.
2. It becomes easier to understand the electronic document system
though the classification system.
The employees and users comprehend the electronic documents
more easily.
Dependency on human memory disappears.
It is used more easily.
It ensures the users to feel self-confidence.
3. The system sensitivity will increase with classification.
There will be much less suspicion on whereabouts of the documents
and records.
It enables quick definition and provision of documents.
4. The documenting system becomes more comprehensive with
It is ensured that all the documents that are required to be inside the
system are located in their files.
It is enabled that all documents to be created in succeeding periods
are involved to the system.
With its flexible structure, the system can be narrowed down,
expanded or rectified.
5. The documents can be backed up according to the classification system
and the relevant training tools.
The documents are stored in a more transparent and detailed
The content, usage and monitoring of the system is expressed more
With the completed samples, all the main copies are provided.
It can be supported with training programs.
It can be supported with guidance and professional assistance
6. It is possible to easily digitalize the classification system.
It enables easy convertibility of documents for use in electronic
recording systems.
1.4.6. Information Security Management Systems
Information security ensures that information is protected from unauthorized
access, kept confidential, information integrity and accuracy is preserved and
information can be accessed any time (Isaca, 2017).
The following components come to the forefront from the perspective of
information security (Gülmüş, 2010: 16):
Confidentiality of Information This concept refers to giving permission
to access to information only to the persons who have authorization to
do so.
Integrity of Information It refers to information staying in raw form
without its content being distorted.
Availability or accessibility of information: It refers to being able to
access and use information when it is required or desired.
To ensure information security, it will be proper to take some various security
measures. All of the information which a company or institution possesses or
obtains to offer value, earn profit, safeguard its continuity and achieve
competitive advantage can be expressed as the information asset of such
company or institution. For such information to be protected in physical and
electronic environment, physical security and electronic security must be
The literature involves some definitions about information security. In one of
such definitions, the information security has been expressed as prevention of
information from getting damaged or distorted, facilitating the qualified
technology for benevolent goals and prevention of information from being
seized by unwelcome individuals (Canbek and Sağıroğlu, 2006: 69). According
to another definition, information security is the process of preventing potential
attacks such as unauthorized access, usage, alteration, disclosure, distortion
or deletion.
Information security has been defined as assuring that only the authorized
individuals can access the information, ensuring that the information is
accurate and safeguarding that the officials or authorized persons can access
the information when necessary (Iso, 2005). In a different definition,
information identity has been expressed as ensuring that the resources of
enterprise information technologies can be protected from the threats against
confidentiality, accessibility and integrity. British Standards (BS) 7779 have
set forth the information security as protection of information from
miscellaneous threats for providing business continuity, keeping the business
damages at the lowest level, maximizing the business opportunities and
investment returns (Aygün, 2010).
There are some terms involved in the definition of information security. These
terms have been presented in Figure 10.
Figure 10: Terms Involved in the Definition of Information Security.
(Gülmüş, 2010)
A significant step is taken for information security in the environments where
access to information is enabled by identity detection. However, it is critical for
ensuring information security that not only the documents, but also the
individuals to access the documents are recorded. Such conditions also
ensure nonrepudiation. Restricting the confidential information only with the
use by certain individuals is important for information security. Nevertheless,
existence of a definite information security system is significant also for
ensuring reliability of the system. Having similar security measures in place for
all documents ensures integrity thereby boosting the feeling of trust in the
Some studies have been carried out in order to establish the standards in
relation to the information security. The first one of these studies in the
information security management system called BS 7799 designed by the
British in year 1995. Then, BS 7799-1 and BS 7799-2 were introduced. This
process was followed by ISO 17799 Standard issued by ISO. Towards the end
of year 2005, ISO 27001 Standard was put into effect. ISO 27002 was
published as implementation guide. ISO 27005 was put into force as Risk
Management guideline. However, information security management system is
executed in accordance with ISO 27001 (Calder, 2006).
The Information Security Management System (ISMS) can be regarded as the
integral part of management systems existing depending on the risk
management approach to ensure, as well as to design, plan, execute, follow-
up, control and sustain the information security (Iso, 2005). The benefits that
ISMS can provide to the enterprises and institutions can be outlined as follows
(Calder, 2006):
Ensuring that the information and documents are protected in
accordance with the requirements,
Ensuring that the information is protected for business continuity,
Ensuring that the risks and threats are determined and so risk
management conditions are created,
Protecting the reputation of the enterprise or institution,
Understanding by the international community that the enterprise or
institution cares about information security,
Inspection of access to information resources,
Setting forth the risks which might derive from the studies conducted on
behalf of third persons,
Company's contributing to the risk perception,
Raising of the awareness of employees, employers and the managers
regarding the security and briefing of them about the critical security
Ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and accurateness of the
information in one's possession.
Preventing malignant usages of information systems by employees
while they are addressing to the liabilities of users and customers,
Preventing that the employees are accused of due to the abuses and
misuses done by others,
Ensuring that the laws, legislations and conditions of agreement are
Earning competitive advantage to the enterprise,
Contributing to the enterprise image,
Engaging the improvement system to prevent any breakdown in
computer networks, hardware or software which might occur due to the
reasons on the part of the individuals using the information systems
such as deliberate abuse, indeliberate misuse and negligence.
Determination of the scope in terms of the ISMS, identification of inspection
processes, determination of risk management methodology, creation of
preventive and corrective action policies, deciding on the inspection system
are necessary. From this point onwards, it is possible to describe the scope of
ISMS as follows (Landoll, 2006):
All of the information systems owned by the enterprise,
Some part of the information systems owned,
Information systems in a certain area of settlement (such as campus,
general directorate, headquarters, etc.),
An information system focused on (network, web server, computers,
server computer, etc.)
Subject to ISO 27001 standards, ISMS focus on Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)
cycle. PDCA cycle has been addressed to in Figure 11.
Figure 11: PDCA cycle in ISMC.
(Gülmüş, 2010: 69)
The cycle is completed with the fulfilment of each of the stages taking place in
PDCA cycle under the ISMS. With the provision of this cycle, a robust structure
of ISMS will be established.
1.4.7. Qualifications that Electronic Document Management Systems
Must Meet
It is possible to outline the qualifications that Electronic Document
Management Systems must meet as follows (Küçükönder, 2006: 53-59):
Open architecture The Electronic Document Management System
(EDMS) must have the qualifications which can be adapted to the new
technologies in terms of the software and database that it has. In today's
world where especially the information technologies show rapid
development, this faces us as an obligation.
Lucidity: It is important that the EDMSs are easy to understand on the
part of the users so that they can use then with ease. And lesser time
needs to be spent for the training of a system which is easy to
and revision
Scalability: The document volumes of enterprises and institutions
increase day by day. Such situation requires that the EDMSs are
Integration of applications: It is highly important that the used
applications can be integrated on account of the document
management systems. It is necessary to ensure integration in the e-
mail, table and word processing systems.
Business oriented structure: EDMS needs to be arranged in such a way
to meet the requirements of the users placed in two different poles. In
this respect, it should accommodate functions which can be used by the
users from the lowest level to the highest levels.
Remote access to documents: The corporate information should be
accessible not only to the employees working inside the office, but also
to the employees working outside the office. Apart from this, the
traveling employees must have the functions of document management
from their laptops.
Electronic Document Management Software: Though EDMS generally
seems like a structure embodying the file indexing programs, it
leverages the core database engine within the scope of management
of information located on the network.
Group software: These programs create a structure over the server for
purposes of managing the electronic information centrally. The users
creating their documents in their individual computers have the
opportunity to use the documents with the other users. At the same
time, the employees can work on a project collaboratively thanks to
such software.
1.5. EDMS and Legal Grounds of EDMS in Turkey
The applications of electronic document management systems today have
started to be prevalent in all areas. Implementation of such systems in the
public sector is important especially for the acceleration of the system due to
red-tape. It is important to impose some rules for the recording, transmission,
safety and elimination of documents created in electronic conditions (Sayıştay,
2006). Therefore, in Turkey, Marmara University and State Archieves General
Directorate has issued the "Electronic Document Management System Criteria
Reference Model". Such study was accepted in year 2007 as TS 13298
Information and Documentation Electronic Document Management Standard.
In Turkey, a great deal of electronic document management software is
produced in private and public enterprises. Particularly, a big portion of such
software are produced under the scope of projects subsidized by the
government. It has become a necessity to create certain standards and set the
legislative infrastructure on such matter which is investigated with studies
heavily. Therefore, it will be appropriate to address the EDMS applications and
the components within the electronic government applications under the
following sub-titles.
1.5.1. Right to Information Act
The Right to Information Act, no 4982, which allows the citizens and
enterprises to acquire information, entered into force on the date of
09.10.2003. In pursuant to the Act, the citizens and enterprises are entitled to
acquire information subject to the principles of clarity, equality and neutrality
as a requirement of transparent and democratic management.
While it is possible to use any kinds of written, visual and audio document
within the scope of right to information, the electronic documents can also be
used within the scope of right to information. While it is possible to give one
copy of the document within the scope of right to information, in cases where
this is not possible, it is permitted to look at the document content or take note
about the document. However, everybody is entitled to obtain information
under the Right to Information Act. Nevertheless, the information requested by
the foreigners residing in Turkey and the legal persons displaying activity in
Turkey must be relevant to themselves or their own scope of activities.
On the other hand, the submission of any kinds of documents to the persons
or enterprises within the framework of the Right to Information Act might cause
slowdown in the in-house functioning. As the process of finding the documents
and submitting them to the persons and enterprises may slow down the in-
house functioning, submitting the electronic documents will ensure fast
functioning. Such case has been encouraging the usage of electronic
1.5.2. Regulation on Procedures and Principles to be Applied for Official
The institutionalization processes assume a significant role in terms of
ensuring continuity of EDMSs. It is especially very important to ensure
continuity and carry out the correspondence in electronic environments within
the framework of certain standards and rules. The companies and enterprises
are established and display activity subject to specific rules. Such case has to
manifest itself also in official correspondence.
The information included in the documents are significant for being able to
access and archive the documents and to do the correspondences. The
components which the documents must embody within the scope of official
correspondences can be enumerated as follows (Özdemirci and Odabaş,
The name and address of the company producing the document, the
name of the enterprise or unit where the document has been produced,
The date of writing, recording and producing the document,
Record number of official letters, enterprise, department, sub-units
where the document has been produced, the code designated for
conveying the document,
General explanation about the scope of letter and the subject matter of
the letter,
The references revealing whether or not the letter is related to any
previous letter,
The name of relevant individuals, place and institution doing the
correspondence, significant events/cases and content of the letter,
Names of the person(s) appending signature or approving in the
approval and signature section,
Documents and annexes supplementing the correspondence,
Names of enterprises or institutions to which the document is sent for
distribution purposes,
Address of the institution or enterprise where the correspondence has
been produced.
The procedures and principles related to the official correspondence in Turkey
were put into force in year 2004 under the "Regulation on Procedures and
Principles Applicable for Official Correspondences" Such regulation is highly
important in that it specifies the rules to be observed within the scope of the
official correspondences. Furthermore, it illuminates the document
management and archive transactions. However, such regulation was
annulled by the New Regulation on Official Correspondence, which was
published in the Official Journal, dated February 2nd 2015 and numbered
29255. This regulation covers the correspondence rules specified in the
preceding regulation and it involves further arrangements with regard to the
official correspondence to be made in the electronic environment.
Under the scope of New Regulation on Official Correspondence, the definitions
such as "secure electronic signature", "EDMS", and "electronic approval" have
been set forth. With these definitions, it has been stated how the
correspondences will be carried out in the electronic environment. Though
there is a new arrangement in the regulation as to the conventional
correspondences, it also provided detailed information regarding the
correspondences to be done under the EDMS applications.
1.5.3. Electronic Signatures and Electronic Signature Law, no 5070
For the electronic documents to qualify as legal, they have to bear electronic
signature (e-signature). In this respect, it is not possible for an electronic
document to have any legal validity, if it does not bear electronic signature.
The concept of electronic signature is defined in different ways across the
literature. In one of such definitions, electronic signature has been stated as
electronic data which is created subject to the document to be signed under
the electronic conditions and is stored by being attached to the document
(Bensghir and Topcan, 2010). In another definition, electronic document has
been explained under three requirements. The first of these three
requirements is that electronic signature must have a character which is
distinctive from the electronic documents and is attached in the electronic
environment. The second requirement is that the electronic signature must
establish a logical interaction with the document to which it is attached, and
the third requirement is that it must have a logical relation with the document
and also it must be created for the purpose of identity verification (Orta, 2005).
So that the documents can gain legal status, it is crucial that they are not
altered. It is also important to identify which person and enterprise the
document belongs to. Electronic signature is highly important to reveal all such
aspects for the electronic documents. Electronic signature is very critical for
electronic documents to qualify as official. In addition, with the electronic
signature, the fact that which enterprise or institution owns the electronic
document is also officially verified.
The concept of electronic signature has been addressed in Turkey under the
Law, no 5070 on Electronic Signature. In this Law, electronic signature has
been defined as follows: "Electronic data added to another electronic data or
have logical relation with the electronic data or used for purposes of identity
verification" (article 3 of Law, no 5070). Another component relevant to the
electronic signature is the concept of electronic certificate. Electronic certificate
is explained as an element assuming the task of matching the identity
information of the person who signs the document with electronic signature
(Article 1(ı) of Law, no 5070). In Turkey, in order to provide electronic
certificate, one must file application to the Public Certification Centre (KSM)
affiliated with the National Electronic and Cryptology Research Institute and
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK).
A significant phenomenon related to electronic signature is that it should be
determined when the electronic document has been signed. For determining
such phenomenon, the concept called as "time stamp" is used. Under the law,
the time stamp has been described as follows: "the record of an electronic data
verified by e-signature of an electronic certificate service provider for the
purpose of identifying the time when an electronic data is produced, changed,
sent, received and/or recorded (Article 3(h) of the Law, no 5070). Time stamp
gains the following features to the electronic documents:
It gives the electronic document the feature to be a proof,
It adds the electronic signature the time component,
It enables to determine the date of electronic certificate.
While the time concept is important in the documents for not exceeding the
restricted periods to execute the activities, it is also significant for
determination of how long such documents can be legally used. The official
documents must be archived for certain periods due to legal requirements,
despite they are not used. Time stamp is of utmost importance to meet such
requirements within the scope of electronic documents.
Electronic signature and time stamp are important by virtue of the fact that they
offer the same features of written documents in the electronic environment.
With such components, the documents preserve their legal validity in the
electronic environment and thus remain available.
1.5.4. Regulation on Procedures and Principles to be Observed in
Provision of Public Services
The Regulation on Procedures and Principles to be Observed in Provision of
Public Services, no 2009/15169 aims to provide an accountable public service.
Apart from that, it also has specific goals such as ensuring that the public
services are transparent, quicker, more efficient and high quality, and
facilitating that the services are of lower cost. Furthermore, it is also intended
to provide the public services to the citizens from the first stage. In this respect,
it is aimed to engage multiple mechanisms of approval and decision-making in
the process.
The regulation numbered 2009/15169 intends to ensure tht the government
services are provided in the electronic environment. Article 4 of such regulation
includes to the following arrangements:
1. Transferring of written and printed documents to the databases through
electronic environments and sharing of the same with the other
2. It must be ensured that the administration can receive the applications
in the electronic environment, the applicants can follow up their
applications in the electronic environment, and the result is
communicated to the relevant person or body in the electronic
environment. In this respect, the administration must provide that its
services are in compliance with the e-Government Gateway.
One of the important problems in government services is that the citizens have
to wait for hours in public institutions to be able to benefit from such services.
However, in parallel with the moving of government services to the electronic
environments, the citizens no longer have to spend much time waiting in the
public institutions. This both enables public institutions to operate efficiently
and the citizens to save time. Moreover, the prestige of public institutions and
the state as perceived by the citizens enhances.
1.5.5. Electronic Standards
Standardization of archiving applications through document management is
frequently encountered situation in business life. In this regard, the standards
with determine the scope and content of many documents are the components
or requirements which exist and continue to be used in almost every country
(Cabero, Martin-Pozuelo and Zazo, 2011). Within the framework of the
standards, it is possible to maintain the operations under a certain order and
with more ease.
Electronic document management systems are, too, created and managed
within the scope of specific standards and regulations. Therefore, international
and national regulations have been published in relation to this matter. The
first recognized standard in Turkey is the Turkish Standard (TS) ISO 15489 for
Information and Documentation-Document Management. In addition, ISO
15489-1 which qualifies as international standard and the following ISO TR
15489-2 standard have provided a standard structure (Mcleod, 2003: 70). One
of such standards ISO 15489-1 includes arrangements as to the composition
of documents and recording and management of such documents by the
enterprise managements. In addition, the components and functions required
for management of the documents and certificates explained in TS 15489 have
been addressed in ISO/TR 15489-2 standard.
ISO 15489 standard has some structural qualifications. Such qualifications can
be outlined as follows (White-Dollman, 2004):
It is an international standard.
It provides a common fund in international structure with the
requirement to implement a single system.
Under this standard, the document management approach is process
It has the qualifications which support the other ISO standards adopted
by the companies.
These standards have been clearly established by the IT specialists in
languages and matters the readers may understand.
The fact that ISO 15489 standard has been designed in conformity with the
international structure contributes also to Turkey's European Union (EU)
harmonization process. Such case is important also in terms of the
development of Turkey's international relations. Moreover, not only in the
government, but also in the private organizations, adoption of such standard
allows easier functioning and operation.
One of the other standards used in Turkey is TS 13298 Information and
Documentation-Electronic Document Management Standard issued by
General Directorate of State Archives. This standard forms the basis of
EDMSs. It has been arranged in three chapters. There are sections under the
three chapters covering the infrastructures required to be able to use such
standard. The chapters involved in TS 13298 standard can be expressed as
follows (TS 13298, 2009):
The chapter describing the system criteria, the components required for
an electronic structure to be treated as electronic document system and
how such system must be designed.
The chapter elaborating on the numerical imaging systems, document
criteria, features of electronic documents, management of documents
found in the physical environment and conversion of such documents
to electronic documents.
And the chapter setting forth the metadata requirements related to the
electronic document management system.
TS 13298 standard stipulates that the public institutions must establish the
conditions for EDMSs under the scope of Prime Ministry Circular Note,
numbered 2008/16. Consequently, it is obligatory that all the electronic
document management systems planned to be used or used in public
institutions and enterprises must be accredited with TS 13298 standard
certificate. TS 13298 standard is important to settle a robust electronic
document management system in public institutions. Furthermore, considering
that the public institutions are in interaction with each other, existence of a
specific structure in such functioning will significantly facilitate such interaction
among the public institutions. High quality usage of electronic document
management systems in public institutions also guides the private enterprises.
Apart from these, existence of a specific structure in public institutions is
important also for providing productivity in such institutions.
Archiving is an activity which requires a detailed effort it and of itself. However,
the archive related regulations of TS 13298 standard which has been made
obligatory to use for EDMS in public institutions and enterprises is not
sufficient. Therefore, the storage procedures, times and elimination practices
related to E-archive have been stated, but the other elements regarding this
matter have been neglected (TS 13298, 2009). In this respect, it is important
to develop a standard addressing the details related to archiving so that it can
be determined how archiving needs to be performed.
1.5.6. Principles of Interoperability in Government Information Systems
The Principles of Interoperability in Government Information Systems have
been put into implementation with the Prime Ministry Circular Note, no 2009/4.
Such circular note as guideline has been prepared in three chapters. The first
chapter explains the general principles related to the operability policy. The
second chapter dwells on the technical standards related to the transfer,
presentation, integration and amendment of information. The third chapter
covers the components which supplement the guideline considered to be used
in the upcoming periods.
The Turkish Standards section of this guideline has set forth the standards and
principles related to 6 subject matters. These 6 subject matters are as follows
(Principles of Interoperability in Government Information Systems, 2012):
1. File submission and amendment,
2. Interconnection,
3. Data integration and content management,
4. Security,
5. Geographical information systems,
6. Development and management of information systems.
The subjects found in the guideline are prominent for rendering possible the
interoperability of public institutions and agencies during the provision of
electronic government services. In addition, it facilitates the provision of back
office integration, thereby reinforcing the productivity of e-Government
One of the topics focused on by such Circular Note is the interoperability policy.
Interoperability is expressed as the skill of a structure or process to use the
functions and/or information of another structure or process. The goal of
activities aimed to provide interoperability carried out within e-Government is
to ensure information sharing across the government departments and units,
assume regulatory duty, provide integrated government service to the citizens,
enable return of investments made in information technologies and to raise the
user satisfaction. The two main targets are intended to be achieved through
the usage of communication and information technologies. The first one is to
ensure that the citizens are provided with government service according to
their requirements and the other is to ensure the establishment of advanced
decision support processes. (Principles of Interoperability in Government
Information Systems, 2012).
The interoperability requirements can be addressed in three dimensions as
semantical, technical and organizational. Semantical interoperability
dimension aims that the data are analysed appropriately by the institutions
other than those who produce the data. Technical dimension focuses on the
technologies which make information sharing possible across miscellaneous
applications. Organizational dimension is interested in the aspects such as
object-oriented software engineering and modelling languages (Principles of
Interoperability in Government Information Systems, 2012).
The first subject addressed in the standards section is the file submission and
amendment. Such standards focus on settling the standards related to the
submission of information to the users in the electronic environment in e-
government applications. Furthermore, the formats as to the official
correspondence made in electronic environment between the public
institutions and agencies are regulated in this chapter. This issue is handled in
e-Correspondence Project format.
It is required that the institutions express unequivocally and clearly the
information that they need and have for sharing information with each other.
From this perspective, data integration and content management must be
realized to make such process possible and sustainable.
Another issue relevant for settling the standards across the public institutions
is security. Security is crucial for guaranteeing of secure conditions during the
transmission and sharing of information among the institutions. To this end, it
is important to determine the security standards for the security of both the
institutions themselves and the citizens. The Information Security
Management System (ISMS) has been established to serve for such purposes.
Moreover, the components as electronic signature and cryptography should
also be mentioned.
Another issue dwelled on within the scope of Circular Note of Interoperability
in Government Information Systems is the geographical information systems.
Geographical information systems allow for obtaining, storing, processing of
graphical and non-graphical information and making such information
available to users for the purpose of supporting the users in decision making
processes and, in their works, based on location or space.
1.5.7. State Organization Central Registration System SOCRS
The State Organization Central Registration System SOCRS, which is one
of the sub applications of Electronic Government Information Management
System (EGIMS (in Turkish KAYSİS)) is an e-government database which
identifies the Registered Electronic Mail (REM), electronic organization
structure and communication data of the institutions and agencies doing
correspondence in official format in Turkey, and then converting them to the
codes in unalterable format (KAYSİS, 2017). The units which are within the
body of all institutions included to the coverage of SOCRS are assigned an
unchangeable code which is similar to the Turkish Republic Identity Number.
The State Organization Central Registration System was formed initially under
the Prime Ministry Circular Note, no 1991/17 and then it remained in effect
along with the Circular Note, no 2011/1. Such system was created for the
purpose of ensuring that the organization structures in electronic document
management systems are treated according to certain functioning scope.
SOCRS allowed the institutions to do the official correspondence more easily.
Apart from that, SOCRS can directly regulate the changes emerging in public
institutions and agencies and can prevent the uncontrolled changes which are
not in line with the requirements, but are made only as desired. Furthermore,
it enables that the units executing the similar or the same activity are placed in
a similar hierarchy.
1.5.8. Registered Electronic Mail (REM)
The electronic e-mails have today become the most frequently used
communication tools. Therefore, the electronic mails can be described as a
means of communication which allows for production, storing, transmission
and achieving of information by and between the persons, communities and
institutions in the electronic environment (Benghsir, 1996). Today, the
electronic mails which have become used by almost every person on earth are
also used by the institutions and enterprises. In this respect, the electronic
mails are now used also in official transactions. Registered Electronic Mail
(REM) system has been created to add official quality to the electronic mails
used by miscellaneous institutions and enterprises and to ensure security of
such mails. This system entails the dispatch, transmission and receiving of
electronic information and reveals provision of legal proof related to the same
(Regulation on Procedures and Principles for Registered Electronic Mail
System, article 4(i)).
The documents conveyed under the scope of Registered Electronic Mail
(REM) are conveyed with electronic signature. Thus, these documents also
bear time stamp. Other than that, the sender and receiver individual or
institution information are found in such electronic mails and the accuracy of
such information is confirmed. REM also ensures confidentiality of the
documents. Furthermore, REM prevents any undesired messages and thus
provides that the communication among the institutions is more reliable and
cost-efficient (Akyelek at al, 2011).
REM system is very often used for notifications. The notifications are used for
purposes of informing the relevant individuals of the legal practices and are
created upon the announcement of authorized bodies or in written form
(Tüzüner, 2011). The procedures and principles for electronic notifications
have been determined under the Electronic Notification Regulation published
on the Official Journal, dated 19.01.2013 and numbered 28533.
The Registered Electronic Mail system is considered as an envelope of
electronic mails within the scope of Electronic Document Management
Systems. In this sense, REM has assumed duty for provision of information
1.5.9. Electronic Correspondence Platform
Electronic correspondence platform is important for institutions and enterprises
maintaining their official correspondence in a safe manner. The initiatives of
creating an electronic correspondence platform in Turkey started in year 2011
by the Ministry of Development. The Ministry published the "e-Correspondence
Technical Guideline" which covers the procedures and information which must
be involved in the electronic correspondence across the institutions. This
guideline includes the creation of structure to serve for the transmission of
letters sent among the public institutions and agencies and the components
for confidentiality and encoding of such structure.
For the purpose of identifying the principles on Electronic Correspondence
Platform, the Ministry negotiated with e-Correspondence Project and software
companies, TÜRKSAT A.Ş. (Turksat Satellite Communications and Cable Tv
Operations Company), General Directorate for State Archieves and tried to
determine the content of the electronic correspondence package in line with
the company needs. As a result of such initiatives, e-correspondence package
was created (e-Correspondence Technical Guideline, 2011). According to
such package, the electronic documents created in electronic document
management systems are signed with electronic signature and encoded with
metadata with the format they have. Then, the receiver institution opens the
package and can do transaction over it in the electronic environment. With
such package, the qualifications of the electronic documents can be preserved
in a reliable manner.
1.6. Productivity Concept and Impact of EDMS on Productivity in Public
1.6.1. Definition of Productivity
Productivity refers to the interaction among the inputs used for the purpose of
creating the relevant phenomenon affiliated with the goods produced or
services provided as a result of an activity or business system or whether or
not the production factors are leveraged efficiently. With a different evaluation,
productivity describes the efficient usage of production factors for purposes of
providing service or producing goods (Karakuş, 2015).
Productivity means avoidance of resource wasting and using the resources in
the best way possible. Furthermore, productivity allows for increasing the
quality of service or good produced, protecting the nature, developing the
working conditions, enabling employee satisfaction and increasing the quantity
of production per input (Uslu at al, 2013).
Productivity refers to the processes such as utilizing the produced resources
in the most optimum way and obtaining the most ideal resources, by leveraging
the whole of phenomenon such as the existing improvement techniques for
high quality service and good production and distribution, creative thinking
activities, and research and development methods to this end (Ramsay, 2008:
18). Productivity means achieving the highest production level possible with
the highest level of employee and customer satisfaction, highest level of
quality, within the shortest time and at the lowest cost possible. Hence,
productivity is not merely a material component, but is a concept which has a
personal and social aspect (National Productivity Centre, 2004).
1.6.2. Importance of Productivity
The increasingly challenging competition conditions today have caused the
market conditions even more challenging. In this respect, the companies and
institutions have to improve their qualities, act more quickly and use their
resources better. In addition, the institutions have to boost their productivity to
gain competitive advantage. The reason for this is that productivity plays a
crucial role in determination of revenue and investment policies and in
identification of the changes emerging in the production factors utilized within
the scope of production inputs and in taking the relevant measures (Mirze,
There are numerous benefits that productivity offers to the institutions. At top
of them are the components such as easy handling of the works, reducing of
costs, rising of quality, increasing of production, operation of quick decision-
making mechanisms and providing input and energy saving. Based on such
components, one can speak about productivity on differing market conditions
(Mirze, 2010). Therefore, the institutions and enterprises have to leverage the
components which will continuously increase their productivity.
1.6.3 EDMS Domains
There are four main domains within the scope of activities carried out over the
electronic document management systems in public institutions. These can be
outlined as follows (Baştan and Gökbunar, 2012):
Public institution - citizen interaction,
Public institution - company interaction,
Public institution - public institution interaction,
Public institution - employee interaction.
Figure 12 demonstrates the electronic domains of public institutions.
Figure 12: EDMS Domains in Public Institutions.
(Erdal, 2004)
Public institutions are composed of units offering service to the citizens. These
units have to offer citizen-oriented service. All the citizens have interaction with
the government in relation to certain transactions. That the transactions of
citizens are similar to each other and the number of citizens filing application
is very high leads to the rise of costs and loss of great time, if such transactions
are performed on paper. In this respect, EDMS systems enable the
transactions of citizens to be performed more quickly and easily, thereby
providing saving from cost and time (Arifoğlu, 2004).
Public institutions can collaborate in their operations and activities and can
request information from each other regarding the transactions they will carry
out. While in the past the correspondences made over paper would require
longer periods for information requesting or information presenting, today, the
electronic correspondence and electronic mails within EDMSs and the
transactions between/among the public institutions through electronic mails
can be made within just minutes. It is possible to quickly obtain submit and
receive petitions, notifications, approvals and announcements over the EDMS
systems (Erdal, 2004). These explained components have features similar to
the interaction domains established between the public institutions and
The interaction domain between the public institutions and government
employees functions to perform the transactions easily and quickly, such as
the production, storing, transmission and retrieval of documents facilitated by
transition to the electronic environment through the EDMS. Thus, the
employees have more time to develop themselves.
1.6.4. Advantages of Electronic Document Management System
With the advancement of technology and spread of the Internet usage, the
information technologies have become indispensable for the individuals,
governments and institutions. Today, being able to communicate fast and at
low cost thanks to the Internet has enabled to take a step further the
advantages brought by information technologies.
Information technologies and the EDMS structures which are commonly used
today has eliminated the complications emerging in the government
management due to the overwhelming volume of information and enabled the
government, state, citizens and companies to have easier and quicker access
to information. Such case has allowed for increase of effectiveness and
productivity. Thanks to the EDMS systems, it has been possible for public
institutions to provide service to the citizens more easily. In addition, such
systems have increased access to public institutions and played role in
provision of transparency in public institutions (Yıldırım, 2007). EDMS
applications in public institutions allows also for preventing misconduct and
corruption, reducing the authoritarian structure and enables citizens to obtain
more information. Thus, the tie between the government and the citizen gets
reinforced and the citizen comes closer to the government (Balcı, 2003). With
EDMSs, positive practices emerge, making it possible to experience ease,
standardization, speed, productivity in government activities and ensure
resource procurement and confidentiality.
It is possible to list the advantages offered by EDMS applications in public
institutions as follows (Yıldırım, 2007):
Diminishing of numerical gap: Gradual reduction of unfair elements in
access to information technologies and thus, citizens' benefitting from
such components more easily.
Achieving cost productivity within the scope of services: That the
government services can now be provided over the digital platforms
have minimized the different expenses such as the stationery. Such
situation enables cost productivity.
Ensuring transparency in government sector: Recording of data and
information electronically makes it possible to easily access and easily
inspect such information. Thus, transparency in government
transactions increases.
Reinforcement of participatory democracy: It is possible for citizens to
seek their rights and share and convey their opinions in decision
mechanisms more quickly. Consequently, a more democratic service
approach is ensured.
Public institutions' maintaining their activities fast and efficiently: EDMS
systems also enables quicker production, transmission, storage of and
access to information, and hence more efficient functioning.
Increase of corporate and individual welfare: It is possible to make
investment in different areas in the public by virtue of efficient resource
usage and reduction of costs. Furthermore, such case reflecting
positively to the government is also experienced positively by the
citizens and enables individual welfare to rise up.
1.6.5. EDMS Applications Across the World
There are different EDMS applications across the world. For example, it is
possible to summarize some developments related to such applications in
Singapore (Demirel, 2006; Uçkan, 2003):
In year 1981, Singapore government put into implementation the
Government Services Computerization Program. This project aims to
develop the technology and communication infrastructure. In addition,
with the program, the structures such as Trade Network, Medicine
Network, School links, Wholistic Land Utilization System started to be
In year 1992, the goal was to become the distributer of the Far East in
the field of communication and information with "Smart Island Vision"
within the scope of "IT 2000" plan. Accordingly, the government
services and individuals and institutions were desired to in interaction
with the networks.
The e-citizen application in Singapore was especially outstanding. This
application ensures administrative services to be handled in a single
It is possible to suggest that the far eastern countries have great influence in
the world's transition to the electronic system. Among such countries,
especially Japan has made breakthroughs in information technologies. The
movement of advancement in information technologies with the influence of
Japan gradually spread to the whole world.
In the United Stated of America (USA) different applications were introduced
in the government for the purpose of promoting e-government approach.
Especially in 2001 and 2002 period, the government focused on the electronic
information management systems allowing for citizens to access to the federal
and central public institutions. In this scope, the topics such as democratic
accountability, easy access to information were focused on (Oğurlu, 2010: 41).
Here are some studies conducted in the USA for the development of electronic
information management systems (Güreler, 2011):
On the date of 03.10.2003, "E-Government Strategy Report" was
published for the purpose of ensuring that the institutions can provide
service to the citizens and the public institutions can work together with
them. Within the scope of such report, the interaction domains of public
institutions were addressed.
The "" portal used to access the services provided by public
institutions has been created for citizens to receive easy service and
information. Though such portal is frequently updated according to the
needs, it also offers video and audio service.
There are also system providing federal level service. The "on-line
store" structures established by USA Ministry of Defence offers the
buyers of defence devices the opportunity to do trading from a single
The initiatives on electronic document systems started in French public
institutions in year 1998. For the relevant systems to be used in public
institutions the units called DIRE and MTIC were put into operation. Under
such operations, it was aimed to provide information to the public institutions,
citizens and companies. Other than that, a domain as
which is accessible to the citizens, companies and varying public institutions
was created for the execution of government services. Furthermore, a program
called ADELE Programme (Administration Electronique) was engaged so that
the citizens can remotely access all the components related to the government
services (Güreler, 2011).
1.6.6. EDMS Applications in Turkey
In Turkey, various studies were conducted to develop the EDMS applications
and e-government applications. One of these studies is Turkey's National
Information Infrastructure Master Plan (TUENA) which was adopted by the
Ministry of Transportation on July 1999. Then, in early 2000s, on June 15th-
16th, 2001, during the European Union Leaders Summit, Turkey appended
signature on "e-Europe+" project and within this scope started "e-Turkey"
initiatives. In year 2003, with "e-Transformation Turkey Project", all the studies
related to such transformation was tried to be gathered under the single
structure. The Prime Ministry Circular Note dated 27.02.2003 and numbered
2003/12 notified the goals and purposes of such project to all public
institutions. Furthermore, with the circular note it has been decided to establish
a Department of Information Community (BTDB) to sustain the eDTR Project
under the State Planning Organization (DPT) (Balcı, 2008).
The steps taken by Turkey in electronic information management systems
started to manifest early in public institutions and agencies. Such case
accelerated with the spreading of such systems gradually in different areas.
One of the important changes Turkey made related to the electronic
information management systems is the e-government applications. Such
applications cover certain services which can be summarized as follows
(Güreler, 2011):
1. E-Taxation system
Tax Administration Full Automation Project (VEDOP; VEDOP I,
VEDOP II, VEDOP III): E-Declaration, Client Server Based Tax
Administration Automation (VDO), Web Based Tax Administration
Automation (e-VDO), Tax Warehouse Project (VERIA), Internet Tax
Administration, Electronic Invoice (E-Invoice) and Electronic Invoice
Registry System (EFKS), Tax Inspectors Automation System
(VEDOS), Electronic Bank Collections Processing System (EBTİS),
Customs Consultancy Connection System (GÜMBS), Electronic
Accounting Record Archiving System (EMKAS), E-Confiscation.
2. E-Audit: Cost Inspection Board Tax Administrations Audit System (MT
VEDEBİS), Cost Inspection Board Accountancies Audit Information
System (MTK SADEBİS) and Web Based Accountancy Automation
Project (Say2000i), Financial Inspection Board National Real Estate
Audit Information System (MTK MİDEBİS) and National Real Estate
Automation Project (MEOP), Financial Inspection Board Audit
Information System (DEBİS)
3. Some important other applications
Central Population System Project (MERNİS),
Identity Sharing System,
National Justice Network Project (UYAP)
Electronic Signature
1.6.7. Positive and Negative Impacts on Employees
It is possible to suggest that the EDMS structures increase the motivation
levels and job satisfactions of government employees. The reason is that the
employees have lesser work load and more opportunity to develop themselves
as a result of doing their more quickly and efficiently. Furthermore, the
employees using the EDMS structures can follows the technology more
closely. Apart from this, with EDMS structures, the employees can have higher
access to information. That the employees can access more information
through EDMS may positively influence their sense of belonging. The rising of
employees' sense of belonging positively supports their perception of
satisfaction for their job and may increase their productivity.
EDMS is highly beneficial for increasing the work performances and
productivity of employees. However, this situation might also involve some
particularities which are detrimental to the health of employees. Now, the
employees handle all their works on the desk and so spend all their worktime
with no movement. Such case may negatively influence the health of
employees. Especially, back pain and dorsalgia may occur due to sitting
without moving for the whole day, and eye problems due to looking to the
computer screen for the whole day. Apart from this, the employees who cannot
catch up with the work load accelerating due to EDMS structures can start
experiencing social problems (Öztoprak, 2001).
1.6.8. Positive and Negative Impacts on the Institution
EDMS systems enhance very much the productivity and effectiveness of public
institutions. These structures at the same time ensure that the public
institutions get into close interaction with the other companies and government
institutions and thus enable quick information flow. In this respect, it becomes
possible to take quick decisions and start the implementations fast. This
reflects positively to the services. Thus, the prestige of public institutions in the
eye of the citizens increase.
EDMS systems require certain investment cost initially, while they help
reducing the operating costs. Such case requires to bear a certain level of cost
in usage of these structures. Apart from this, the hardware and software which
are used under such structures must be renewed in line with the technological
developments and they must be subjected to maintenance at certain regular
intervals. This causes additional costs. Moreover, any breakdown or problem
occurring in the main systems of such structures will cause disruption of the
whole functioning. To remedy such breakdown and disruptions, persons who
will stay the institution all the time must be employed. This causes additional
costs. To be able to use the EDMS systems properly, the employees must be
trained at certain periods. The employee trainings will return as additional cost
to the public institutions (Öztoprak, 2001).
İn light of experiences in the sector, the significant problems that are probably
faced and need to be addressed during the implementation process of EDMS
in public institutions can be listed as follows :
Personnel resistance (personnel do not want to give up their usual way of
doing business, using paper). This problem is considered one of the most
important problems.
• Computer anxiety and the low rate of computer literacy in public institutions.
Lack of complete support of top/senior management (for some reason, senior
managers do not want to use EDMS, and they ask for some exceptions to work
on paper).
• Undefined and/or nonstandardized records management processes
Role conflict (role conflicts occur during the implementation process of EDMS
because of the duties and responsibilities that had not been clarified).
• Software problems (EDMS technology runs slowly, causes errors often, and
is not user friendly. This problem is considered as one of the most important
problems as well).
Increased work load (procedures related to records are done both in the
electronic environment and the physical environment).
Lack of experience (the institution and/or the firm personnel who implement
EDMS in public institutions are inexperienced).
In conclusion, the acceptance and adoption of EDMS is an important and
timely aspect of transformation at the institutional and country levels in Turkey.
Accordingly, the road ahead is not a short and straight but a long (Medeni at
al., 2013).
1.6.9. EDMS and Productivity in Public Institutions
Public Institutions are the areas where structurally there is so much
bureaucracy. In public institutions, correspondence, notification, petition
transactions are performed very heavily. This case causes a huge volume of
document usage in public institutions. EDMS systems allow on paper
transactions to be handled in the electronic environment and therefore, they
enable the transactions to be performed more quickly and easily. Therefore,
the production, transmission, storing and archiving of documents are
concluded over the computers with no loss of time (Özbek, 2007).
With transition to EDMS systems in public institutions, their skills have
improved. With EDMS, a service-oriented approach is adopted in public
institutions. The government's operating as a whole and the citizens' receiving
the service they need in the best possible way can be realized only through an
electronic system. Enabling communication between the citizens and the
government sector gains importance to ensure that the citizens feel trust in the
government services (Pappel, 2014).
Considering that in the past the information request among the institutions
could be replied after weeks, it is possible to understand the extent of quick
transfer allowed by EDMS structures such as in hours. Thus, the public
institutions may perform a lot of work within a short time. Such case means
that the public institutions can reach a lot more citizens (Uzay, 2005).
1.6.1. EDMS Preparations in the Ministry of Science, Industry and
In terms of information processing, infrastructure preparations, servers,
computers and so on technical materials have been provided. The Ministry's
network infrastructure was strengthened and 10 Mbs data lines were placed
between the units. Work flow processes were established. Pilot training was
given before pilot use.
These trainings are;
Superuser training: These are trainings given to the staff who manage
and define the processes belonging to the application in that unit and
implement the processes smoothly.
Unit recruitment training; This training is the training given to the user in
that unit, which handles all the records of the documents received and
enables them to be carried out in electronic environment.
End user training: these users include all staff working in that unit.
Problems and deficiencies encountered during the pilot trial process
were eliminated, trainings were given all the staff training in the ministry before
live use.
In the Live Use Transition Process of the Application;
Whether there are deficiencies in the "Standard File Plan" which
constitutes the sub-structure of the EDMS application,
According to the standard File Plan subject codes and each group of
grades, whether folders are automatically opened in units,
Whether or not there are any deficiencies in the "Administrative Identity
Codes" in the State Organization Data Base belonging to public
institutions and organizations,
It was checked whether the electronic document record, the scanning
application that composes the entrance part, and the scanners were
installed in the document services of our units.
The necessary information and announcements were made to the
ministry units regarding the subject and it was requested to inform the
The business processes belonging to the ministry units were re-
examined and the final tests were carried out on the application and the
practice of passing the application of the phantasy was completed.
EDMS was opened on 05/03/2013 by the Computer Centre Directorate
and on 12/03/2013 by the Ministry's headquarters and 81 provincial
2.1. Research Model
Although different methods have been used in the literature, the right method
used to obtain quantitative data is the questionnaire study. Many studies have
been conducted to determine the efficiency of EDMS by using the
questionnaire study. This study was also be carried out by evaluating the
results of the questionnaire survey in relation to the productivity of EDMS in
the MSIT.
2.2. Research Design and Hypotheses
Reference point of this study is to determine the effectiveness of EDMS
application of the Ministry, concerning the managerial control, productivity, job
satisfaction, efficiency and safety provision topics throughout the process
management and the assumption of it would be effective. This study is based
on the hypothesis that the administration of electronic document management
systems applications through process management approach, positively
contributes to EDMS management process and sustainability.
Systematic control of the electronic document management system cannot be
performed in EDMS applications that are not yet associated and unmanaged
in terms of how effective they are in managerial control, productivity, job
satisfaction, efficiency and safety provision topics. For this reason, problems
that occur during the processes cannot be detected on time thus
improvements either cannot be made on time or cannot be made at all,
therefore delays/slowdowns occur in the transactions and works that carried
out in the system and the system sustainability cannot be accomplished. In
this study it is attempted to answer the following questions in line with this
In this context the following are the designed research problems:
1. Can the management bodies of institutions carry out inspections
effectively through EDMS?
2. Does EDMS save time and provide extra speed for moving and saving
the documents in the institution?
3. Does EDMS reduce the workload thanks to effective document
4. Does EDMS enable inspection in the institution and creation of
institutional memory?
5. Does EDMS enhance the service quality in the institution?
6. Does EDMS provide user safety?
Perception levels, the problems experienced and expectations are determined.
Technical and legal framework was examined and what needs to be done was
presented as recommendations.
: EDMS ensures managerial control.
: EDMS ensures productivity of work.
EDMS ensures job satisfaction.
: EDMS ensures efficiency.
: The personal information security of the employee's computer is
safeguarded by using the EDMS.
The research model is as follows.
Figure 13: Research Model.
Research Questions
Academic Ground
1. Can the
management bodies
of institutions take
the healthiest
decision through
inspection and
verification feature of
2. Can the
management bodies
of institutions realize
inspection efficiently
through EDMS?
Gülenç (2011) suggested in a study that
EDMS allowed institutions to better
operate their inspection and verification
channels and such case enables the
decision-making process more reliable.
Alır (2008) states in a study that the
inspection productivity of the
management increased with EDMS.
Howard (2001) indicated in a study that
e-application systems led to change in
the managements and increased the
effective controlling mechanisms of
: EDMS ensures
3. Does EDMS
collaboration in the
4. Does EDMS enable
gaining time and
speed in the delivery
and recording of
documents in an
5. Is is possible to
work independently
of time and space via
6. Does EDMS
prevent repetitive
performance of any
Özdemirci (2013) stated in a study that
the document management systems
enable to gain time in production,
receiving, preserving and storage of the
Chowdhury and Satter (2013) stated in
their studies that EDMS provides
productivity to the institutions in
accessing to the documents and in
Fang (2002) stated in a study that
electronic document management
systems enable institutions to gain
speed in proper recording, transfer and
storing of the documents.
Zantout and Marir (1999) pointed out in
their studies that document
management systems speeded up the
work flow and so improved the
Kandur (2011) suggested in a study that
the costs in storing and arrangement of
: EDMS ensures
7. Does EDMS
reduce complication
in accessing and
recording the
documents and
provide ease of use
with its technical
adequacy and
software up-to-
8. Does EDMS
shorten the
documents were eliminated thanks to
Özdemirci (2013) stated that the costs
were reduced upon transfer of the
services and activities to the electronic
Sallam (2006) stated in a study that the
document management systems
eliminated the need for physical storage
of documents reducing the space costs.
Altay et al. (2013) stated in their studies
that the document management
systems reduced the complication in
documents and gained speed to the
Titinen, Lyytikainen, Paivarinta,
Salminen (2000) detected in their
studies that the document management
systems contributed standardization on
the documents and increased the ease
of use.
Abeysingher (2001) stated in a study
that the e-documents have given facility
in access to the document.
9. Does EDMS
reduce the work load
by virtue of efficient
10. Does EDMS
increase the
motivation, sense of
belonging and
Özden (2015) stated as follows in a
study: "as the employees can perform
their tasks in a much more efficient and
effective way through certain
opportunities offered by the modern
conditions, they have the opportunity to
actualize and develop themselves."
Singh and Sharma (2009) pointed out
that the employee satisfaction increased
in the institutions where e-initiatives are
Javadi-Etebarian stated in their study
that the e-application systems
diminished the work load of employees.
: EDMS improves
job satisfaction
Stuurman (2013) indicated in a study
that the e-document systems eliminated
the file load of employees.
11. Does EDMS help
supplying of needed
information and
12. Does EDMS help
in performing
inspection and
creating corporate
memory in an
13. Does EDMS
increase the service
quality in an
14. Does EDMS
assist in catching up
with the changing
Klischewski (2003) found that it a study
he conducted in Germany that the e-
document systems ensure efficient
usage of information and documents
and boost service quality of an
Panayiotou, Gayialis and Tatsiopoulos
(2004) determined that usage of e-
tender system in procurement
processes increased the service quality
on Greek government.
Wang (2014) noted in a study that the
document management systems
facilitated the inspection thanks to the
determination of application rules.
Manikas (2015) stated in a study that
recording of documents and reaching
them quickly created corporate memory.
Yalçınkaya (2014) underlined in a study
that document management systems
ensured proper storage of documents
and fulfilled the principles of uniqueness
for the documents.
Carvalho and Ferreira (2001) stated that
generally the information management
tools are important to combine the
information together, organize the
information, group the information and
activate the information when they are
: EDMS provides
15. Is EDMS a
reliable system in
access to the
system, backing up
and document
Abeysingher (2001) stated that e-
document systems enabled protection
of documents.
Munetsi (2011) noted that digital
document registry systems have been
efficient in protection of the documents.
: It provided
personal data safety
in the computer of
the officer using the
16. Does EDMS
provide user
Abri (2009) stated in a study that the e-
initiative applications were effective on
Table 4: The Research Questions, Hypotheses and Academic Ground.
2.3. Studies Conducted on the Problem
The studies which were previously conducted regarding the research problem
have been presented in the following table. The reasons for conducting the
previous studies and the used methods are also presented.
Reason for the Article/Thesis Study
Björk B.
The study aimed to assess the usefulness of
Electronic Document Management Systems in the
Construction Sector.
Hielt M., Björk
The study aimed to reveal the differences offered
by EDMS compared to the methods used in the
past in the construction sector.
Gabrielaitis L.
Banšys R.
The managing the digital design data including the
drawing, technical features and other technical
data becomes a big issue for the companies doing
building design, especially when it is a
requirement for the design structure. The main
difficulty of such information management is to be
able know how the digital design data can most
effectively combined together, archived and
presented. The phenomenon focused by the study
is to be able to standardize the design data
Rezgui Y.,
Cooper G.,
Bjöerk B.,
Escudie J.
This study was conducted for the purpose of
researching the productivity of Consistent Project
Document Approach, which is an extension of
EDMS in European Esprit Condor Project.
Carvalho R. B.,
Ferreira M. A.
Generally, the information management tools are
important to combine the information together,
organize the information, group the information
and activate the information when they are
needed. Considering the abundance of existing
information, the software under the information
management might be confusing. Therefore, the
reason for conducting the study is to reveal the
benefits offered by the usage of information
system for supporting of information
transformation processes.
Allen B. A.,
Juillet L.,
Paquet G., Roy
They dwelled on Canadian e-management and e-
government issues. The articles aimed to
understand to what extent the Canadian
government is dependent on the information
technologies and in alignment with today's digital
world's changing circumstances.
Singh A. K.,
Sharma V.
The reason for conducting this study is to identify
the satisfaction levels of those using the e-
initiatives in India. In this respect, the e-
government initiatives in India and China were
focused on in the study.
Pablo Z. D.,
Pan S. L.
The reason for conducting the study is to
understand the electronic management (e-
management) and electronic government (e-
government) components.
Kashem M. A.,
Akhtar N.,
Rahman A.
The reason for conducting the study is to develop
an e-management system for Bangladesh. This
system was called as "Digital Bangladesh."
Saparniene D.
The reason for conducting the study is to reveal
the characteristics of transition from E-government
systems to E-governance systems in Europe.
Chowdhury M.
M. H., Satter
A.K.M. Z.
The reason for conducting the study is to evaluate
how a model similar to the e-governance models
in developing countries can be implemented in
Howard M.
The reason for conducting the study is to reveal
how the increasing globalization of e-management
system can change the "e" system managements.
Fang Z.
The reason for conducting the study is to
investigate the e-government system from a
conceptual, implementation and developmental
Javadi S.,
Etebarian A.
The reason for conducting the study is to
determine the impact demographic features of
citizens on the e-management systems.
Klischewski R.
The reason for conducting the study is to ensure
that e-document system is efficiently used in
government management in Germany.
Panayiotou, N.
A., Gayialis, S.
Tatsiopoulos, I.
The reason for conducting the study is to analyze
how the Trade General Secretary, which is an
integral part of Ministry of Development, identifies
the procurement processes of Greek government
on e-tender system.
Anderson, D.
The reason for conducting the study is to
determine how the Berkeley Open Infrastructure
for Network Computing (BOINC) system can be
used in the projects.
Zantout, H.,
Marir, F.
The reason for conducting the study is to reveal
the contributions of document management
systems in work flow management.
Titinen, P.,
Lyytikainen, V.,
Paivarinta, T.,
Salminen, A.
The reason for conducting the study is to ensure
that Finnish language is included to the e-
document system and standardization is achieved
in Finnish documents.
Abeysingher R.
The reason for conducting the study is to enable
that systems are created to provide easy access
to the electronic documents when they are
needed and to be able to create the systems for
protection of e-documents.
Munetsi N.
The reason for conducting the study is to reveal
the features of Digital Registry System in
Provincial Public Administrations.
Kwatsha N.
The reason for conducting the study is to
determine the factors influencing the electronic
document and registry management systems.
Katani M.
The reason for conducting the study is to
determine the difficulties encountered in the usage
of Electronic Document Management systems in a
broad range of health institutions.
Manikas K.
The reason for conducting the study is to
determine the limitations and capabilities of
Registry Management and Electronic Registry
Uys J.W.
The reason for conducting the study is to reveal
whether or not the electronic documentation
undertakes a supportive role in innovation
Akashah P.A.,
Rizal R. S.,
Jusoff K.,
Christon E.
The reason for conducting the study is to outline a
framework as regards with the usage of Electronic
Document Management System (EDMS) under
the Supply Chain Management.
Ubogu F. N.
The reason for conducting the study is to reveal
how the document management is shaped in the
period of transition from DATAD system to ETD
Edminster J.
The reason for conducting the study is to reveal
the resistance against the ETD systems in the
academic field and that the innovative approach
gradually became widespread in the field of ETDs.
Sallam S. A.
The reason for conducting the study is to outline
the framework of a new system encompassing the
paper and digital documents related to the
document management system.
Stuurman P.
The reason for conducting the study is to reveal
the impacts of e-government system usage in
Employee Self-Service system on the government
Under the
Guragain K. K.
The reason for conducting the study is to reveal
how the document management and production
systems can be used for special documents.
Pellet-Lastra E.
The reason for conducting the study is to
determine whether or not the system configuration
can be made within the scope of e-government
structuring in Argentina.
Zuena O. A.
The reason for conducting the study is to
determine whether or not the selected five African
countries can leverage the e-government systems
in the most efficient way.
Abri D. S. S. A.
The reason for conducting the study is to
determine the impacts of e-government and e-
services usage on e-confidentiality and whether or
not such usages cause any risk regarding the
private information of citizens.
Hıtz O.
The reason for conducting the study is to be able
to outline a framework related to the Interactive
Document Identification systems.
Po-hung L.
The reason for conducting the study is to reveal
the case of e-government application in Hong
Wang X.
The reason for conducting the study is to
determine implementation rules of ETDs
structures and the reveal the functioning and
responsibilities in such structure.
Table 5: Studies Conducted on the Problem
2.4. Universe and Sampling
The study population consisted of employees working in the central and
provincial offices of the MSIT. With the official approval number 164 and dated
26/09/2016 from the MSIT, a survey work permit was obtained. The universe
of the workforce is composed of staff working in the central and provincial
offices of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology as of
09/03/2017.Number of staff working at the centre; 1421 (43.75%) and the
number of personnel working in the provinces; 1827 (56,25%), 3248
employees in total.
Stratified sampling method was used in the sample calculation. Stratified
sampling is used in cases where there are substrates or subunit groups in a
defined universe. Person was selected from each layer according to its ratio in
the universe. (Yıldırım and Şimşek, 2005).
In the current study, strata consisted of units, and the population size was
3,248. According to Yazıcıoğlu and Erdoğan (2004), the sample size is
calculated as at least 340 at the sampling error of 5% and as at least 800 at
the sampling error of 3% in the research population of 3,428 people. In the
present research, a survey study was carried out with 880 people to ensure
the reliability of the sample. Even though 1500 people were asked to fill in the
questionnaires via Google Drive, 880 people participated in the research.
2.5. Data Collection Tool
The questionnaire form, which had a total number of 53 questions, was used
as a data collection tool. There were 10 personal information questions, 42
questions related to EDMS and productivity and 1 open ended question on the
questionnaire form. The 42 questions about EDMS were constructed using a
5-point Likert-type scale consisting of 5 subscales: Managerial Control,
Efficiency, Job Satisfaction, Productivity and Security.
The questionnaire forms were developed by the researcher with the help of
studies conducted by Kashem et al. (2014), Chowdhury and Satter (2013),
Javadi and Etebarian (2014) and Manikas (2015). The questions regarding the
effects of EDMS applications on job satisfaction, managerial control, efficiency,
productivity and security were also designed using a 5-point Likert-type scale.
2.6. Pilot Study Findings
Validity and reliability study was conducted in relation to the pilot study. The
factor analysis as to the validity study has been presented below.
Factor Load
Factor 1
Factor 2
Factor 3
Factor 4
Factor 5
1. Electronic document management
systems are used to control business
2. Electronic document management
systems provide business processes
with follow-up.
3. Electronic Document Management
Systems provide employee supervision.
4. Electronic Document Management
Systems increase controllability as
more documents are accessed faster.
5. Electronic Document Management
Systems facilitate the follow-up of the
business calendar.
6. Electronic Document Management
Systems increase the work
7. Electronic Document Management
Systems increase the efficiency of
management activities.
8. Electronic Document Management
Systems; accurate, effective and fast
decision making.
9. Electronic Document Management
Systems increase the influence of
management on employees.
1. Electronic Document Management
Systems save time.
2. Electronic Document Management
Systems will do more work in a shorter
3. Electronic Document Management
Systems facilitate business department
and organization.
4. Electronic Document Management
Systems provide the cooperation of
5. Use of Electronic Document
Management Systems; increase
productivity in our institution.
6. Electronic Document Management
Systems provide convenient access to
past information and documents.
7. Electronic Document Management
Systems and information and
documents are regularly classified and
stored according to the relevant Kan /
8. Electronic Document Management
Systems provide quick access to
information and documents.
9. With Electronic Document Management
Systems, it provides the opportunity to
work outside the institution, ie time and
space independent.
10. Electronic Document Management
Systems enable more than one person
to access the same information and
document and work on the same
11. After the software update in the
electronic document management
systems, the system is working hard.
12. All transactions made with Electronic
Document Management Systems are
13. Electronic document management
systems prevent duplicate work.
14. Electronic Document Management
Systems prevent errors related to filing.
15. Since the number of prints required at
each stage of the Electronic Document
Management System is reduced, paper
is saved.
16. Electronic Document Management
System reduces the courier and mail
17. With Electronic Document Management
System, the physical archive is
18. Electronic Document Management
Systems provide personnel savings due
to the availability of labour productivity.
1. With the Electronic Document
Management System, my motivation to
work is increasing.
2. Thanks to the Electronic Document
Management System, I work in an
environment full of files.
3. Thanks to Electronic Document
Management System, I am doing my
job lovingly and willingly.
4. The Electronic Document Management
System increases the sense of
belonging to the people.
5. The Electronic Document Management
System has reduced the liability for
6. The Electronic Document Management
System ensures that corporate control
mechanisms work more efficiently.
1. Electronic Document Management
System creates corporate memory.
2. Electronic Document Management
Systems are easy to use.
3. In Electronic Document Management
System, information and documents are
completely correct.
4. In Electronic Document Management
Systems, reporting is working properly.
5. I think that paraph / signature processes
are shortened in Electronic Document
Management Systems.
1. The Electronic Document Management
System is more secure as it gives each
user a separate password in the system
and allows only concerned persons to
login to the system.
2. Electronic Document Management
Systems and electronic backups are
3. My documents are secured in the
Electronic Document Management
4. In Electronic Document Management
Systems, while writing in the draft; the
loss of the text and its attachments in
the draft due to the fact that the
electricity is cut off or ejected from the
system negatively affects me.
Barlett’s Test p:0,000
Table 6: Results of Factor Analysis.
Five factors were obtained as a result of factor analysis. The factors meet the
As a result of the factor analysis, the factor loads of 3 problems remained under
0.500, so they could not be involved in any dimension and they were excluded.
The 3 questions are as follows:
Technical infrastructure for Electronic Document Management Systems
is sufficient.
I believe that the Electronic Document Management Systems will not
be used after a certain period (the old system will start to be used again)
I know all the features of Electronic Document Management Systems
which are necessary for my use.
Item analysis was made upon omitting the subtracting the 3 questions from the
survey. Item analysis is an analysis conducted to monitor the validity of tests
and items, determine their fitness for the purpose, inspects their reliability,
difficulty level, quality and discrimination power and whether or not the
distractor questions run well (Yıldırım and Şimşek, 2005). The results of item
analysis is presented below.
The results as to the reliability analysis is presented below.
Total Correlation
Total Correlation
Table 7: Results of Item Analysis.
According to the results of item analysis, the total correlation coefficient of all
questions is above 0.600. This case indicates that the test and the items are
reliable and valid.
Scale Types
Cronbach’s Alpha
Managerial Control
Job Satisfaction
Scale Total
Table 8: Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient.
According to the results of reliability analysis, Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient is
above 0.80. The reliability and validity of the scale has been achieved.
2.7. Data Analysis
Data analysis was conducted via the SPSS 16 package programme. After the
pilot scheme, factor analysis and item analysis were conducted to test the
reliability and validity. Cronbach's alpha values of the sub-dimensions were
also investigated. We used descriptive statistics and indifference tests in the
analysis of the actual application data. The frequency, percentage, mean and
standard deviation were used as descriptive statistics in the study. The mean
values represent the total scores collected from the subscales related to the
EDMS scale. In addition, the standard deviation refers to the mean standard
deviation values used to indicate the range, in which scores from subdivisions
The question of whether indifference tests would be a parametric or
nonparametric test was solved based on the result of the KolmogorovSmirnov
Test. This was done to determine whether the sub-dimensions could meet the
normal distribution conditions by considering the KolmogorovSmirnov Test
results, 'Normal Distribution Z' and 'p' statistics. According to the test results,
given that 'p' values were at the 5% significance level, the sub-dimensions did
not meet the normal distribution conditions, indicating that the parametric tests
could not reveal the statistically significant results. Therefore, the
nonparametric tests, namely, MannWhitney U Test and KruskalWallis H
tests, were applied.
Mann-Whitney U test is used to detect the median differences of two groups
and its significance is measured according to the Z Normal Distribution
statistic. The Kruskal Wallis H test is used to detect the median differences of
three and more groups and to this end, the “X
” distribution is used.
To determine which group was seen to have statistically significant differences
at the 5% significance level according to KruskalWallis H test results, the Ben
Horn test was used as a post hoc test.
3.1. Results on the Demographic Variables
The research results are presented in this chapter.
25 and younger
56 and older
Educational background
Associate degree
Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
PhD and higher degree
The departments from where the graduation
degree were obtained
Natural-Physical Sciences
Social Sciences-Law
The number of years worked in the organisation
Less than 5 years
6-10 years
11-15 years
16-20 years
21-25 years
More than 26 years
Table 9: Demographic Variables.
As presented in Table 9, 79.8% of the participants were male, 35.3% were
male, 34 and 45 years of age, 60.9% were undergraduate, 47.2% were
engineering graduates and 29.5% were employed in the organization for 11-
15 years.
3.2. Results to EDMS Applications
Expectations (Question 8)
Improved service
Quality and rich information communication
Decrease in costs
Equal access for everyone
Efficiency and productivity increase
Speed of service delivery
Transparency in public administration
Did Not Answer
Table 10: Most Important Expectations from the EDMS Applications in the Organisation.
As presented in Table 10, When the most important expectations regarding
EDMS applications in the organisation were reviewed, only 1.9% of the
participants expected transparent public administration via EDMS. The most
important expectations of the participants from EDMS applications are
improved service (40.9%) and quality and rich information communication
(26.2%). There is no transparent public provision among participants'
expectations from EDMS implementations. The most important expectations
of the participants from EDMS applications are improved service
understanding, quality and rich information communication.
Services Provided in the Institution in
Electronic Environment
Services offered for providing/giving information
Electronic document management system
Services offered in the form of inquiry and answer
Services offered as online transactions
General document management and archiving
No service
Note: More than one option is marked by a participant.
Table 11: Services Provided Electronically in the Organisation.
As presented in Table 11, When the findings related to the services provided
in the electronic environment in the institution are examined, 81.3 % of the
participants stated that they are for providing / giving information.
Obstacles to EDMS
Order of
Technical infrastructure
Inability to give up old
Abandonment of resident
bureaucratic habits
Employing qualified
technical staff
Security and hackers
The pressure of higher
priority issues
5 th
Public administrators
should not look at the
EDMS system warmly
(lack of leadership
6 th
Lack of legal regulations
7 th
Inability of appropriation
8 th
Table 12: Obstacles to EDMS Applications.
As presented in Table 12, when the questions are given to the participant, it
was asked to score from 1 to 8 which is 1 is representing minimum score and
8 is representing maximum score. Each participant scored the questions
based on their own perceptions. The higher the score, the more important it is
for them. When the obstacles to EDMS applications were reviewed, it can be
seen that “technical infrastructure deficiency” the first place.
3.3. Findings on Perception of EDMS
Survey Questions
1. Electronic document management systems provide
business processes with follow-up.
2. Electronic document management systems are used to
control business processes.
3. Electronic Document Management Systems increase
controllability as more documents are accessed faster.
4. Electronic Document Management Systems facilitate
the follow-up of the business calendar.
5. Electronic Document Management Systems increase
the work performance.
6. Electronic Document Management Systems increase
the efficiency of management activities.
7. Electronic Document Management Systems provide
employee supervision.
8. Electronic Document Management Systems; accurate,
effective and fast decision making.
9. Electronic Document Management Systems increase
the influence of management on employees.
Table 13: Findings elated to Management Control in EDMS Applications.
When the questions are answered, it is asked to score from 1 to 5. Each
participant scored points from 1 to 5 according to his own thinking. The
minimum score is 1 and the maximum score is 5. The higher the score, the
more important it is for them. 5 point represents the most important value, while
1 point represents the most worthless one.
When the findings related to management control in EDMS applications are
examined, it is seen that the averages for the items are bigger than 3. This
suggests that there is a positive attitude towards management control in EDMS
applications. With EDMS, activities such as control of work processes, follow-
up, employee supervision, controllability, workforce performance and decision
making are realized more effectively. The total scores of all questions were
given on the management control sub-dimension. According to this, it is
understood from the values of minimum (9 questions * 1 point = 9) and
maximum (9 questions * 5 points = 45) that the employees have given the
answers "strongly disagree" and "strongly agree" This shows that some
employees are very satisfied with the sense of managerial control and some
employees are not satisfied at all. However, when the mean value (35,47 ±
7,30) is examined, it is seen that the majority of the participants are satisfied.
Survey Questions
1. All transactions made with Electronic Document
Management Systems are recorded.
2. Electronic Document Management Systems and
information and documents are regularly classified and
stored according to the relevant Kan / Regulations.
3. Electronic Document Management System reduces the
courier and mail costs.
4. Electronic Document Management Systems save time.
5. Electronic Document Management Systems provide
convenient access to past information and documents.
6. Electronic Document Management Systems provide
quick access to information and documents.
7. Use of Electronic Document Management Systems;
increase productivity in our institution.
8. Electronic Document Management Systems enable
more than one person to access the same information and
document and work on the same document.
9. Electronic Document Management Systems will do more
work in a shorter time.
10. Since the number of prints required at each stage of
the Electronic Document Management System is reduced,
paper is saved.
11. With Electronic Document Management System, the
physical archive is decreasing.
12. Electronic Document Management Systems facilitate
business department and organization.
13. Electronic Document Management Systems prevent
errors related to filing.
14. Electronic document management systems prevent
duplicate work.
15. With Electronic Document Management Systems, it
provides the opportunity to work outside the institution, ie
time and space independent.
16. Electronic Document Management Systems provide
the cooperation of personnel.
17. Electronic Document Management Systems provide
personnel savings due to the availability of labour
18. After the software update in the electronic document
management systems, the system is working hard.
Table 14: Findings Related to Effectiveness of Productivity in EDMS Applications.
When the findings on productivity are examined in EDMS applications, it is
seen that the average of the items is bigger than 3 in all. This suggests that
productivity in EDMS applications is on the positive side. With EDMS, time
saving is provided, cooperation between personnel is increased, documents
are provided quickly, working is possible without time and space, and all
transactions can be recorded. The total scores of all the questions were given
over the productivity sub-dimension. According to this, in terms of productivity,
it is understood from the minimum (18 questions * 1 point = 18) and maximum
(18 questions * 5 = 90) that the employees are the ones who give the answers
"strongly disagree" and "strongly agree" to each question. This shows that
some employees are very satisfied with the productivity and some employees
are not satisfied at all. However, when the mean value (70,42 ± 16,21) is
examined, it is seen that the majority of the participants are satisfied.
Survey Questions
1. With the Electronic Document Management System, my
motivation to work is increasing.
2. The Electronic Document Management System ensures
that corporate control mechanisms work more efficiently.
3. Thanks to the Electronic Document Management
System, I work in an environment full of files.
4. Thanks to Electronic Document Management System, I
am doing my job lovingly and willingly.
5. The Electronic Document Management System has
reduced the liability for work.
6. The Electronic Document Management System
increases the sense of belonging to the people.
Table 15: Findings Related to the Effect of EDMS Applications on Job Satisfaction.
When the effect of EDMS applications on job satisfaction is examined, the
highest average is motivation perception with 3.61. Participants think that
working with EDMS generally increases motivation. However, all the averages
are over 3. It is possible to say that EDMS applications have positive effects
on job satisfaction in general. The total scores of all the questions were given
on the job satisfaction sub-dimension. According to this, it is understood from
the values of minimum (6 questions * 1 point = 30) and maximum (6 questions
* 5 points = 30) that the employees have given the answers "strongly disagree"
and "strongly agree" This shows that some employees have a high level of job
satisfaction and some employees have a low level of job satisfaction. However,
when the mean value (20,38 ± 6,12) is examined, it is seen that the majority of
the participants are satisfied.
Survey Questions
1. In Electronic Document Management System,
information and documents are completely correct.
2. Electronic Document Management Systems are
easy to use.
3. I think that paraph / signature processes are
shortened in Electronic Document Management
4. In Electronic Document Management Systems,
reporting is working properly.
5. Electronic Document Management System creates
corporate memory.
Table 16: Findings Related to Effectiveness of EDMS Implementations.
When the effect of EDMS applications on effectiveness is examined, it has
ease of use with the highest average of 3.97. However, all the averages are
over 3. It is possible to say that EDMS applications generally have positive
effects on efficiency. Personnel involved in the survey indicate that EMS
applications create institutional memory, facilitate ease of use, allow for proper
reporting, and shorten paraph / signature processes. In addition, he thinks that
information and documents are correct in EDMS. Total scores of all the
questions were given on the activity sub-dimension. According to this, it is
understood from the values of minimum (5 questions * 1 point = 5) and
maximum (5 questions * 5 points = 25) that the employees have given the
answers "strongly disagree" and "strongly agree" This shows that some
employees have a high perception of activity and some employees have a low
performance. However, when the mean value (19,19 ± 4,42) is examined, it is
seen that the majority of the participants are satisfied.
Survey Questions
1. The Electronic Document Management System is
more secure as it gives each user a separate password
in the system and allows only concerned persons to
login to the system.
2. In Electronic Document Management Systems, while
writing in the draft; the loss of the text and its
attachments in the draft due to the fact that the electricity
is cut off or ejected from the system negatively affects
3. Electronic Document Management Systems and
electronic backups are taken.
4. My documents are secured in the Electronic
Document Management System.
Table 17: Findings on Security Perception in EDMS Applications.
When the findings related to security perception are examined in EDMS
applications, participants have negative perception about EMS and electronic
backups and document security. The averages of the items regarding the
electronic backup and the security of the documents are below 3. The total
scores of all questions were given on the security sub-dimension. According
to the security dimension, it is understood from the values of minimum (4
questions * 1 point = 4) and maximum (4 questions * 5 points = 20) that the
employees have given the answers "strongly disagree" and "strongly agree" to
each question. This suggests that some employees have high security
perceptions and some employees are low. However, when the mean value
(12,40 ± 3,59) is examined, it is shown that participants have negative attitudes
towards safety in general.
3.4. Perception of EDMS by Demographic Aspects
Managerial Control
Job Satisfaction
Table 18: Results of the KolmogorovSmirnov Test.
As presented in Table 18, the KolmogorovSmirnov Test was used to test the
normal distribution in the study. According to the results of the Kolmogorov
Smirnov test, the sub-dimensions of managerial control, productivity, job
satisfaction, efficiency and security sub-dimensions failed to meet normal
distribution conditions (p < 0.05). In this case, the MannWhitney U Test and
the KruskalWallis H Test were used as parametric or nonparametric tests.
The H
hypothesis was accepted in the study. When the mean value (35,45 ±
7,30) is examined, it is seen that the majority of the participants are satisfied.
With EDMS, activities such as control of work processes, follow-up, employee
supervision, controllability, workforce performance and decision making are
realized more effectively.
The H
hypothesis was accepted in the study. When the mean value (70,42 ±
16,21) is examined, it is seen that the majority of the participants are satisfied.
EMS shows that productivity is positive in terms of productivity. With EDMS,
time saving is provided, cooperation between personnel is increased,
documents are provided quickly, working is possible without time and space,
and all transactions can be recorded.
The H
hypothesis was accepted in the study. When the mean value (20,45 ±
6,21) is examined, it is seen that the majority of the participants are satisfied.
Personnel involved in the survey indicate that EDMS applications create
institutional memory, facilitate ease of use, allow for proper reporting, and
shorten paraph / signature processes. In addition, it is thought that information
and documents are correct in EDYS.
The H
hypothesis was accepted in the study. When the mean value (19.22 ±
4.42) is examined, it is seen that the majority of the participants were satisfied.
It can be said that EDMS applications generally have positive effects on
efficiency. Personnel involved in the survey indicate that EDMS applications
create institutional memory, facilitate ease of use, allow for proper reporting,
and shorten paraph / signature processes.
The H
hypothesis was rejected in the study. When the mean value (12,40 ±
3,59) is examined, it shows that participants have negative attitudes towards
safety in general. When the findings related to security perception are
examined in EDMS applications, participants have negative perception about
EDMS and electronic backups and document security.
Mean ±
Managerial Control
± 6,70
34,97 ±
73,35 ±
69,67 ±
Job Satisfaction
20,88 ±
20,33 ±
20,08 ±
19,00 ±
13,10 ±
12,23 ±
Table 19: MannWhitney U Test for the Perception of EDMS Based on Gender.
As presented in Table 19, When the perception of the EDMS based on gender
was reviewed, there was no significant difference in the scores for efficiency,
job satisfaction and productivity sub-dimensions between different gender
groups (p > 0.05). However, there was a statistically significant difference in
scores for managerial control and security (p < 0.05). In the managerial control
(37.336 ± 6.70) and the security (13.10 ± 3.88) sub-dimensions, women
obtained higher scores of perception than men.
The Mean ± SD
Managerial Control
25 and younger
32,60 ± 8,10
34,78 ± 7,67
35,08 ± 8,11
36,02 ± 4,82
56 and older
38,44 ± 5,98
25 and younger
65,60 ± 14,39
69,11 ± 15,61
71,04 ± 16,29
72,83 ± 13,86
56 and older
73,49 ± 23,95
Job Satisfaction
25 and younger
17,09 ± 5,50
18,92 ± 6,16
20,99 ± 6,47
22,49 ± 4,37
56 and older
22,53 ± 7,87
25 and younger
16,54 ± 5,29
18,12 ± 5,26
19,79 ± 3,76
20,23 ± 3,11
56 and older
20,77 ± 4,64
25 and younger
10,45 ± 3,01
11,77 ± 3,42
12,32 ± 3,82
12,62 ± 3,00
56 and older
13,84 ± 3,99
Table 20: KruskalWallis H Test for the Perception of EDMS Based on Age.
When the perception of EDMS based on age is reviewed, we can see a
significant difference between age groups in terms of the managerial control,
productivity, job satisfaction, efficiency and safety sub-dimensions (p<0.05).
According to the Bonferroni test results, the perception scores of individuals
from the age group of 25 and younger and those of individuals from the age
group of 46 years and over differ in all the subscales. Younger individuals'
perception scores for the EDMS in managerial control, productivity, job
satisfaction, efficiency and security are lower than those from the older age
Educational background
The Mean ± SD
Managerial Control
36,08 ± 6,67
35,66 ± 3,20
35,44 ± 7,48
35,16 ± 8,76
PhD and higher
35,29 ± 1,95
73,05 ± 13,63
73,49 ± 11,95
70,43 ± 16,43
68,30 ± 17,93
PhD and higher
64,94 ± 16,72
Job Satisfaction
20,73 ± 5,85
22,22 ± 3,79
20,37 ± 6,60
19,63 ± 6,19
PhD and higher
20,82 ± 3,02
19,18 ± 4,00
20,35 ± 2,93
19,23 ± 4,56
18,70 ± 4,81
PhD and higher
18,29 ± 2,64
11,71 ± 3,86
12,83 ± 2,35
12,48 ± 3,68
12,38 ± 3,81
PhD and higher
10,64 ± 3,59
Table 21: KruskalWallis H Test for the Perception of EDMS Based on Educational
As presented in Table 21, when the perception of EDMS based on educational
background was reviewed, we found no significant difference between the
groups with different educational backgrounds in the managerial control,
productivity, job satisfaction, efficiency and security sub-dimensions (p>0.05).
The scores for the EDMS perception of the employees did not vary by
educational background.
The Department of Graduation
The Mean ± SD
Natural-Physical Sciences
36,12 ± 6,12
35,68 ± 3,63
Social Sciences-Law
35,72 ± 7,85
35,35 ± 8,71
Natural-Physical Sciences
72,52 ± 11,22
70,48 ± 16,52
Social Sciences-Law
68,27 ± 17,82
68,52 ± 16,93
Job Satisfaction
Natural-Physical Sciences
22,18 ± 3,63
20,42 ± 6,72
Social Sciences-Law
19,58 ± 6,22
21,92 ± 3,82
Natural-Physical Sciences
20,22 ± 2,92
19,58 ± 4,45
Social Sciences-Law
18,96 ± 4,85
18,52 ± 2,14
Natural-Physical Sciences
11,85 ± 2,62
11,27 ± 3,52
Social Sciences-Law
12,42 ± 3,73
10,81 ± 3,14
Table 22: KruskalWallis H Test for the Perception of EDMS Based on The Department of
As presented in Table 22, When the perception of EDMS based on the
department of graduation degree was reviewed, we found no significant
difference between the groups graduated from different departments in the
managerial control, productivity, job satisfaction, efficiency and security sub-
dimensions (p>0.05). The scores for EDMS perception of the employees did
not vary by the department of graduation degree. It is thought that the
perception of the EDMS may vary depending on the educational situation, as
the tendency of individuals to access information and to use the information
effectively increases as the educational status of the individuals increases.
However, when the results are analysed, it is determined that the EDMS
perception does not vary according to the educational status.
Number of Years Worked in
The Mean ±
Managerial Control
Less than 5 years
32,59 ± 8,12
610 years
34,77 ± 7,58
1115 years
36,08 ± 8,22
1620 years
36,21 ± 8,82
2125 years
37,52 ± 6,51
More than 26 years
38,42 ± 6,84
Less than 5 years
65,68 ± 8,63
610 years
66,52 ± 8,51
1115 years
67,39 ± 5,74
1620 years
70,52 ± 8,32
2125 years
71,84 ± 7,63
More than 26 years
72,20 ± 8,23
Job Satisfaction
Less than 5 years
17,20 ± 3,68
610 years
18,81 ± 4,52
1115 years
20,98 ± 5,21
1620 years
21,15 ± 6,27
2125 years
21,62 ± 8,41
More than 26 years
22,84 ± 6,18
Less than 5 years
16,55 ± 6,24
610 years
18,12 ± 5,61
1115 years
19,77 ± 3,52
1620 years
20,28 ± 3,54
2125 years
20,77 ± 6,52
More than 26 years
21,79 ± 4,31
Less than 5 years
10,43 ± 2,52
610 years
11,72 ± 3,41
1115 years
12,38 ± 2,69
1620 years
12,39 ± 5,21
2125 years
12,85 ± 6,52
More than 26 years
13,80 ± 8,12
Table 23: KruskalWallis H Test for the Perception of EDMS Based on the Number of Years
Worked in Organisation.
When the perception of EDMS based on the number of years worked in
organisation was reviewed, we find a significant difference between the groups
which worked for different number of years worked in the organisation in the
managerial control, productivity, job satisfaction, efficiency and security sub-
dimensions (p<0.05). According to the Bonferroni test results, in all sub-
dimensions, the perception scores of individuals who worked in the
organisation for less than 5 years were different from those of individuals who
worked in the organisation for 21 years and over. Those who worked in the
organisation for a short time have lower scores of EDMS perception than those
who worked in the organisation for a long time in the managerial control,
productivity, job satisfaction, efficiency and security sub-dimensions.
3.5. Analysis of the Relation among Sub-dimensions of EDMS
Job Satisfaction
Table 24: Analysis of Relationship Between EDMS Sub-dimensions Spearman Test.
The relationship between subscales of EDMS was examined by Sperman test
and it was determined that all sub-dimensions were related to each other (p
<0,05). There is a statistically significant and positive relationship between
managerial control, productivity, job satisfaction, efficiency and security sub-
dimensions. Administrative control, productivity, job satisfaction, efficiency and
security perceptions affect each other positively. All "r" coefficients are
positive. This indicates that all sub-dimensions are influencing each other
3.6. Opinions on EDMS Applications
Within the scope of the study, the personnel working at the Ministry of Science,
Industry and Technology were requested to state their opinions regarding
EDMS. Some employees expressed various opinions regarding EDMS. Such
opinions have been presented below.
The technical problems were expressed in the context of EDMS. The technical
problems about the running and usage of EDMS applications have negative
impacts on productivity. Some technical problems experienced in EDMS was
explained as follows by an employee:
Technical Opinions: "-Some browsers terminated their agreements with Java,
and considering the fact that e-signature process with Java support is an
indispensable part of EDMS, the problems occur due to inability to engage
- Likewise, there are certain problems which are assumed to stem from the
browsers and prevent adding file to the system and so far, no solution has
been found to these problems (Again browser or java related)."
Personal Opinions:
"-Furthermore, it is observed that the system gained speed with the
engagement of quick and efficient servers.
-Also, it is thought that the system is control oriented. Therefore, it is mandatory
that the control-oriented interfaces are developed. Likewise, even currently,
some paper enquires do not yield any reply."
Infrastructure insufficiency of EDMS and not running efficiently has caused it
to be evaluated as a weak and slow system by some employees.
Opinions on Technical Problems:
"EDMS used by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology has a
weaker and slower infrastructure than the EDMSs of other institutions that we
have seen. Its reporting is so inadequate, its enquiries are so slow and
insufficient and it is not possible to customize it in a practical manner. Instead
o designing a new program for EDMS, it would be much better if a common
program to be used by all the official institutions could use. The institutions
could have special modules. Unfortunately, EDMS used by our Institution is
not enough to meet the requirements."
"After any update in Electronic Document Management Systems, it should be
inspected whether each employee have the same level of command of system.
Otherwise, the disproportionate level of information about the system among
the personnel causes unnecessary occupation of the entire personnel
regarding the issue.
Another employee expressed the need for training as follows:
"To be able to use this system efficiently, I believe that a good training is
A lot of problems can be encountered within the scope of EDMS applications.
Such case sometimes increases the workload of the institution and adversely
affect the productivity. Various problems experienced in EDMS applications
from the perspective of personnel opinions have been presented below:
"All the staff can see every document in the Electronic Document Management
System used by our Ministry. In addition, when an employee performing the
document registration enters the personnel filing code wrong, it appears wrong
in all archives. It is possible to reply back over a document which was
responded and closed and this may cause repetition of the same transaction
"The most significant problem regarding EDMS in corporate sense is that it
takes a very long time to reach a document. To access a document, only the
parameters belonging to the relevant document must be entered and the
system remains weak in terms of speed.
"In current situation, we cannot use the Electronic Document Management
System very efficiently. We are having difficulty especially in finding the past
dated correspondence. Therefore, we feel ourselves obliged to physical
archive keeping. In addition, I believe that all the staff including myself do not
have enough knowledge accumulation on EDMS.
"I am an Officer for Measurements and Adjustments. The document
transferred to me does not have enough coding at the stage of recording.1. It
should be stated whether it is a stamp removing minutes or a declaration. The
stamp removing minutes must be closed within 3 months. 2. Repetitive entries
were made to the sender's index during the registry of incoming document.
There are tens of person and institution information with the same name. They
have to be cleaned. 3. While the documents are searched, entries specific to
the topic titles should be allowed. Such as the examination request,
government marker request, complaint examination.... etc. 4. The computer
software given for remote access to EDMS and the capabilities of wifi modem
Ethernet should be revised. They cannot be used for months, despite their
costs were already paid.5. The importance of the system must be explained
again to the paper recorders. 6. The Provincial Directorates and Branch
Directorates should be expected more than being merely a paper dispatcher,
but should be made a stakeholder of the working group. 7. The system should
actively follow whether or not the incoming document has been closed. 8. The
scenario in rural areas from the entry of document until the closing of document
must be monitored on-site, and improvements must be made, if necessary.
More efficient running of EDMS applications will boost the productivity of
institution. Within this framework, some recommendations have been
developed for efficient running of EDMS applications. Such recommendations
can be enumerated as follows based on the opinions of staff:
"Gathering all EDMS Systems of all public institutions under the same roof will
be beneficial both for security and saving.
EDMS software system should be accessible from everywhere.
EDMS software should run as integrated with the e-government project.
"For the realization of expectations related to the "Electronic Document
Management System, it should be supported with an active portal inside the
institution and integrity and unity should be ensured."
"EDMS is a necessity for our country. Returning to the old system is an
outdated thought. All the institutions should pass to this system. Regular
trainings should be delivered on EDMS. System should be updated. It should
be integrated with the other systems, and with Pardus or Office system."
The information and communication technologies has become a part of daily
life in parallel with the advancing technologies. In public institutions, quick and
efficient enterprise resource planning projects are implemented thanks to the
increase of business productivity. Today, with EDMS, which is one of such
projects, the processes related to document management have been moved
to the electronic environment. Thanks to the EDMS projects, the information
is sent or received in different formats both from inside and outside the
institution, and they are converted into documents to qualify as legal evidence
and then archived or destroyed in accordance with specific regulations. The
most significant problem of EDMS in Turkey is that not enough people who
graduated from the departments of information and document management
are not employed at the units and therefore there is lack of specialist
personnel. It is observed that in public institutions and agencies there are
deficiencies in employment of information and document specialists who
studied EDMS applications. With the efficient usage of electronic document
management system in public institution, productivity increase is achieved.
This study scales the knowledge and opinions about EDMS of the central and
rural personnel of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology for the
purpose of determining the impact of EDMS on productivity in public
institutions. In the light of the findings of study, some conclusions and
recommendations have been set forth for the development of EDMSs and
identifying and evaluating their competence and their impact on productivity
Araştırma Soruları
Akademik Dayanak
1.EBYS ile kurumların
yönetim organları etkin bir
şekilde denetim
Gülenç (2011) çalışmasında EBYS ile kurumların denetim ve doğrulama kanallarının iyi bir
şekilde işlediğini ve bu durumun yönetimin karar verme eylemini saha sağlıklı şekilde
yapabilmesini sağladığını belirtmiştir.
Alır (2008) çalışmasında EBYS ile yönetimin denetim etkinliğinin arttığını belirtmiştir.
Howard (2001) çalışmasında e-uygulama sistemlerinin yönetimlerde değişime sebep
olduğunu ve yönetimlerin etkin kontrol verme mekanizmalarının etkinliğinin arttığını
yönetsel kontrol
Tablo 13 ve
2. EBYS kurumda belgeler
ulaşımda ve belgelerin
kaydında zaman ve hız
kazandırmakta mıdır?
Özdemirci (2013) çalışmasında belge yönetim sistemlerinin belgelerin üretilmesi, alınması,
korunması ve saklanmasında zaman kazandırdığını belirtmiştir
: EBYS iş
Tablo 14 ve
3.EBYS etkin belge
yönetimi sayesinde iş
yükünü azalmakta mıdır?
Özden (2015) çalışmasında “iş görenin, modern koşulların sunmuş olduğu bir takım
olanaklarla işlerini çok daha etkin ve efektif bir şekilde yerine getirmeleri sayesinde kendilerini
gerçekleştirme ve geliştirme fırsatları da ortaya çıkmış olur.” şeklinde belirtmiştir.
Singh ve Sharma (2009) çalışmalarında e-girişimleri uygulandığı kurumlarda çalışan
tatmininin arttığını belirtmişlerdir.
Javadi ve Etebarian (2014) çalışmalarında e-uygulama sistemlerinin çalışanların iş yükünü
azalttığını belirtmiştir.
Stuurman (2013) çalışmasında e-belge sistemlerinin çalışanların dosya yükünü ortadan
kaldırdığını belirtmiştir.
Tablo 15 ve
4. EBYS kurumda denetim
yapılmasını ve kurumsal
hafıza yaratılmasını
sağlamakta mıdır?
5. EBYS kurumda hizmet
kalitesini arttırmakta
Wang (2014) çalışmasında belge yönetim sistemlerinin uygulama kurallarının belirlenmesiyle
denetim yapılmasını kolaylaştırdığını belirtmiştir.
Manikas (2015) çalışmasında belgelerin kayıt altına alınmasını ve hızlı bir şekilde ulaşılmasını
kurumsal hafızayı yarattığını belirtmiştir.
Yalçınkaya (2014) çalışmasında belge yönetim sistemlerinin belgelerin doğru şekilde
saklanmasını sağlayarak belgede özgünlük ilkelerinin yerine getirtildiğini belirtmiştir.
: EBYS ile
Tablo 16 ve
6. EBYS kullanıcı
güvenliği sağlamakta
Abeysingher (2001) e-doküman sistemlerinin dokümanların korunmasını sağladığını
Munetsi (2011) çalışmasında dijital belge kayıt sistemlerinin belgelerin korunmasında etkin
olduğunu belirtmiştir.
Abri (2009) çalışmasında e-girişim uygulamalarının e-gizlilik üzerine etkili olduğunu
: EBYS’yi
kişisel bilgi
Tablo 17 ve
Table 25: Control of Hypothesis.
The EDMSs which contain institutional information sources, provide the
necessary information and documents to institution management for decision-
making processes and institutional management activities. Therefore,
electronic document management is of vital importance for institution
management. The institutionalized research among EDMSs carried out in the
Ministry, is an implementation which has features that can guide EDMSs both
in development or to be developed in the future.
The foremost aim of this study is to determine how much effective the EDM
application of the ministry in the context of managerial control, productivity, job
satisfaction, efficiency and safety provision topics is and to prove that it has
positive effects. For this purpose, many resources related to subject were
utilized and processes, survey results and workflow associated with EDMS
were examined. As a result of researches and examinations made; it has been
determined that the EDMS application provides efficiency in managerial
control, productivity, job satisfaction topics but it was not able to provide EDMS
user safety to full extent. In this direction, it is expected that reviewing process
management will contribute to development and sustainability of EDMS.
In brief, the factors hampering the sustainability and implementation of EDMS
in the ministry, are the problems that related to training, hardware and
Based on the results obtained from evaluation of electronic document
management systems in the ministry, the recommendations presented are as
1. First thing should be done in the Ministry, is to establish a dedicated unit
for document management processes to carry these tasks out, and have
information and document management department graduates employed in
this unit.
2. Supplementary documents associated with electronic document
management systems should be made available and it should be ensured that
these documents are delivered to all EDMS users.
3. As a result of evaluations, it is revealed that the Ministry carried out
other inter-institutional correspondences via mail. It has been concluded that
electronic document management systems have an integration problem with
other systems within the institution. As a result, it is certain that some work will
be disrupted. In order for document management processes to be carried out
more accurately, systems such as KEP8 and DETSİS9 included in legal
regulations, should be integrated as user friendly. For documents that cannot
be send out via KEP, necessary warning systems should be developed in case
the user forgets.
4. In order to enable inter-institutional interoperability of EDMSs, the
Ministry firstly should begin working on to ensure coordination between its own
5. The Ministry, should make sure that all EDMS users are given adequate
training and necessary technical support. In addition, users should be made
more aware of interoperability and security issues.
6. The issue of integration of documents incoming via KEP with other
documents should be worked on and the Ministry should employ specialist
personnel in document management agency who will attend to KEP.
7. Having two counters for incoming and outgoing documents reduces the
speed and efficiency of document searches in the system. There should be a
single counter and incoming outgoing documents, approval date and number
should be given over this counter. Therefore, more efficient and rapid
searching procedures could be established.
8. Date and number counter module should be in Directorate of State
Archives. Because, in order to have a legal characteristic, the document must
have a date and a number. The date and the number of documents whose
process cannot be completed in time for some reason, can sometimes
changed with a requested date and number. In order to prevent these
inappropriate cases, the system should be in the Ministry and the document
counter module should be in the Directorate of State Archives.
9. Electronic signature should only be obtained for users who have final
signatory roles. It will increase the efficiency and will be more cost effective.
Obtaining electronic signatures for all personnel in the Ministry has increased
both the workload on the system and the cost.
Based on the collected results of the implemented survey, the possible
recommendation has been derived for the EDMS applications:
1- Results revealed that the technological infrastructure and technical
qualities are insufficient within the scope of the EDMS applications. Thus,
improving the technological infrastructure is important to ensure the efficient
operation of the system and the conduct of the necessary R & D activities. The
technical infrastructure of the institution should be reviewed and updated if
needed. Document and archival processes and workflows should be
2- Some of the mistakes in the use of EDMS are caused by the human
factor. To avoid mistakes arising from the personal preferences of employees,
authorities should minimise the situations where personal preferences can be
made. To solve this, standard templates can be created at the system inputs.
3- Security is one of the most important concerns of employees regarding
EDMS. Organisations with similar administrative structures should be
established to ensure information security. Responsibilities for the destruction
of permanently erased data in the electronic environment should be
determined, along with responsibilities for ensuring that information security
would be shared among the units. While planning the measures to be taken,
they should also be evaluated along with the technical and administrative
aspects. While investments are made to ensure information security in
organisations, it is important to consider user awareness. To overcome the
legal weaknesses of information security, developing policies and organising
awareness trainings on those policies should be considered.
To reinforce the security level, the document must be encrypted during the
archiving and transferring. Security tests must be implemented on EDMS and
EMDS infrastructure and if any, the deficiencies must be eliminated.
The level of seeing the content of documents must be regulated according to
the authorization level.
4- A unit related to electronic document management should be
established within the Institution, and the authorities should be extended on
the implementation and control of specific standards. In the aforementioned
units, a knowledge manager specialist should be employed and this person
must be able to work in coordination with other related units in carrying out
document management activities.
5- In-service training should be organised to ensure that employees work
in accordance with regulations in the EDMS applications. Trainings must be
delivered to the EDMS users in compatible with their roles and such trainings
must be repeated at certain intervals.
6- For the system to be more effective and efficient, it must be possible to
append signature on every platform without needing "Java", whether in web-
based or desktop application. Within this scope, it must be ensured that
Registered Electronic Mail (REM) application is integrated to the new system.
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Dear Participator
This interview form .... has been prepared to be used in the thesis study
titled as "Creation of Electronic Document Management Systems: A Research
on Productivity in Public Institutions". The data obtained as a result of the
survey will be used only for purposes of scientific research. I would like to thank
you for your attention and contribution.
Doctoral Student
Appendix-A: Questionnaire
1) Your gender:
( ) Woman () man
2) Your age:
() 25 and below
() 26-35
() 36-45
() 46-55
() 56 and above
3) Your Status of Education:
() Primary education
( ) High school
() Associate Degree
() License
() Graduate
() Doctorate and above
4) Last Graduated Area:
() Natural Sciences- () Engineering () Social Sciences- Law
() Other (Please specify) .................................................
5) Working at this institution:
() Less than 5 years () 6-10 years () 11-15 years () 16-20 years () 21- 25 () More than 26 years
6) Your title: ..................
7) Unit you work in: ...................
8) Select the most important expectation of your institution from the application of EDMS?
() Improved service
() Equal access for everyone
() Transparency in public administration
() Quality and rich information communication
() Decrease in costs
() Efficiency and productivity increase
() Speed of service delivery
9) What are your services provided by your organization in electronic environment?
() Services provided for providing / giving information
() Services offered in the form of inquiry and answer
() Services offered as online transactions
() Other (Please specify): ..................................
10) Do you number the obstacles in front of the EDMS applications from 1 in order of
importance? (1 = least important obstacle 8 = most important obstacle)
() Inability of appropriation
() Security and hackers problem
() The pressure of higher priority issues
() Employing qualified technical staff
() Abandonment of resident bureaucratic habits
() Public administrators should not look at the EDMS system warmly (lack of leadership support)
() Lack of legal regulations
() Technical infrastructure inadequacy
11) On the basis of the EMS studies carried out at your institution, mark on the scale how much you
participate in the following statements?
I never agree
I do not agree
I agree
I totally agree
1. Electronic document management systems are used
to control business processes
2. Electronic document management systems provide
business processes with follow-up.
3. Electronic Document Management Systems provide
employee supervision.
4. Electronic Document Management Systems increase
controllability as more documents are accessed
5. Electronic Document Management Systems facilitate
the follow-up of the business calendar.
6. Electronic Document Management Systems increase
the work performance.
7. Electronic Document Management Systems increase
the efficiency of management activities.
8. Electronic Document Management Systems;
accurate, effective and fast decision making.
9. Electronic Document Management Systems increase
the influence of management on employees.
10. Electronic Document Management Systems save
11. Electronic Document Management Systems will do
more work in a shorter time.
12. Electronic Document Management Systems facilitate
business department and organization.
13. Electronic Document Management Systems provide
the cooperation of personnel.
14. Use of Electronic Document Management Systems;
increase productivity in our institution.
15. Electronic Document Management Systems provide
convenient access to past information and
16. Electronic Document Management Systems and
information and documents are regularly classified
and stored according to the relevant Kan /
17. Electronic Document Management Systems provide
quick access to information and documents.
18. With Electronic Document Management Systems, it
provides the opportunity to work outside the
institution, i.e. time and space independent.
19. Electronic Document Management Systems enable
more than one person to access the same information
and document and work on the same document.
20. After the software update in the electronic document
management systems, the system is working hard.
21. All transactions made with Electronic Document
Management Systems are recorded.
22. Electronic document management systems prevent
duplicate work.
23. Electronic Document Management Systems prevent
errors related to filing.
24. Since the number of prints required at each stage of
the Electronic Document Management System is
reduced, paper is saved.
25. Electronic Document Management System reduces
the courier and mail costs.
26. With Electronic Document Management System, the
physical archive is decreasing.
27. Electronic Document Management Systems provide
personnel savings due to the availability of labour
28. With the Electronic Document Management System,
my motivation to work is increasing.
29. Thanks to the Electronic Document Management
System, I work in an environment full of files.
30. Thanks to Electronic Document Management
System, I am doing my job lovingly and willingly.
31. The Electronic Document Management System
increases the sense of belonging to the people.
32. The Electronic Document Management System has
reduced the liability for work.
33. The Electronic Document Management System
ensures that corporate control mechanisms work
more efficiently.
34. Electronic Document Management System creates
corporate memory.
35. Electronic Document Management Systems are easy
to use.
36. In Electronic Document Management System,
information and documents are completely correct.
37. In Electronic Document Management Systems,
reporting is working properly.
38. 39- I think that paraph / signature processes are
shortened in Electronic Document Management
39. The Electronic Document Management System is
more secure as it gives each user a separate password
in the system and allows only concerned persons to
login to the system.
40. Electronic Document Management Systems and
electronic backups are taken.
41. My documents are secured in the Electronic
Document Management System.
42. In Electronic Document Management Systems, while
writing in the draft; the loss of the text and its
attachments in the draft due to the fact that the
electricity is cut off or ejected from the system
negatively affects me.
If you have any opinion you would like to add, please state below.
Annex-2: Permission Letter
I was born on August 15, 1972 in Ankara. I completed my primary education
at Atatürk Primary School. I completed my high school education at Güven
High School. In 1995, I graduated from Gazi University, Faculty of Business
Administration. In 2014, I graduated from the management and organization
department of Ahmet Yesevi University. I worked Turkey Halk Bank for three
years. I am branch manager in the Republic Of Turkey Ministry of Industry and
Technologyas. In 2016, I started my PhD studies at Near East University.